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Extracting multiple pages from a pdf

New Here ,
Jun 18, 2015 Jun 18, 2015

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How can I extract pages from a large pdf into multiple documents? For example, I'd like to extract pages 1-2 into Document A and pages 3-5 into Document B...etc. I have a large, ~40 page document and would want to follow this same pattern of activity for each section of the pdf and need to create separate documents of each section.

Create PDFs






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Adobe Employee ,
Jun 19, 2015 Jun 19, 2015

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Hi Anne,

Thank you for replying.

We do offer a feature to split pages but that functionality would only let you decide the number of pages that you want to split and split consecutive pages. For eg:- if you choose 2 pages , it will split your document in sets of 2 pages into separate files (1&2, 3&4, 5&6 and so on). This will not give you the option to decide which page number you are looking to split. You can try to follow the steps below:-

  • Open the PDF and choose Tools > Pages > Split Document.
    In the Split Document dialog box, specify the criteria for dividing the document.
    Number Of Pages Specify the maximum number of pages for each document in the split.
    File Size Specify the maximum file size for each document in the split.
    Top-level Bookmarks If the document includes bookmarks, creates one document for every top-level bookmark.
    To specify a target folder for the split files and filename preferences, click Output Options. Specify the options as needed, and then click OK.
    (Optional) To apply the same split to multiple documents, click Apply To Multiple. Click Add Files, and choose Add Files, Add Folders, or Add Open Files. Select the files or folder, and then click OK.


Split one or more PDFs, with no document open (Windows only) 

  • Choose Tools > Pages > Split Document.
    Click Add Files, and choose Add Files, Add Folders. Select the files or folder, and then click OK.
    Follow steps 2 and 3 in the procedure for splitting documents with a document open..

However, the functionality that you are looking for is not available in Acrobat as an inbuilt feature.



View solution in original post





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Adobe Employee ,
Jun 18, 2015 Jun 18, 2015

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Thank you for posting on Adobe Forums.

In order to extract pages from an existing PDF and then combine in the desired sequence to generate new files :-

You can leave the extracted pages in the original document or remove them during the extraction process—comparable to the familiar processes of cutting-and-pasting or copying-and-pasting, but on the page level.

  1. Open the PDF in Acrobat and choose Tools > Pages > Extract.
  2. Specify the range of pages to extract.
  3. In the Extract Pages dialog box, do one or more of the following before you click OK:
  4. To remove the extracted pages from the original document, select Delete Pages After Extracting.
  5. To create a single-page PDF for each extracted page, select Extract Pages As Separate Files.
  6. To leave the original pages in the document and create a single PDF that includes all of the extracted pages, leave both check boxes deselected.
  7. The extracted pages are placed in a new document named Pages From [original document name]-.

Note: The creator of a PDF document can set the security to prevent the extraction of pages. To view the security settings for a document, choose File > Properties, and select Security

Note: Any bookmarks or article threading associated with pages are not extracted

You can then select the pages and right click to select " Combine files in Acrobat" .

Hope this helps.







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New Here ,
Jun 19, 2015 Jun 19, 2015

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Hi Tanvi,

Thank you for offering to help. I am aware of that functionality, but it's not very efficient for me unfortunately. I'm trying to find something that works better for extracting multiple sets of pages from the same large pdf document and allows me to save them with separate file names. For example, I found a website that seems to capture this functionality (www.splitpdf.com), but the files I'll be splitting contain confidential information, so I'd prefer to avoid websites if possible. If you look on the website, you'll see it allows you extract sets of pages into separate files and to customize those split files' names. It's exactly what I'm looking for, except that I don't want to use a website and would like to use functionality that exists in Acrobat (if it does).

Any recommendations are greatly appreciated.






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Adobe Employee ,
Jun 19, 2015 Jun 19, 2015

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Hi Anne,

Thank you for replying.

We do offer a feature to split pages but that functionality would only let you decide the number of pages that you want to split and split consecutive pages. For eg:- if you choose 2 pages , it will split your document in sets of 2 pages into separate files (1&2, 3&4, 5&6 and so on). This will not give you the option to decide which page number you are looking to split. You can try to follow the steps below:-

  • Open the PDF and choose Tools > Pages > Split Document.
    In the Split Document dialog box, specify the criteria for dividing the document.
    Number Of Pages Specify the maximum number of pages for each document in the split.
    File Size Specify the maximum file size for each document in the split.
    Top-level Bookmarks If the document includes bookmarks, creates one document for every top-level bookmark.
    To specify a target folder for the split files and filename preferences, click Output Options. Specify the options as needed, and then click OK.
    (Optional) To apply the same split to multiple documents, click Apply To Multiple. Click Add Files, and choose Add Files, Add Folders, or Add Open Files. Select the files or folder, and then click OK.


Split one or more PDFs, with no document open (Windows only) 

  • Choose Tools > Pages > Split Document.
    Click Add Files, and choose Add Files, Add Folders. Select the files or folder, and then click OK.
    Follow steps 2 and 3 in the procedure for splitting documents with a document open..

However, the functionality that you are looking for is not available in Acrobat as an inbuilt feature.







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