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I was wondering if anyone could help me with an issue I am having please.
I have a form with multiple signature boxes on. Every now and then when someone signs a document with signature boxes, I get the error message in the image I have attached below. Normally when someone signs this signature box it brings up an email to send which informs me that it has been signed. However, as I stated I sometimes get this error message and no email pops up. Any help is much appreciated.
The error message is as follows:
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Hope you are doing well and thanks for reaching out.
Does the PDF form consist on any required filed? The error message usually occurs when there is a required filed in the PDF form.
Also check out the correct answer marked in the similar discussion ( and see if that works.
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I do not think the form has any required fields as this error message very rarely pops up. When it does pop up the same signature boxes get signed. The same outcome when signing the same signatures in adobe are producing two different results. One is the form gets signed and an email pop up occurs. The second is there is no email pop up and you instead get the error message i posted above stating - at least one required field was empty. please fill in the required fields (highlighted).
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If this message appears then the form must have some required fields, and they are not filled in when you try to submit it. It could be they are hidden, though, which would make it difficult to fill them in... Unless you can share the file it's hard to say for sure, but you can find out what are their names using this code:
for (var i=0; i<this.numFields; i++) {
var fname = this.getNthFieldName(i);
var f = this.getField(fname);
if (f==null) continue;
if (f.required) {
console.println("REQUIRED FIELD: " +;
console.println("Page: " +;
console.println("Display: " + f.display);
If you run this code from the JS Console it will print out a list of all required fields in the file, where they are located (with 0-based values, meaning 0 is page 1), and their visibility state (0 or 2 means it will be visible on the page, 1 or 3 means it will not be).
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I have managed to open the java script console. I beleive it is the debugger? How do i run the code in which you have put in your message? Thank you.
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Correct. Paste the code into the text field in the lower part of the window, select all of it using the mouse or keyboard and press Ctrl+Enter to run it.
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The answer is in the error message: you must fill all required field before.
The other solution is not to use the required attribute for fields.
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Well it only gives this error message on a rare occasion. Also the error message does not makes sense as when it does not give the error message and when it does the same exact things are happeneing and getting signed. But yet doing the same thing will either make the signature boxes and email box pop up work or give this error message.
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Can you share (part of) this form?
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No part of the form has any fields that say they are required. There are multiple parts of this form to sign but none have required attribute for fields.
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Please, use the Form Report plugin which is part of the (free) abracadabraTools and carefully check the Required column after the CSV has been opened in the spreadsheet.
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I am struggling to find the form report in tools. I have put the .js files from the download link you sent me into the javascript folder... however i cannot find the from report. Any thoughts on this please?