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Flash Player still required for pdf documents

New Here ,
Jan 17, 2018 Jan 17, 2018

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With end of life for Flash player in 2021,I am finding it very frustrating to see that it is still required within pdf docs to run movie clips (mp4), Can someone please shine some light on this issue, and what file format can I use for movies so that they are not dependent upon Flash Player, thus ensure product that can be used beyond 2021.

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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Jan 17, 2018 Jan 17, 2018

For clarification... The Flash Player is NOT and never has been "required for pdf documents". It is currently required for Acrobat. There is a difference.

There is nothing in the PDF specification that requires Flash to be used as the player for embedded movies. The requirement is specific to the Acrobat implementation. Your files are still portable and will remain so.

If you don't believe me, open one up in PDF Expert on iOS. You'll see that the movies play just fine but with a slightly different




Jan 17, 2018 Jan 17, 2018

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Many of us are waiting to see what Adobe will do about this. So far they have said nothing (so far as I have seen). I am less concerned about playing movies (for which surely alternative tech will be available) to the other uses of Flash, like Portfolios. I strongly suspect countless millions of PDFs will simply be assigned to the non-portable scrap heap...





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Community Expert ,
Jan 17, 2018 Jan 17, 2018

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For clarification... The Flash Player is NOT and never has been "required for pdf documents". It is currently required for Acrobat. There is a difference.

There is nothing in the PDF specification that requires Flash to be used as the player for embedded movies. The requirement is specific to the Acrobat implementation. Your files are still portable and will remain so.

If you don't believe me, open one up in PDF Expert on iOS. You'll see that the movies play just fine but with a slightly different player bar indicating that a different video player is being used and not the one embedded in the RMA. This conforms perfectly with the PDF specification which reads...

Embedded media, as well as referenced media outside a PDF file, may be played with a variety of player software. (In some situations, the player software may be the conforming reader itself.)

When created with Acrobat, a Rich Media Annotation contains the embedded media content (unless it's referenced by a URL and a Flash-based player which the viewer can attempt to use if it's considered viable.

In the case of PDF Expert, the player embedded in the RMA is ignored and the one native to the viewer is used. I have no doubt that Adobe will get around to implementing something similar.

Portfolios Navigators (Layouts) are another matter since the actually do depend on not only Flash but a specific version of a Flex Framework. However, Portfolios themselves are just PDF files with a bunch of files attached to it. These will also continue to be portable, you'll still be able to access and view the attachments, you just won't be able to experience them using the embedded navigator.





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New Here ,
Apr 12, 2024 Apr 12, 2024

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Can you help me with the following case. I have a PDF file that has .SWF type videos embedded in it and when I play it it doesn't play and asks me to activate Adobe Flash.But I already have Adobe Flash Player installed. How can I enable this feature in Adobe Acrobat Pro.





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