Acrobat X Delete pages
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When i try to delete pages, i select the icon then enter from to page numbers, i always have to repeat this twice before the actual pages delete?
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I don't have this behavior. Could we have more information. OS? Version of Acrobat 10? Do you have any software that can be interfering with Acrobat's operation? Any Macro programs? What Virus/Malware protection? Which firewall?
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Also having this issue. Functions such as delete and insert go through the dialogs as they should but then dont actual perform the action the first time. So I can click delete, specify the page number(s) click ok, and say yes to any confirmations and then nothing happens. Do the exact same thing again, and it deletes. 2nd try every time.
Acrobat X Std. 10.0.1
Windows 7 Home Premium
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Thanks for this specific question and description of what you did that works. This helped me be able to delete
a page, too. I have WindowsXP, V2002, SP3; Acrobat X Pro (10.0.1) And I haven't had this problem before.
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I have experienced the same issue. The next problem is when the document is closed and re-opened it loses all the fonts and is no longer viewable. I am using acrobat x with windows 7. I have repeated the same modification with the same base file on a XP pro machine with no issue. Please help.
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I'm having the same issue, but recently I also started receiving the error "One or more pages are in use and could not be deleted." Has anyone found an actual solution to this? (Going through the sequence twice is a workaround, not a fix.) I'm using Acrobat X Pro.
System report:
Available Physical Memory: 838920 KB
Available Virtual Memory: 1946876 KB
BIOS Version:
Default Browser:
Default Mail: Microsoft Office Outlook
Version: 1.0.2536.0 (XPClient.010817-1148)
Graphics Card: Intel(R) Q965/Q963 Express Chipset Family
Check: Not Supported
Installed Acrobat: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 10.0\Acrobat\Acrobat.exe
Creation Date: 2011/01/30
Creation Time: 9:45:14 AM
Installed Acrobat: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 10.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe
Creation Date: 2011/01/30
Creation Time: 9:45:14 AM
Locale: English (United States)
Name: Intel(R) Q965/Q963 Express Chipset Family
Resolution: 1600 x 1200 x 60
Bits per pixel: 32
OS Manufacturer: Microsoft Corporation
OS Name: Microsoft Windows XP Professional
OS Version: 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3
Page File Space: 2984816 KB
Processor: x86 Family 15 Model 6 Stepping 5 GenuineIntel ~3389 Mhz
System Name: DCSI3391D
Temporary Directory: C:\DOCUME~1\cw\LOCALS~1\Temp\
Time Zone: Central Standard Time
Total Physical Memory: 2086632 KB
Total Virtual Memory: 2097024 KB
User Name: Windows Directory: C:\WINDOWS
Installed Plugins:
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 10.0\Acrobat\plug_ins\DigSig.api
Creation Date: 2011/01/30
Creation Time: 9:45:28 AM
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 10.0\Acrobat\plug_ins\EScript.api
Creation Date: 2011/01/30
Creation Time: 9:45:28 AM
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 10.0\Acrobat\plug_ins\PDDom.api
Creation Date: 2011/01/30
Creation Time: 9:45:26 AM
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 10.0\Acrobat\plug_ins\PPKLite.api
Creation Date: 2011/01/30
Creation Time: 9:45:26 AM
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 10.0\Acrobat\plug_ins\Updater.api
Creation Date: 2011/01/30
Creation Time: 9:45:28 AM
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 10.0\Acrobat\plug_ins\weblink.api
Creation Date: 2011/01/30
Creation Time: 9:45:28 AM
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FYI: Adobe's response:
Hello ,
Several people have reported this problem and a bug has been logged. According to most people reporting this issue you can go through the process a second time and it will successfully delete the pages. We are sorry for this interruption of your workflow and we hope to address this in the next quarterly update of Acrobat.
Adobe Systems Inc.
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Can not delete pages get error msg "one or more pages in use can not delete" any other way to delete? Can not edit documents - when will quarterly update come out? Doing it twice does not help. running Win 7
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I think I found a solution...I am having the same error about not being able to delete pages (using the Delete key) and now I am getting the "page in use error" too. I found that when I closed the page thumbnail view, with the single page in view, hit Ctrl+Shift+D. it allowed the page to delete and I did not get the Page in use error. I hope this was not fluke and will help others until Adobe pulls their heads out of their butts and helps us all to a functioning program.
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I Just got may Adobe too and am sad to say that I have the same problem of not being able to delete pages. It seems that the delete button is disabled. How can I go about enabling the button.
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Unable to delete pages as they are always "in use" even though I am on
another page and the ones I want to delete are not visible except as thumbnails.
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After some troubleshooting I found that not being able to delete pages at all is a function of the Acrobat Windows Explorer Preview. This allows you to preview the pdf in more detail from explorer but if you select and open a file through explorer with this active, windows explorer will already have a lock on the file. Hence, you cannot delete unless you single click some other file to take the preview off the one you are using. Alternatively you can just disable this preview pane for explorer and the issue will be solved.
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Thank you. You are correct that when I open the file directly in Acrobat X, I am able to delete pages.
How do I "just disable this preview pane for explorer"?
Dave Scott
[signature deleted by host]
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Should just be an white a blue square icon on the top right of the explorer window. This link shows it for windows 7. On something like xp my guess is its under view or something, but I'm not sure.
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The easiest way to do this is as follows:
1) Select "print to Adobe pdf" and print the pages that you want to a new pdf document.
2) Repeat step #1 for as many pages as you want.
3) Combine files into a single pdf file from the new documents.
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The easiest way to do this is as follows:
1) Select "print to Adobe pdf" and print the pages that you want to a new pdf document.
2) Repeat step #1 for as many pages as you want.
3) Combine files into a single pdf file from the new documents.
Why is this the easiest way to delete pages?
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You are correct, the easiest way is to use Tools > Pages > Delete. This seems to be working in my version of Acrobat X with 64 bit Windows 7 Pro. The print method was a workaround when the delete function did not work.
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Has there been any update to this issue? The original delete page problem, not the windows 7 issue. Im currently running Adobe X (ver 10.1.0) on Windows XP and still running into this. The delete feature works fine on some documents but not on others. Through testing the only difference i can tell is the PDF producer.

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Same issue here. I've just gotten used to the fact that in order to delete pages, 75% of the time I'll need to delete them twice to actually make them go away. This is the sort of bug that will eventually lead to mistakes that will result in me delivering an inaccurate product.
Fix, please.
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I had the same issue, with the exception I could have tried 100 times to delete a page and it would not work. I went to "Help" and selected "Repair Acrobat Installation". IT WORKED!! of course time will tell but for now I am relieved to have a fix.
I have Adobe X, Windows 7 and Microsoft Office 2010.

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@ The AP: I'm glad "Repair Acrobat Installation" worked for you but it didn't for me. I am encouraged by this, though:
FYI: Adobe's response:
Hello ,
Several people have reported this problem and a bug has been logged. According to most people reporting this issue you can go through the process a second time and it will successfully delete the pages. We are sorry for this interruption of your workflow and we hope to address this in the next quarterly update of Acrobat.
Adobe Systems Inc.
It wasn't in the latest patch, unfortunately (

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To John Smith (yeah, right, that's your name for sure): I just reported your post for using this forum to advertise a competitor's PDF program. "Look, my program can delete pages, no problem!"
Not that I usually care, but if I had wanted to use that program, I would be using it now and not searching for an answer to my ADOBE ACROBAT X issue. Don't waste our time in this fashion.
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Thanks for the post of the info from Adobe and also the response to John. You might consider reporting the post of John as abuse. I have tried several times in other topics and get an error every time. Sometimes pointing out other software is appropriate, particularly for cases where Acrobat just can't do the job or does it very poorly. However, John's answer is almost always the same about this other software and not answering the question. So please report the abuse, particularly since I have not been successful at that.

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I did report it because it is a waste of time and a shameless plug for another program, using Adobe's forums. I'm not all that great a fan of Adobe (I'm sort of back in the Adobe camp again with Acrobat X - I like it despite this minor bug), but that guy annoyed me. I mean, if I used his program, what would I be doing in an Adobe forum researching an Acrobat issue? Here I am looking at some cheesy video, wondering why the GUI looks different. Because it's a different program altogether!
Thanks for the message.
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Also same issue with me. I have Win 7 64bit with Acrobat X Pro. Requires me to delete page twice before it actually is deleted. Sometimes it saves and when I reopen, the deleted page is still there. Very frustrating.

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