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[This thread is about older versions of Adobe Acrobat that do not apply to current versions
in 2023. Please start a new thread so we can better assist, as this old one is now locked.]
Adobe Acrobat Pro 9 had a menu bar with tool options. Is there a way to have this same classic menu bar in Adobe Acrobat DC Pro?
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For better or worse, no. The vast majority of the user interface for Acrobat was changed after Acrobat 11, i.e., for Acrobat 2015 and DC. There is no mode for providing the old menus and interfaces. That having been said, the current version of Acrobat does allow for significant customization of the top tool bar.
- Dov
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For better or worse, no. The vast majority of the user interface for Acrobat was changed after Acrobat 11, i.e., for Acrobat 2015 and DC. There is no mode for providing the old menus and interfaces. That having been said, the current version of Acrobat does allow for significant customization of the top tool bar.
- Dov
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Thanks for the quick reply. I'm using Adobe Acrobat Pro DC ver 2019.010.20100. Does this version have the option to customize the menu bar?
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As I previously replied, no, there is no such option. Tool bar yes, menu bar no!
- Dov
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This is an observation... After 28 years in IT as a software and hardware design engineer and the owner operator of at least three businesses (not IT oriented) this kind of radical change to the GUI is a thing I never understood. It is a needless design change that inpacts the businesses using the product in such a negative way it can not be easily measured. ANY GUI changes should be delivered as SKINS that allow for the user community to adopt at their own pace with only "truly new features" high lighted so they can be leveraged as needed and not found accidentally to create still another production loss/impact... I love and value the Adobe product as a business tool and expected better from your team.
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As an addendum to my last post... the new format is relatively condusive to rapid adoption. The "NEW" highlight on new features is there, easy to spot and helpful... Once the user overcomes the initial shock of the new organization it goes quickly. New users should stop to open an existing document before drawing conclusions. Was dissapointed my document history was not captured from the ADOBEPro 11 install. Also, am still exploring but it looks like the same thing can be said of my CUSTOM TOOLSET definitions... Please let me know if I have those last two observation right... Thanks
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I agree completely. However, we should probably note that the design of Acrobat DC is the new normal, since it has been the only one available since 2015. Furthermore, there was a major redesign back in 10.0, which got rid of almost all the menus in favour of an entirely different arrangement of tools - so DC was a redesign of a redesign. When you jump 10 years in a product, for better or worse you can expect some relearning. Tip: in DC the least used and most useful tools feature is the search. Increasingly designers just stick stuff anywhere and expect people to use Search - look at Windows 10 itself...
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I realize this is a two year old post, but I wanted to ring in and agree with the above post whole heartedly. Using this approach allows for new, old and highly customizable GUI screens.
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I use Acrobat PRO DC and I am hating it from the bottom of my heart! I'm wasting a lot of time looking for four stupid commands that were in a simple Arcobat 6 toolbar. The graphics are painful, the tabs have commands that I will never use ... I want the classic icons or an option that can make me work without losing productivity. I have full pockets of programmers who want to make me totally change my mentality. I don't get my salary from them. These scrambled programmers should be paid according to a user satisfaction score ... and then let's see how they work out
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Uso Acrobat PRO DC e lo sto odiando da tutto il profondo del mio cuore! Sto sprecando tantissimo tempo nel cercare quattro stupidi comandi che stavano in una semplice toolbar di Arcobat 6. Fino alla rel XI PRO era ancora più che accettabile, ma ora la grafica è penosa, pocointuitiva, le schede riportano comandi che non userò mai... Rivoglio le icone classiche o una opzione che possa farmi lavorare senza perdere produttività . Ne ho piene le tasche di programmatori che voglioni farmi cambiare totalmente mentalità . Io non prendo lo stipendio da loro. Questi programmatori da strapazzo dovrebbero essere pagati secondo un punteggio di gradimento dell'utente... e poi vediamo come risolvono
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I cant believe it - I have just upgraded after about 10 years. There are no drop down menus and I cant see where to take snapshot. Have just spent about 30 min looking!
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Im not sure if this will help you, but I JUST found a "Disable New Acrobat" which prompts you to confirm that you want to "disable new acrobate Experience" which brought me back to my understanding of the "Classic menu" Classic View
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Sorry but I can't find the command you are talking about... Can you indicate where? What steps did he take?
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I'm running version 2022.003.20322, and the option is found approx. two-thirds of the way down the "everything" menu, below "View" and above "Plugins". Acrobat will close and re-open, and you'll be back in business!
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Oh, thank GOD! This worked. It was driving me absolutely crazy. Thank you!!
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disaster averted for me too!
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Thank you, thank you, thank you
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Thank you so much for this! I've been struggling with the new layout for months now! I can't believe that such a fundamental fix was hiding in plain sight!
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Unfortunately I can't find the commands you mention. This is my desktop
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That is the "old" Acrobat. That's the Acrobat that people want back, and which they get if they use "Disable new Acrobat". Like it or not, that is the normal, and has been for 8 years.
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I don't know how this answer doesn't have more upvotes, but this was exactly what I needed. Thank you!
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Try these steps I found on the adobe help website link below.
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Unfortunately there is nothing to do with my version of Acrobat 2021.005.20060.
There is no hamburger menu