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Cannot Update Acrobat 9 Standard

Community Beginner ,
Dec 12, 2017 Dec 12, 2017

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There are several similar discussions on this forum, and I've tried those solutions, but not working...

I needed to reinstall my Windows OS and applications, including Acro 9 Std.

I am able to install from my old download, and use my old serial number, and get version 9.0.0 working on my PC.

However, I am not able to update using HELP=>CHECK FOR UPDATES from within the app.

It shows no updates available, but I know my old instance was updated to 9.5.5.

I tried downloading the updates directly from the adobe FTP site.

I am able to install one small patch for 9.0: CustWiz90_en_US.exe

I am also able to install the partial 9.1 patch: AcroProStdUpd910_T1T2_incr.

However, for any further patches (including the 910_T3T4 patch), it gives me this error:

"The upgrade patch cannot be installed by the Windows Installer service because the program to be upgraded may be missing, or the upgrade patch may update a different version of the program." etc.

I also uninstalled my instance, and tried to install from the Acro 9 Std version on the site here: http://trials2.adobe.com/Applications/Acrobat/ACRO/9/ACRO9_Win_WEB_WWEFG.exe

However, this instance did not accept my serial number.

Any help would be appreciated, in terms of:

  • getting the automatic update to work from within the program, or
  • getting the current instance to update manually, or
  • getting the standard version downloaded from the current web site to accept my serial number. Maybe that version will be more compatible with the updates.

Thank you!

Install update and subscribe to Acrobat






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Beginner , Dec 13, 2017 Dec 13, 2017

thanks @test_screen_name, the MVP, for your answer...

Here's how I got it to work. From the FTP site (here😞

  1. Apply the 9.0 patch.
  2. Apply one of the three 9.1.0 patches that works for your distribution. For me it was *T1T2*
  3. Apply the 9.1.1 patch
  4. Apply the 9.1.2 patch
  5. Apply the 9.1.3 patch
  6. Apply the 9.2.0 patch. There are two. Try both, but only apply one. For me it was the "all_incr" and not the "all_me_incr".
  7. Apply the 9.3.0 patch. There are two of these also. Try both, but only apply one. For me it was



Adobe Employee ,
Dec 13, 2017 Dec 13, 2017

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Moving the discussion to Installing, Updating, & Subscribing to Acrobat​ forum.





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Dec 13, 2017 Dec 13, 2017

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Check the version you now have. That's not a "partial" patch. These are alternative patches for 9.1. You have put on the correct one if it worked, you can move to the next one. I don't know about "any further patch". There is exactly one patch that you can put on next, probably 9.1.1. You may find this page helpful Article: Adobe Acrobat 9.5.1 - The Path of Least Resistance | ITNinja





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Community Beginner ,
Dec 13, 2017 Dec 13, 2017

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thanks @test_screen_name, the MVP, for your answer...

Here's how I got it to work. From the FTP site (here😞

  1. Apply the 9.0 patch.
  2. Apply one of the three 9.1.0 patches that works for your distribution. For me it was *T1T2*
  3. Apply the 9.1.1 patch
  4. Apply the 9.1.2 patch
  5. Apply the 9.1.3 patch
  6. Apply the 9.2.0 patch. There are two. Try both, but only apply one. For me it was the "all_incr" and not the "all_me_incr".
  7. Apply the 9.3.0 patch. There are two of these also. Try both, but only apply one. For me it was the "all_incr" and not the "all_me_incr".
  8. From here, the automatic updater took over and (after failing once) updated the product straight to 9.5.5.

Note: reboot after those steps where the installer requests it.

Acrobat is now sitting pretty in my replacement drive at 9.5.5!





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