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How do I add a color background in a box on a PDF doc on Adobe Acrobat Pro DC? I initially drew the box, then I went to the background tab to add the color I wanted, and the whole page color was changed. I am trying to apply the color only in the box I have drawn.
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Hi zolam56253661,
If you are trying to fill colour in the text box background, then select box and press "Ctrl+E". You will get the Text box properties.
Select the colour from fill colour icon. Check screenshot for same.
Let us know if this resolves your issue.
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Hi zolam56253661,
If you are trying to fill colour in the text box background, then select box and press "Ctrl+E". You will get the Text box properties.
Select the colour from fill colour icon. Check screenshot for same.
Let us know if this resolves your issue.
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It did, thanks a zillion!

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When I press "Ctrl+E" I'm still unable to change the fill color. My properties box pops up like below. I'm simply trying to fill a text box white in Edit mode, so that the text appears on the colored PDF background. These used to be two separate options...
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Is this a comment text box?
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I'm having this same issue and Ctrl+E only changes the alignment of the text in the box. If I do Ctrl+E without selecting anything, the Properties box opens up, but tells me there no current selection.
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Excellent! This worked for me. I have been trying for months to figure out what I did that caused my text box not to show what I typed. I have Acrobat 9 which is an old version. I have newer versions on other computers and have not had this problem on those computers. This has been driving me crazy!!!
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Since upgrading to Acrobat Pro DC several years ago I've been unable to get any "response" from the color selection for text box fills. Unlike previous Acrobat Pro versions, the identical text box fill color selections yield no results in DC version, in spite of correct selections. The majority of my web searches merely parrot "correct" procedures, while often ignoring numerous Pro DC users' complaints about this apparent "bug". I fully understand and follow correct DC Pro procedures for adding or modifying text box fill color selections. Problem: DC Pro is dysfunctional - it doesn't work. I've used all Acrobat Pro versions since version 4. I suspect I'll simply have to resume use of my Fully-Functional (and "portable") Acrobat 6.
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When I occasionally need to "white out" something on a printed form, I'll scan the document as a PDF then open the document in Photoshop where, using the paintbrush tool, I can cover the error in a color to match the document's color.
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I agree with you. The text box properties box has never worked. I've had this problem ever since I first got Adobe Pro. It simply doesn't work and I am questioning why I am paying out money each month for something that promises so much but offers so little.
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No. Ctrl-E does nothing.
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What version of Acrobat Pro exactly (“latest” is not what we are looking for)?
Mac or Windows?
What tool is selected?
what tool added the box?
please answer all the questions thanks.
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I'm having the same issue as the others. Cntrl-E doesn't really do anything. Sometimes the properties box comes up but all it says is "no current selection," even if I have the text box selected.
To answer your questions:
What version of Acrobat Pro exactly (“latest” is not what we are looking for)?
Is this what you need?
Mac or Windows?
What tool is selected?
I've tried using "add text" and "edit."
what tool added the box?
Add text.
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This is not what we were discussing here. You're adding static text. The properties for that are available in the panel on the right.
The floating properties toolbar that opens with Ctrl+E only works for comments and form fields (of a certain type).
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I am trying to do the same thing (add colour to the background of a text box). I am not making a form and not adding a comment. It seems that there is no option in acrobat DC to do this.
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It it's not a comment, and not a form field, then what kind of text box is it? If you are looking at it using the "Edit PDF" tool panel, then it is page content. If this is the case then there is no real text box. This is more of a text area. If you'd like to put a background behind it you have to do a bit more work.
1) Place a rectangle markup on the page of the correct size with the backgound and broder you want.
2) Move this rectangle over top the text with the positioning you want.
3) Flatten the page content - you can download a free flattener here:
4) Open up the "Edit PDF" tool panel.
5) Select the rectangle.
6) Select "Send to Back" from the editing tools on the right side of the Acrobat Window.
That's it, you now have a background box behind the text.
Use the Acrobat JavaScript Reference early and often
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Then what's the answer to the person question.
I add a text box, then copied text into it. Cant get to properties.
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Control E does nothing. Hoe can a simple color fill change within a box be so difficult@
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It's a nightmare. I'm also trying to change the background colour of objects. It seems way complicated. I've tried the above suggestions and still can't get it right. I have a shap/text box and select ctrl E. No properties.
Can someone explain what a 'text area' is. All I want to do is insert a shape/text box and edit its colour.
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What kind of objects?
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I wanted to make a quick text change to a scanned document. This is how I did it:
Open the tool "comment". Draw a rectangle. Right click on the rectangle and choose "properties".
Choose the color you want for the box. I chose white to match the paper background.
Now, if you want to type something over that white box, print document and save as pdf. Rename document.
Open the "new" document, open tool "edit". Add a text box and type in your text. Adjust font to match your other text. Close your tool box and save document.
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Thank you! I also realized you DON'T need to rewrite your comments in this new text box - just place the text box exactly where you want your background box border, then set opacity to 20% or so. You may need to mess with colors to get the exact tone you want, but this will give you a nice lightly colored background.
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I hope this helps someone. The recurring problem is that the properties box to change the background of a box of text (i.e. <contrl><e>) is only available in a very narrow set of conditions in Adobe. Who in the heck knows why this was designed like this, but I am sure the designers had a reason. Anyway, the only condition is if you following the following steps. YOU CANNOT CHANGE TEXT BACKGROUND BY USING THE "ADD TEXT" ICON--you will be stuck in perdition and burn forever if you do this.
1. open the document you want to add text to.
2. click on the tools button (just to the right of the "Home") whihc will bring up a list of icons, with groups such as create & edit, review & approve, forms & signatures, etc. Click on the "Comment" icon under Review and Approve.
3. Then click the text box icon on the Comment Ribbon (its a square box with text letter "T" in it).
4. Creat the text you want in the new COMMENT text box that appears, adjusting the text style you desire per the controls listed.
5. Hit enter or click outside the box so the text box is set into the document.
6. Click on it again and move it into the desired position.
7. At this point point the back ground might be satisfactory for you since by default it has a white background. If not, NOW you can select the box, after you move it, and you can hit <contrl><e> and a properties box will come up. Or, sometimes, you can click on the outside border and right click to bring up the "properties" option. Either way, on the right side of this box is a "Fill Color" option. Use that to change the background color to what you need. You can also select the box "Make Properties Default" so that future Comment Text Boxes will have the same properties.
8. Please, someone, have a better day!
God bless!
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Thankyou @russellg54391071 you have saved me from the fire, apprexciated.

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