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Attach to email not working

Nov 03, 2010 Nov 03, 2010

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Hi All,

I have Adobe Acrobat 9 and I am trying to attach a PDF to my email program which is the new Office 2011 - Outlook for Mac. Acrobat comes up with an error stating that "An error occurred while trying to create a mail document. Acrobat is unable to complete your request." - not sure what needs to be done here, Outlook is defined as my default email program. Initially it worked for Apple Mail, but I changed the default email program to Outlook once I installed Office.

Is there a workaround for this? Any help would be grateful.





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Dec 05, 2010 Dec 05, 2010

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As I stated in the first instance - when I have an acrobat document open (a PDF) and I click the button to attach to email - I get the following error "An error occurred while trying to create a mail document. Acrobat is unable to complete your request." and it simply won't attach. This is regardless of whether Outlook is open or not.




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Dec 05, 2010 Dec 05, 2010

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This is a known issue and will be fixed in the next release. A workaround can be that you make Mail.app your default email client and then use attach to email. Another workaround can be if you have Outlook 2008 on your machine and that is made the default email client. Thanks.




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New Here ,
Dec 06, 2010 Dec 06, 2010

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We look forward to the repair of this serious problem and will hold Adobe to the statement that it will be repaired in the next release. I will have to move to using Mac Preview for pdf's if it is not repaired soon. The suggested work-arounds are cumbersome. Not being able to use Microsoft's most recent email program is a serious problem.




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Dec 06, 2010 Dec 06, 2010

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This solution doesn't work either. I now have Acrobat X and it doesn't help at all. The same problem still exists with the new software when trying to attach to Outlook. I could set my default to Apple Mail, but I don't like using Apple Mail, so therefore it is not a solution, besides the amount of email I get on a day to day basis is sorted well in Outlook, I shouldn't have to switch to Apple Mail and rebuild everything. rules, signatures, mailing lists, it would be a nightmare.




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Mentor ,
Dec 07, 2010 Dec 07, 2010

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See if you can locate Eudora or Mailsmith they are official sanctioned too.

They should have been supporting Mozilla Products(Thunderbird/SeaMonkey) and Opera (It has a mail Client also).

MS hasn't exactly been keeping a secret and there has official talk for at least 3 years, that they would be replacing Entourage with Outlook , along with returning Visual Basic Application (VBA), and Macros. Adobe has had their head stuck out their Backside for atleast 2 years anyway.




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Dec 14, 2010 Dec 14, 2010

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Mailsmith is not supported. Never was, I doubt it ever will.




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Mentor ,
Dec 15, 2010 Dec 15, 2010

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I can remmember at time it was. Its been so long that there was any mention of what would work anyway.

Why they won't support SeaMonkey and thunderbird I'll never know. Next to IE, Mozilla products, are the most Popular mail Programs out there.

I'm sure their have been more request than just mine for support.  Maybe they have arrangements with MS and Apple to not support other products.

Mozilla products are comply 100% mbox standards.




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New Here ,
Mar 01, 2011 Mar 01, 2011

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Hi, Since loading outlook 2011, no joy with this 'email attchement' feature from Acrobat 9 and Acrobat X.

tried the share pane (online services) deactivation...made no difference still that same annoying error.

And I upgraded to ACR X pro for Mac to fix this problem!




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Mar 02, 2011 Mar 02, 2011

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Put simply - it now DOES NOT work with Office 2011 for Mac.

This applies to both the built-in attach to email action and the java script method I posted earlier.

The Microsoft forums say it's a bug with Adobe which to be quite frank is a load of rubbish.

A. It worked with pdf forms created for Reader 9 and Entourage 2008.

B. It does not work with pdf forms created for Reader 9 and Outlook 2011.

C. I upgraded to Reader X and it didn't work with Outlook 2011.

D. I couldn't check Reader X with Entourage 2008 because I did not want to waste time downgrading Office. Any takers?

What's changed? To me it's Office 2011.

I have had to downgrade to Reader 9 because I have also had lots of pdf portfolios that lose navigational functionalities when opened in Reader X - but that is another issue.




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New Here ,
Dec 06, 2010 Dec 06, 2010

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I found the Attach to Email action too limited and someone on the forum suggested a while back to run a java script instead. It allows you to send the form, insert a subject and first line of email.

It's worked brilliantly for me, plus I can have more than one submit button on the same form - each going to different addresses. Bold is variable.

bUI: true,
cTo: "address@address.com",
cSubject: "Your Form",
cMsg: "Attached Your Form"




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Dec 06, 2010 Dec 06, 2010

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That sounds great, I would like to try this, however I wouldn't have a clue as to how to implement this. Where do I put this code? Into Acrobat somewhere or another program? Sorry, but I am a designer and not technical when it comes to programming and code.




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New Here ,
Dec 06, 2010 Dec 06, 2010

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I just got off the phone with Adobe support and after  over an hour he said the Adobe engineers have not fully tested

Office 2011 with the new Acrobat 10 pro for Mac 10.6.5.  Therefore the attach to email command will not work at this time.

Adobe is working on it and he said it should be fixed with a few days.  Yeah Right!




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Dec 06, 2010 Dec 06, 2010

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That is awesome. Thank you for going into bat for everyone and nailing them on an answer. At least we know that Adobe is aware of the issue. It surprises me that they never tested this, Microsoft Office came out only a little while after CS5, but I guess Acrobat didn't change until Acrobat X. Still waiting for X on Macintosh. Acrobat should be universal with email clients, I don't understand why this is so specific in terms of only targeting a couple of email clients. If someone could tell me how to get that Javascript thing working, that would be a nice workaround in the mean time.




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New Here ,
Dec 07, 2010 Dec 07, 2010

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Try this for the java:

Tools > Advanced Editing > Button - position this where you want on the pdf.

Button Properties - General, Appearance and Options are how you want this to display, perform, etc - I've usually got most of these as invisible because I'm laying it on top of a Submit Form graphic I've created in the Quark Xpress file that has been used to create the base pdf for the form.

So now for the java:

In the Button Properties there is also an Actions tab - select this.

Select Trigger = Mouse Up

Select Action = Run a JavaScript

Click Add and you'll get a JavaScript Editor box

Copy and paste the following - use your details for where I've made bold:

bUI: true,
cTo: "address@yourdomain.com",
cSubject: "Your default subject",
cMsg: "Your default message that will go into the email"

I also add Execute Menu Item = File Close after this so the file closes after submitting.

The beauty about this method is that you can have more than one submit button on the same form going to different addresses and you get the added feature of being able to pre-populate the Subject Line and Message of the email.





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New Here ,
Dec 06, 2010 Dec 06, 2010

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p.s.  If you change your default mail client in Mac 10.6.5 to Apples "Mail" the attach to email works perfectly.

Hopefully Adobe will post an update soon that fixes it so MS Office 2011 works as well.




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New Here ,
Mar 03, 2011 Mar 03, 2011

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I just did a clean install with 10.6.5, Outlook 2011 (14.0.2), and Acrobat 10.0.1 and it is obvious it is an Adobe issue.  I ran Acrobat for the first time and clicked on the share icon (envelope) it then opens the side bar, I click the Attach to Email radio button then click attach and the first time I ran it a choose application window opened asking where Entourage was...  I have never installed any earlier Office.  The first post was Nov 3, it is now March 3 5 months and no fix?  Way to go Adobe.




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Mar 04, 2011 Mar 04, 2011

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Brady - I'm still not convinced - you've only repeated what has been tested before as regards clean install, etc and:

C. I upgraded to Reader X and it didn't work with Outlook 2011.

If it works between Reader X and Entourage 2008 then surely it has to be the Office 2011 update? However...

AbhilashaSr and Phillip Jones in earlier posts state that Entourage and Outlook are two completely different programmes and that it's Adobe's fault. To some extent this is true as regards Reader X and Outlook compatability - Adobe have had years to prepare for the Office upgrade and should have supported it as an email client with the Reader X version. If they haven't done this for Reader X then it's pretty sure that they wouldn't also release an update to version 9 which affects me enormously. Microsoft should have stated though that the upgrade to Outlook 2011 would mean that ANY Adobe users would no longer be able to use this 'key' function in my opinion.

I am totally unimpressed by either Adobe and/or Microsoft for this.

I work on a Mac in a busy internal studio

I have loads of data gathering forms in pdf format created in Quark, saved as pdf with fields and functions added in Acrobat Pro 9.

These are posted online or stored on a sharepoint server and some are sent to external clients.

Upgrading to Office 2011 means that these forms cannot be sent attched to emails.

Upgrading to Acrobat X does not solve this problem.

The company (500+ employees) is now having to reconsider whether to upgrade the PC version to Office 2010.

If it came down to it they would ditch the Adobe method in preference to a product that works with Office - that is sure - it's a case of numbers.

From a compliance point of view we are required by law to have a copy of every email and attachment - we can when the servers are ours - using any of Adobe's online solutions introduces extra dimensions that quite frankly the company won't accept - it also makes it harder than simply filling in a pdf form and clicking a button that says 'Submit'

Adobe - Microsoft - heads together - when?




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Mentor ,
Mar 04, 2011 Mar 04, 2011

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I know Everyone hates Mail and Safari worth a Passion  I know I do and don't use them but you have topen them one time even if you don't set them up to set which email client and which Web Browser you want as your default.

Open Mail and go to Preferences and look for  button labeled choose default Mail client. Click on it and select Mail, or Entourage, or OutLook. Depends upon what you have.

See this : http://www.screencast.com/t/k6CeRMLPH

(I prefer using this method rather than Camera. First  the Camera Feature is unreliable it doesn't work more times than it does work. Second you can annotate or point out items.)

Then try the Attach email.




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New Here ,
Mar 04, 2011 Mar 04, 2011

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As I stated I never had installed Entourage and the first time I attempted to attach to email it asked where entourage was.  That must mean coded into the Acrobat application.  Also I did make sure Outlook was selected as the default mail application both in Mail and in Outlook.  It may have something to do with outlook if there is something in the code that refers to entourage but it really seems to me it is Adobes fault.




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Jun 16, 2011 Jun 16, 2011

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Adobe's "MAJOR UPDATE" for Acrobat Pro X just came out.  The latest release is 10.1.0.  I eagerly installed it a few minutes ago and immediately tested it by trying to send a PDF as an attachment to an email by clicking on the button in the ribbon to see if I got the infamous "An error occurred while trying to create a mail document.  Acrobat is unable to complete your request."

The problem HAS NOT BEEN FIXED!?!  Is this insane or what?

I am on a Macbook Pro with MacOs 10.6.7 running Adobe Acrobat Professional 10.1.0 and Office 2011.




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Jun 16, 2011 Jun 16, 2011

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And what's more, Adobes "Known Issues" list for this release makes no mention of this major issue still not being fixed.  In fact, they can't even spell the word "Installation" properly... check it out: http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/907/cpsid_90705.html#main_Known_issues_on_Mac_OS




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Jun 16, 2011 Jun 16, 2011

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Just a question, I don't know if anyone has spent some time on a machine and done some tests, but is there a version of Acrobat that can attach to Microsoft Outlook 2011? I am wondering if say version 8 might work, for me this wouldn't be an issue, I don't need the latest and greatest version of Acrobat. I do however need to run the latest Outlook because every other version of Office was a major crashing pain in the rear for me.




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Jun 16, 2011 Jun 16, 2011

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Hi Mr Peabody,

Bad news I'm afraid - Office 2011 on Mac is not an officially supported email client for Acrobat 9 and Acrobat X and so put simply - it now DOES NOT work with Office 2011 for Mac. It works fine with Office 2008 but there appears to have been little preparation for the latest Office upgrade which was known about for quite some time.

I upgraded one of our machines to Office 2011 and discovered this flaw in time to leave the other machines still running Office 2008. I've never had a problem with either of the Office suites as regards crashing so my advice would be (if you need the attachment function) to find out what was causing Office 2008 to crash, fix it and stay with that version if you can. Or manually drag the pdf as the attachment!

I fear I am living on borrowed time with this. I create pdf forms (on a mac), add in many data fields and include different submit buttons which go to different email accounts as attachments. I can test this fine on the macs running Office 2008. The forms are then distributed to users and clients who can use them on their PC computers. However if this functionality is lost with the next PC Office upgrade then all these forms will be defunct and I am stuffed.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.




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Community Expert ,
Jun 17, 2011 Jun 17, 2011

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And it also works with Mail on the Macintosh. I tried again last night.




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Mentor ,
Jun 17, 2011 Jun 17, 2011

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That’s' cold comfort. Adobe shoul

d have know about the switch to Outlook in 2011. They have been

testing it for a year prior to its release. All you had to do was si

gn up as a tester.

knowing Adobe the way I do. They will do like they do with Mozilla products never add support.




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