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Noto Sans is apparently not a OTF font that is supported by Adobe. It's an Apple system font The illustration shows how Noto Sans appears in Acrobat 2023.003.20269. It clogs up the text selection window. For fun, I tried to use it and every version reproduces just like any other non-OTF black dots. It's the same in every other app that uses fonts—InDesign, Photoshop, but is worst in Acrobat.
The illustration shows how Noto Sans appears in Acrobat, but side by side. Imagine having to scroll through all of this to get to Times New Roman.
Apple doesn't have a workaround. Is there a way to deselect Noto Sans and other useless Apple fonts so they don't appear in, and slow down, the character windows, especially in Adobe Acrobat?
This is Acrobat 2023.003.20269 on OS Ventura 13.5.1.
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I could not agree more about Apple's absurd and oppressive recalcitrance defaulting NOTO Sans to PhotoShop (but not for example its own app, Pages). It is excruciating having to scroll past 100+ variations every time I'm seeking fresh ideas from my methodically collected list of fonts. Please join me in complaining directly and demanding a work around be included in the next version of Sonoma:
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Just to clarify:
OTF = OpenType font, a category of the Unicode font system.
Some OpenType font files have the .OTF file extension, and others have .TTF (like Noto).
Noto is an OpenType. See this related post from Dov Isaacs, a now-retired engineer on the subject.
How to remove them:
I admit, Noto's premise is to create a font for every language and dialect on the planet, including ancient and indigenous peoples' languages, so when the entire family is downloaded and installed, you end up with the unwieldly list of fonts shown in your screen captures. There are close to 200 language and symbol variations at this time.
I don't know how the entire family got installed on your computer, but somehow it was and it's now time to remove those versions you don't need from your computer system.
If you have a font manager installed, use it to locate, select, and either deactivate or delete the unneeded versions from your system.
If you acquired them through Adobe's font service, use the Creative Cloud manager app to remove them from your system.
If on a Mac, use Apple fontbook to view and delete the versions you don't need.
And if on Windows, go to C:/Windows/Fonts, select the fonts, and select Delete from the right-click menu.
Hope this helps.
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Thanks for the answer. Unfortunately, Noto Sans is a locked Apple system font that cannot be unlocked in Font Book (see attached image) or at all. I have Apple system fonts deselected in Font Book but Noto Sans is unaffected. Just got off the phone with Apple Support and there was no solution found. I reviewed the preferences in Adobe Acrobat and there just isn't a way to control fonts or select "sort by font family" instead of showing every Noto Sans font. I'll post this in the Apple support forums as well and just maybe, Apple might develop a workaround in an upcoming system update...but I won't hold my breath! Thank you again for your help.
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This was a stupid decision by Apple. Noto has several hundred variations as it attempts to create a font for every language of the world, even ancient ones. Why did they think that every Mac user must have Egyptian Hieroglyphs?
Time to rally against this nonsense. Fonts to the People!
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I could not agree more about Apple's absurd and oppressive recalcitrance defaulting NOTO Sans to PhotoShop (but not for example its own app, Pages). It is excruciating having to scroll past 100+ variations every time I'm seeking fresh ideas from my methodically collected list of fonts. Please join me in complaining directly and demanding a work around be included in the next version of Sonoma:
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Thanks for the nudge to file a complaint.
I did that under the OS section of the Apple webpage.
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The simplest solution I've found is to just favorite every font but Noto and then have CC Apps only show "Favorites". Then no more having to scroll past the Noto fonts.
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This seems like it would be much easier for Adobe to implement font visibilites in the selection windows than for Apple to remove a system font. I agree that it's stupid, but Noto doesn't cause a problem in any other applications, only Adobe ones as far as I can tell. So let's get Adobe to figure out how to provide more robust font sorting. I don't see why they couldn't implement custom font libraries where you select from all installed fonts and it only displays the ones select. I think you're barking up the wrong tree by going to Apple. I'm guessing they aren't going to be concerned about how their OS affects a couple Adobe apps. Meanwhile, Adobe should care a whole lot about this.
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This is the FIRST thing we all tried. It doesn't work!
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I have extensively read past queries and frustrations about this topic, both here and in apple forums. As a blanket statement, dear colleagues, I feel your pain. Neither Apple nor Adobe appear to be really listening to our frustration when we say: a) we do not need all languages – up front, at least b) we do not want to leaf through all fonts for all languages c) we are personally offended by having to scroll past particular fonts we would never use in a million years. Steve Jobs, rest his soul, would have definitively had an ear for and a particular understanding of this issue. We are living in a time when we need less before more suffocates us. And the ability to control what we define as „less“.
So I felt compelled to report that I have now, regrettably, taken the odd but interestingly useful work-around of using the „favorites“ or „star“ function in all Adobe cc programs I use, meticulously going through font lists and clicking on the fonts I use, (functionally and aesthetically) trust and want.
May Noto, Stix, Myriad Pro and Co. wither and weep – and may this be of service to whomever relates.
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Yea this is crazy. Adobe programs, fonts, etc are just getting more and more bloated and difficult to use. There should be an elegant way to designate a group of fonts called "System Fonts" and have the option to hide them when you're using PSD, AI, etc. You offer us thousands of fonts via Adobe fonts, and then no way to efficiently control our font menus.
It is starting to feel like it takes a PhD to use these apps...! Many creators are defaulting to the easier, more intuitive, modern apps such as Canva and Figma to design and create marketing materials. As a graphic designer, I have already been asked to create editable files in Canva and Figma...and I report that they are a pleasure to use. The UI/UX of Adobe is from the 90s...all these long loaded dropdown menus in alphabetical order and complex popup menus...this new generation of users is used to simpler, more intuitive experiences when using tech. You are going to lose them...
Hello Adobe, are you listening? Probably not, considering that the Fonts issue has not been addressed for years.
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Never underestimate Adobe's ability to F things up. I've been using Photoshop since the late 90's...and I've been eyeing the the up-and-coming graphic app developers, hoping that I'll soon discover something to jump-ship to. I've been growing sick with Adobe over the past 10 years...and I can't wait 'til the moment when I can finally ditch Adobe Photoshop for something better. Adobe clearly doesn't care about their users....and that fact has become stronger and stronger, snowballing exponentially over the past few years specifically. They're no longer listening to us and it shows. They're just taking our money, thinking that since they're currently atop the mountain of competitors, they don't really need to care about us. I can't wait for them to get knocked off soon. It'll be a wonderful day WHEN that inevitably happens.
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Rubber J... It's a particular generation of staffers who are rewarded by finding ways to monetize everything starting a decade or more ago pushing people into subscriptions. Think of all the people who never got to experience buying a desktop version. All I want is InDesign, AI, Photoshop and Acrobat, but there is no pricing for just those four. One must pay for the entire suite which is never touched. The font houses got wise and stopped letting Adobe use their fonts, charging their own licensing fees, Helvetica and Univers in particular. When I first began using Adobe, the fonts were independent. I have hundreds of fonts I bought in the early 90s which are so old, they have no copyright notices. Thank goodness for TransType converter. I'm at least able to use the old PostScript fonts. Uuugh.
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This is what I found using Apple's FontBook. Noto Sans is a system font locked by Apple without the option to deactivate it.
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you should be able to hide system fonts in any adobe design app. this would be easy to build into the software
my lawyer is looking into a class action suit against AandA, because they ignore this problem, and many people like me have permanent damage in their scrolling finger directly caused by this issue.
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Adobe, can we disable Noto Sans, please?
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get rid of NOTO stop preloading my applications with fonts I don't want and that are a bother
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How many years of this malfeasance must we put up with? I see an opportunity for an app that cleanly puts Noto (and all the other fonts I have to scroll through) in their place. Arrggh.....