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Have you searched for an answer? what using 'cannot install flash',
are ya kidding! 240,000 results and so far none of them like this!
Im exhausted and been without flash for weeks!
I didn't really have an issue till those idiots over at Mozilla screwed around with Firefox's add-ons and stopped a load from working.
After all sorts of different efforts from within Firefox to re-enable Flash I finally tried uninstalling it.
Then I found I couldn't re-install it at all! It downloads then rejects it when it tries to install, no codes just
'Flash could not install because of an error.! Do you want to start over?'
The only thing I can think may have contributed to this was, I think I didn't close my Netbeans work! but I've never had to previously so maybe they have done something or having Netbeans open maybe? I dont know Im just stuck, it will not re-install at all!
Windows 7 64bt (up to date)
53.0.3 (32-bit)
flash latest
Netbeans 8.2
Any help would be appreciated after the MONUMENTAL EFFORT REQUIRED SIMPLY TO OPEN AN ACCOUNT
1 Correct answer
Hi davec1071371
Please do the following:
- Download the current uninstaller
- Download offline Flash Player installer posted at the bottom of the Installation problems | Flash Player | Windows 7 and earlier page, in the 'Still having problems' section
- Close all browser windows, and any other application that may use Flash Player (e.g. instant messaging clients, etc)
- Run the uninstaller downloaded in step 1
- Restart Windows.
- Delete all remaining files (except for the FlashInstall.lo
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Windows 7 64bt (up to date)
Firefox 53.0.3 (32-bit)
flash latest
No ability to edit a post after posting? Is it 1998?
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I'm sorry you're having difficulty posting/editing your post. Posts are indeed editable. To edit the main post click on the 'Edit' link to the right of the post, in the Actions menu:
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I'm not familiar with the 'Flash could not install because of an error.! Do you want to start over?' error. The FlashInstall.log file should provide more details. Please do the following:
- Launch Windows Explorer
- Go to C:\Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash
- Make a copy of the FlashInstall.log file and rename the copy to FlashInstall32.log
- Go to C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash
- Make a copy of the FlashInstall.log file and rename the copy to FlashIntal64.log
- Upload FlashInstall32.log and FlashInstall64.log to using the instructions at How to share a document
- Post the link to the uploaded files in your reply
What is the name of the install file you are using? Due to various supported languages and platforms we have numerous install log files. The file name will tell me exactly which one you're using.
Also, a screenshot of the error dialog would be great. See How do I attach a screenshot?
Thank you.
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Are you by any chance, trying to install Flash Player from inside Firefox through their plug-in manager?
If so, you might have better results downloading it from Adobe.
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I tried so many angles with this, but there is a reason I asked regarding Netbeans.
See if I think hard about the actual events then maybe it will help, see I was programming at the time and the error if I remember correctly changed.
Ok this is how I think it went,
I was programming java using Netbeans and at that time writing some code for contacting a server - all was going well. Then I get a notice about needing to update Firefox. This I permit and re-boot Firefox. All this with Netbeans open. Then I notice Flash aint working, ok so nothing new there update Firefox, flash update usually follows only this time when I ran the upddate it said it couldn't connect to the server! I tried a few things to try to quickly remedy the situation and gave up as I was only really interested in a video while I coded.
When I returned to the Coding I had a few connection problems with the code, I hadn't quite built all the error coding in so I was perplexed and restarted the lot.
This solved the Netbeans issue so I ignored everything till a few days later,
When I tried to install flash this time the error had changed, now it was downloading but couldn't install. I then read somewhere Firefox had disabled a whole load of plugins for security reasons and I went off down a Rabbit hole of instructions.......till I realised this has nothing to do with Firefox! If I cannot install on its own then this issue has now changed!
I have tried everything - I cannot un-install as its already uninstalled. I downloaded the uninstall utility just in case, no good, Ive reset my connection, tried a new IP, re-booted till Im sick of it! installed Shockwave no difference and repeated the above as the hidden System Administrator with no luck! -- now Im stuck!
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If I had to guess, it's going to be something wonky with the filesystem. It doesn't have anything to do with Netbeans.
I'd start by making sure the filesystem is sane.
Also, if you don't have working backups, filesystem corruption is a good early indicator of impending disk failure. Before you give the disk a good workout (particularly if it's a traditional mechanical drive), you might want to back up any of your critical files. There are lots of cheap and free options these days for both on-site and online storage.
Check your hard disk for errors - Windows 7:
If you found and repaired errors, that's a decent sign. At that point try the uninstaller.
If that doesn't work, and reboot and try again. This ensures that any process that might have the Flash plug-in in-use has exited. Once it comes back up, immediately run the uninstaller again.
If the uninstaller still doesn't work, please post the installation logs. It might provide some clues, but again, I bet it comes down to Windows not being able to read/write/delete some file(s) from the filesystem.
Directions are covered in the installation troubleshooting guide below:
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hmmmm, yes I have had numerous problems over the years with this Win 7 64 bit surrounding installation of software - I forgot..... Whenever I got to the bottom of the issue it ALWAYS turned out to be a permission problem, the installation file didn't have the correct permissions to write to the folder so yes this may have some merit,.
My problem with this issue even drove me to download a piece of software that works through the desktop right context menu called 'Take Ownership' which changes any file/folders permissions over to whomever is logged in. I use it VERY sparingly but it did get me through a Computing degree and their hopelessly outdated DVD software.
Hmmmmmm me thinking if this could be the issue? I wouldn't have suspected it because it never did this for flash before BUT if Firefox have dropped their support for (NPAPI) architecture then this could be the reason permissions have changed with this particular installation.....
Yes, me thunked on this and me thinks yer may have a point. - I'll go thunk some more and maybe bash this keyboard and Ill even come back here if Im successful!
You've sent me off down another hole, lets hope this one has no rabbits living in it!!!!!
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Required Please,
Into which folders does Flash install? I want to try to change the permissions before commencing installation. This was how I cured the other failed installations which turned out to be a permission problems 'for some reason' - I'm intending to zap the destination folders with my 'Take Ownership' secret weapon - I've often found a subtle mix of psychology and extreme violence works wonders!
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See comment #2. Flash installs to the same location as the FlashInstall.log file. Please provide the FlashInstall.log file(s), as previously requested as the log file(s) should contain information referencing the installation failure. It would be best to do this before mucking with file permissions which may impact future Flash Player installations.
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So I managed to get as far as Step 5 - it wouldn't allow me to paste a copy of the FlashIntal64.log to the desktop - it stated I needed Administrators permissions even though I have admin access with the user account I was using, no matter I activated my secret admin account and logged in. It still stated I needed Administrators access............starting to sound like the problem I have had since purchasing this laptop, namely the installing application not having correct permissions to write files in the place its trying to install them.
Exactly the same issue I was having with my University DVD.
Still I think I got 50% of the required info so If this is useful its at the end of this post..
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> UPDATE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<,,
When I uploaded the FlashInstall32.log file, I though I might as well try the 64 log direct from the system folder and I think it did it, it looked like it went through the correct process so try these files, the index to what is what is
FlashInstall32.log = FlashInstall32.log
FlashInstall.log = FlashInstall64.log
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it wouldn't allow me to paste a copy of the FlashIntal64.log to the desktop - it stated I needed Administrators permissions even though I have admin access with the user account I was using
This is normal and not an issue with your system. The files are saved in a high-integrity location and you're copying them to a lower-integrity location. All you need to do is click 'Continue' in the warning dialog window and the files will safely move/copy to the desktop.
I am seeing output in the log file, including an error, that I am not familiar with and will need to follow-up with the installer engineer to investigate further.
Have you tried checking the file system, , as recommended by Jeromie (post #5)?
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Hi davec1071371
Please do the following:
- Download the current uninstaller
- Download offline Flash Player installer posted at the bottom of the Installation problems | Flash Player | Windows 7 and earlier page, in the 'Still having problems' section
- Close all browser windows, and any other application that may use Flash Player (e.g. instant messaging clients, etc)
- Run the uninstaller downloaded in step 1
- Restart Windows.
- Delete all remaining files (except for the FlashInstall.log file) and folders located in the following directories. (tip: copy and paste these paths into the path bar in an Explorer window)
- C:\Windows\system32\Macromed\Flash
- do not delete FlashInstall.log file
- C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash (if you are using a 64-bit system)
- do not delete FlashInstall.log file
- %appdata%\Adobe\Flash Player
- %appdata%\Macromedia\Flash Player
- C:\Windows\system32\Macromed\Flash
- Verify that the files “FlashPlayerCPLApp.cpl”, "FlashPlayerApp.exe", and "FlashPlayerInstaller.exe" in C:\Windows\system32\ (for 32-bit systems) or C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ (if you are using a 64-bit system) have been deleted.
- If you cannot see .exe suffix on FlashPlayerApp.exe and FlashPlayerInstaller.exe enable viewing file extensions, see .
- At this point, Flash Player should be fully removed from your system.
- Restart your computer
- Be sure applications that may use Flash Player and browsers are closed during the installation
- Install Flash Player using the installer downloaded in step 2.
- Upload new FlashInstall.log files (from C:\Windows\system32\Macromed\Flash AND C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash)
- Post link to new log files in your reply
Thank you.
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That seems to have done the trick,
If I could remember how to jump ALL the hoops to simply upload a file I would put the logs up.
I would like to say something if I can
Thank you all for your help the install seemed to go seamless however I hold all my criticism at the hurdles I had to go through just to do this.
I cannot for a second think that all the security is necessary in signing up just to get a simple question answered. Most people would have given up - and now it does penalise you because I know you want the logs to see how it went, but I cannot quite remember the procedure and as the designer of this system has not followed any logic in how it looks from the point of view of a causal user, ie from where I am I cannot see a single reference to uploading a log file, yes picture or video! (I guess you don't consider these a danger?) but no reference to how, where or why, I know you have to go to another website of yours where you have erected a high security environment to secure the file until such a time as it can be deemed non hostile to the surrounding system - but!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! with the NSA loosing their tools like they do is there any real point?
Help 10 out of 10 - Access to help 1 out of 10
Overall - never use again if I can help it! -
nope one last check to see if I had missed something turned up nothing, I guess 38 years in computing isn't enough experience!
Thanks Again!
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I'm glad a clean installation worked for you. Sometimes, that's all it takes.