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I am a teacher and use PDF-forms to give a mark for digital things, the students had to send me. I start with word, create the standard of evaluation and transform it into a pdf-form. This form consists of checkboxes which are checked by me, if an aspect of the given task is successfully made in the work of the student. I set the checkboxes to give back a value of 1, so I can calculate the textboxes for the points (Pkt.), beeing the sum of checkbox x to z. Easy. But I often want to give just one point, if a specific amount of checkboxes are activated, otherwhise it's 0 points.
Unfortunately there is no construction kit in the settings of an if-then-else or other functions. I mean ... the premade functions like "sum of ..." or "product of ..." etc. are good and satisfy the majority of my needs. But the Java-Editor is so horrible ... I tried to create the fuction in another Java-editor and paste it into the "custom calculation script"-field, but it doesn't work at all. Please help me!
Concrete: I want in this form, that if all 8 checkboxes from Check Box 1.0 to Check Box 1.7 are checked, the textfield "Punkte 1.0" (points of task 1) gives back 1, else 0.
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As 'Custom calculation script' of "Punkte 1.0" field use this:
var total = 0;
for(var i=0; i<=7; i++){
if(this.getField("Check Box1."+i).valueAsString != "Off")total++;}
if(total == 8)event.value = 1;
event.value = 0;
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I am using Adobe Acrobat Pro DC, (Version 2022.001.20142, but automatically updating)
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As 'Custom calculation script' of "Punkte 1.0" field use this:
var total = 0;
for(var i=0; i<=7; i++){
if(this.getField("Check Box1."+i).valueAsString != "Off")total++;}
if(total == 8)event.value = 1;
event.value = 0;
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OMG, that was fast and correct! Thank you so much!