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Hi, Does anyone know where/how I can get a visual list of the standard font formats available in Adobe Acrobat IX.
Albeit typing something with every font format to see what is looks like it would be great if someone can point me to a document that shows me what each font looks like.
Note: there is one available for Folio 11 but I can't see any of the same font formats as my IX version.. (http://wwwimages.adobe.com/content/dam/acom/en/fontfolio/pdfs/fontfolio11.1_font_list.pdf )
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Acrobat doesn't come bundled with fonts other than a few fonts used internally for font substitution. Acrobat (and Reader) normally display contents with the fonts that are embedded in the PDF files themselves or for PDF files without embedded fonts (strongly not recommended), fonts already on the system or standard substitution fonts provided by the operating system (such as Times New Roman and Arial) and Acrobat-provided substitution fonts.
- Dov
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Acrobat doesn't come bundled with fonts other than a few fonts used internally for font substitution. Acrobat (and Reader) normally display contents with the fonts that are embedded in the PDF files themselves or for PDF files without embedded fonts (strongly not recommended), fonts already on the system or standard substitution fonts provided by the operating system (such as Times New Roman and Arial) and Acrobat-provided substitution fonts.
- Dov

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Hi Dov. My Adobe Acrobat has quite a lot of fonts which are standard in the software because I've not added or upgraded anything and many of them are not the regulars found in Word. If i had to count is say there is in excess of 40 different fonts. Thanks for your post anyway.
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Exactly what “quite a lot of fonts” do you think Acrobat is installing on your system?
The relatively few fonts involved with Acrobat are installed within the Acrobat application itself and not in the system's font directories for use other than within Acrobat, primarily for font substitution. These include various Asian language (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) and right-to-left language (Hebrew, Arabic, Farsi) support fonts. These fonts are not available either via the Font Control Panel (Windows) or Fontbook (MacOS).
- Dov

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When I open a PDF in Adobe and want to add or edit text I have quite a
substantial collection of fonts to choose from.
I'm trying to find out what they all look like.
In Word, for example, when I want to choose a different font I can see
what it looks like in the font selection dropdown box. In Adobe Acrobat IX
it doesn't show what the font looks like... only the name of the font.

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Dov I'm sorry and I'm sure you mean well but you're not being helpful.
The Adobe program I installed has fonts. They are available for me to use in a dropdown box. No-one installed more fonts. They are the standard issue fonts.
***I'd just like to know what they look like.***
I don't care too much about how they got there.. just what they look like...
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Then they are fonts installed by Windows, Office, and/or other applications you have installed, not Acrobat. Acrobat's text functions simply let you use fonts that are otherwise installed on the system.
If you want to preview what those fonts look like, use the Windows Font Control Panel and click on the font. Otherwise, there are other third party utilities to let you preview fonts that are installed on your system. Acrobat does not provide that functionality since text editing is not a primary function of Acrobat.
- Dov
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Quick search and ***boom*** it's found:
although it says 2012, so it may not include some contemporary ones, and I have no current desire to explore this further...if this even reaches you still in need, then I'm sorry the system failed you in this moment...all the best to you ***thumbs up***
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Quick search and *boom* we have something misleading and useless, I'm afraid. This response is not related to the question. The question is about Acrobat Pro 11, which as we have said, does not include fonts for editing.
Your response is about Font Folio 11. This also has 11 in the name, but that doesn't make it the same app. Font Folio is Adobe's complete font collection, with over 2000 fonts, costing around $3000. The original questioner had ALREADY found this information, and knew it to be no use...
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Comment sections are FUN. Often informative, they also offer us a fair supply of amusement. They also offer one an opportunity to collect and craft a thoughtful and witty response while countless others remain the eternal audience of the circuitboards. Unless, of course, there is a misstep, which is still a win because humor is a gift from the universe.
But I digress...and may I thank you for your thoroughly detailed explanation of the disparaging difference between Acrobat Pro 11 and Font Folio 11...but you missed the mark.
Perhaps you should have considered that someone else out here in this ever-expansive cyber-universe would have had pretty much the same exact question that led them to find this post...And what I found answered my question, because that question was clearly not answered here, and, if I may be so bold, could feel the frustration of the OP through his posts:
- "***I'd just like to know what they look like.***
I don't care too much about how they got there.. just what they look like..."
And I found that, and matched up the fonts in the program with that list so that I could see each one before I selected it. Quick search, and "boom", I'm afraid...
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And now Adobe has removed the page
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Hi @Master of Sound and Light,
Hope you are doing well. Thanks for writing in!
You can refer to the updated page for the entire list: Font Folio End of Sale (EOS)