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For a timesheet, an employee will enter a period start date, and a period end date. Those date will auto populate on the first and last dates of the period. For "Date 2" through "Date 13" shown below, I'd like the dates to fill in based on the Period Start date entered. I saw some answers provided previously that were from 2010, SO I'm not sure if that advice is still valid. Help!
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There has been no changes that would affect the date manipulation and calculations to the JavaScript date object or the Acrobat JavaScript date handling.
Since one needs to valid that the entered day of the week for the date entered is the day of the week for the time sheet before performing any subsequent calculations.
The following 2 scripts should be all that are needed.
// Period Start fuwks - custom validation script;
// convert event value to date object if not empty;
if(event.value != "") {
var oDate = util.scand("d-mmm-yyyy", event.value);
// if date not Satuday, day of week 6 - reject input;
if(oDate.getDay() != 6) {
app.alert("Period State day of the week needs to be a Saturday", 1, 0, "Period Start Date Error");
event.rc = false;
} // end if day not 6 (Saturday);
} // end if event.value not empty;
// end custom validation script;
// On blur action for the Period Start Date field;
// process if field value not empty
if(event.value != "") {
// convert entry string value to date object;
var oDate = util.scand("d-mmm-yyyy", event.value);
// set value of each date field, advancing date object by one day;
for(var i = 1; i < 13; i++) {
oDate.setDate(oDate.getDate() + 1); // advance one day;
// set each Date field value;
this.getField("Date " + (1 + i)).value = util.printd("d-mmm-yyyy", oDate); // set date for next field;
} // end fill-in dates;
// advance date by one day for Period End date field;
oDate.setDate(oDate.getDate() + 1);
// set Period End field value;
this.getField("Period End").value = util.printd("d-mmm-yyyy", oDate); // set period end date;
} // end event.value not empty;
// end on blur action for the Period Start field;
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There has been no changes that would affect the date manipulation and calculations to the JavaScript date object or the Acrobat JavaScript date handling.
Since one needs to valid that the entered day of the week for the date entered is the day of the week for the time sheet before performing any subsequent calculations.
The following 2 scripts should be all that are needed.
// Period Start fuwks - custom validation script;
// convert event value to date object if not empty;
if(event.value != "") {
var oDate = util.scand("d-mmm-yyyy", event.value);
// if date not Satuday, day of week 6 - reject input;
if(oDate.getDay() != 6) {
app.alert("Period State day of the week needs to be a Saturday", 1, 0, "Period Start Date Error");
event.rc = false;
} // end if day not 6 (Saturday);
} // end if event.value not empty;
// end custom validation script;
// On blur action for the Period Start Date field;
// process if field value not empty
if(event.value != "") {
// convert entry string value to date object;
var oDate = util.scand("d-mmm-yyyy", event.value);
// set value of each date field, advancing date object by one day;
for(var i = 1; i < 13; i++) {
oDate.setDate(oDate.getDate() + 1); // advance one day;
// set each Date field value;
this.getField("Date " + (1 + i)).value = util.printd("d-mmm-yyyy", oDate); // set date for next field;
} // end fill-in dates;
// advance date by one day for Period End date field;
oDate.setDate(oDate.getDate() + 1);
// set Period End field value;
this.getField("Period End").value = util.printd("d-mmm-yyyy", oDate); // set period end date;
} // end event.value not empty;
// end on blur action for the Period Start field;
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@gkaiseril So this is a very l-o-n-g script. I have never used scripts before. Where do I copy/paste this one since I have similar PDF form time sheet I fill every week starting with
task on my 2-wk time sheet form I would like to automate. I have never updated to the subscription Cloud apps, and am still using the CS6 Graphics/Design pkg working components from many years ago.
I am using AcrobatPro version 10.1.6 and have a 17" Macbook Pro with OSX 10.13.6
Thanks for any advice you can give to this infantile Acrobat user! 🙂