Dreamweaver, Python and Django

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I have somewhat limited knowledge of web development, however, I am funding a new website concept and I am researching the best methods for development and deployment.
I have used Dreamweaver in the past and would like to use it for develoment of the static content of the website. The website being developed will be very traffic intensive, with lots and lots of video and audio being transferred.
For the dynamic part of the website, I was considering Python, so in essence we will be using dreamweaver and python running together with dreamweaver delivering static content and python delivering dynamic content.
does this make sense. Everything I am reading suggest that dreamweaver may be somewhat slower when delivering dynamic content. Please correct me if I am wrong.
If using python for dynamic content, would you use Django as the framework.
It is almost certain that dreamweaver will be used, just trying to figure out how best to develop the dynamic part of the website.
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grantnoel wrote:
Everything I am reading suggest that dreamweaver may be somewhat slower when delivering dynamic content. Please correct me if I am wrong.If using python for dynamic content, would you use Django as the framework.
Dreamweaver is an integrated development environment for creating websites. It creates the HTML, CSS, JavaScript and other files necessary for creating a website, but it doesn't deliver dynamic content. That's done by the web server. So, from that perspective, using Dreamweaver to develop your site will have no impact, adverse or otherwise, on the speed at which the dynamic content is delivered.
As for coding the scripts to handle the dynamic content, Dreamweaver has no support for Python. If you're looking for coding support for dynamic content in Dreamweaver, you basically have a choice of PHP or ColdFusion. Dreamweaver CS5 now has extensive support for PHP, including full PHP 5.2 code hints and documentation. It's also capable of code introspection, so it works very well with third-party libraries, such as the Zend Framework.
You can also set up Dreamweaver to work in conjunction with a testing server, so you can view the dynamic output in the Document window in Live View. You can set up the testing server to use a range of server-side languages, but again Python is not one of them. It might be possible to select one of the other server models to use for a Python site, but I I don't use Python, so have never tried.
That doesn't mean you can't build a dynamic website using Python and the Django framework in Dreamweaver. However, you would probably be better off developing the Python side of the project in Komodo IDE or PyDev.

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Thank you for your feedback. Since Dreamweaver is basically a code
generator(html), it sounds like the static pages could easily be done in
Dreamweaver and then have a Python programmer insert the code necessary for
the dynamic pages.
Is this a correct assumption.
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Yes, if you want Python for the dynamic back-end, you could certainly do that. However, I wouldn't call Dreamweaver just an HTML code generator. It's much more than that, but you can use it as such if you like.

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Do you have experience with Komodo and would you use it.
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No,I don't have any experience with Komodo. I don't use Python. However, you can download it for a free trial.
Unfortunately, you're unlikely to get much help with Python in this forum. It's rarely used in conjunction with Dreamweaver.

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Hi David. Sorry to butt-in. I'm kinda desperate. I'm new to PHP and mySQL. I think this might be a very simple question. I am using WAMP and it's working. I have installed the Zend Framework and made sure that the include_path is the path where Zend Framework library resides. I'm trying to use Zend's Date.php and its Zend_Date() class. I have correctly added the site-specific code hints. I think the code hints work because the Zend_Date and other Zend classes come up when I do Ctrl + spacebar. My problem is that I am getting this error: Fatal error: Call to undefined function Zend_Date() in C:\wamp\www\dwwithphp\_includes\DateUtility.php on line 6. I am actually following lynda.com's Dreamweaver CS5 with PHP and mySQL tutorials in chapter 0305: Using Zend Framework classes with code hints. I have followed all instructions and I'm getting this error.
This is the code:
class DateUtility {
public function getCurrentTime()
$zendDate = Zend_Date();
echo "The current time is: ";
echo date("g:i a");
Note: I am not getting an error in include_once("Zend/Date.php"), so it probably means the include_path is correct.
Please help. Thanks in advance.
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I have noticed that this is quite an old post. However, for anyone else that stumbles upon this and has a question at all similar. The best suggetion you can get for coding any kind of dynamic content is to ditch Dreamweaver. They are best for creating or editing mockups of frontend-only websites. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript - nothing else. Sure, they have the ability to set up your dynamic work environment and the ability to run php and blah, blah. The filler is the advertisement. Adobe does some things very well. Coding is not one of them. For the price of the software you can hire someone to build what you want so why waste the money?
That being said, if you're building a dynamic site that includes more than static files, forget Dreamweaver. Download VS Code: it's free, fast, and offers extensions for linting of all types of programming languages. Python and the Django Framework are my favorite. Dreamweaver is cool for taking XD prototypes and dressing them up to the fullest static templates they can be, but if you want to do something with those templates, you'll want more than an art suite with a few helpers.
Don't like VS Code? Try sublime text, Jupyter Notebook, Notepad ++, ANYTHING OTHER THAN DREAMWEAVER.
You'll thank me for it 😉
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Thanks for your input. Those of us that have previously been long-time Dreamweaver users, who have now moved to another bit of softwtare and maybe some who still use Dreamweaver are acutley aware of its limitations. Sadly Dreamweaver has faded away over the years, offers very infrequent updates, changes the road map, broken promises or promises that are not kept and delivered within a reasonable amount of time. We keep on asking 'whats the point in keeping it alive'. Most of us just now assume it is a 'Freebie' if you have a subscription to Creative Cloud. I'm not sure many would pay for it as an individual entity. Abobe know that the web-editor market is hugley competively these days and has stopped competing, prefering to allocate their resources and finances into other projects, which make more sense financially. The annoyance is Adobe will never openly acknowledging it............Dreamweaver will wobble on until one day they will announce EOL. I'll be amazed if it makes a come back, but infact I dont think it can now given the poor reputaton it has saddled itself with, especially amongst professional developers. Adobe might buy something up which is out there as a replacement, they have deep pockets financially.
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I remember dreaming of saving up to buy Dreamweaver software. From layout to power it seemed so cool. Now, much like you explained, it seems like it's a 'Freebie'. Sadly, I see Dreamweaver pop up in many coding-oriented searches and, [somewhat shamefully] when it's that time of the month and I see the automatic payment, I feel the need to discourage DWs use.
Adobe certainly has the best suite for digital art.
*I also had not paid any attention to where I wound up. I try to avoid expressing my love-hate relationship with the CC Suite on this forum 😅 - apologies.
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Well it was once considered a useful tool for entry level database building as it was one of the first if not the first bit of web-software that actually provided the option to connect and query databases. Unfortunatly the powers at Adobe seemed to let the grass grow under their feet. While other products flourished and bought innovative solutions to market Adobe missed the boat, prefering to concentrate on workflows such as fluid-grid which failed miserably. Instead of expanding on its core and unique functionality they let it fall into extinction. Many experienced users of DW in this forum expressed deep concerns on many ocassions about the direction, or lack of it, DW was taking but alas Abobe chose, for what ever reason, not to listen to their loyal users. Many moved on to better products, in terms of what they offer and what they cost. Pretty damn sad really to see such a once great product dwindle away because of poor decision making and thoroughly bad management, in my opinion. IF that is not the true story then I invite someone from Adobe to come to the forum and explain why DW, in many users opinions, is lacking in modern features for web-development when other companies are successfully pushing the boundaries.