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Trying to sign a basic W-9 form that a client has requested from me. I downloaded one from IRS and filled in the info, but when I try to add a signature or digital ID everything is grayed out under "Fill & Sign." I've done this many times before in earlier versions of Acrobat Pro, but now in Acrobat Pro DC (2015) I am not able to sign or insert a file or digital ID. There doesn't appear to be any extra security in the PDF, but the message: "You have opened a fillable PDF form. This form does no let you drag and drop saved information" is displayed under "GET STARTED" in the upper right corner of my screen. I've tried saving copy of the file but nothing changes. None of the signing tools are available. This used to be a simple thing to do – what am I missing?
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There is a very simple workaround for W9. Just fill everything and print it as PDF. Then open that new pdf and voila, Sign myself option is now available.
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Did you install the updates of Adobe Acrobat Pro DC?
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Well the good news is the update allowed me to insert my signature. Not so good is that when I tried to enter the date (which was not a form field on the IRS form, just a blank where a date would be written) I was told that forms could not be edited in Acrobat DC and that I needed to get Adobe LiveCycle Designer. WTF? I used to be able to add text to forms where there were no form fields, even in Acrobat DC and did it just a few weeks ago on an insurance form that had no form fields.
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In the tool "Fill & Sign" you can add text.
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Thanks – I was able to add the date using the "initials" feature, if that what you are referring to. Better than nothing, but limited to faux-handwriting fonts. I didn't see any other way to add regular text. I tried the "change appearance" feature for the initials but it was just a few other types of handwriting fonts, no access to Helvetica, etc.
The Document Properties show that the form was created by Adobe LiveCycle Designer which is probably why it keeps telling me the only way to do anything to it is with Adobe LiveCycle Designer. Saving a copy of the PDF doesn't make any difference, BUT placing the PDF into an InDesign document and re-exporting that as a PDF wiped out all the form fields and now I can type anywhere on the form – could even change the form itself if I wanted to.
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This is so assanine. I tried the initial thing and that worked, but I may have to stay with docusign. You would think Adobe could do better, but I wasted a stupid amount of time on this.
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I encountered the same issue with the latest Adobe Acrobat.
My workaround was to use Chrome to fill out the fillable fields, then print to PDF, then open the flattened PDF in Acrobat to add the signature and date.
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This issue is very annoying.
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Agreed, this is hugely annoying and as well, the issue could be that Adobe just took away features that we were paying for previously. I guess that's their new practice. Take away what we are paying for, create a new product that is outside of CC and charge more for it. Criminals. They should just go back to the Master collection purchase. If they are going to have CC, then it should be everything not some things and they hold back others. Color me upset about it!
Acrobat used to allow us to add text and now they've taken it away. Simple as that.
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Acrobat can add text.
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The "Fill & Sign" tool in Acrobat DC and Reader DC is great for filling out forms that do not have actual fields. It can also be used for an Acroform (has real fillable fields) to add a signature.
Forms that are "mixed", ie: they have some real fields and some "flat" fields (not fillable using Acrobat/Reader native) do not work as well in Acrobat/Reader DC, since there are "real" fields the Fill & Sign tool is mostly disabled only allowing you to add a Signature.
The best alternative I can recommend at this time is to use the Fill & Sign website in the Document Cloud - there you can upload the Acroform that does have fields and be able to add text and signatures anywhere. The Acroform will be flattened, but you will be able to fill it out entirely as well as sign and date.
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I completely agree with Jason. Did Adobe reduce the cost of CreativeCloud when you removed features we rely on? Why did you remove features? Either reduce the cost or bring back the old usability.
Now I have to figure out how to write on this PDF because.... why? Thanks a lot.
Stupid decision.
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The IRS form W-9 when required by the IRS requires a pen and ink signature. The IRS requires this form be signed when the exemptions are so large there is no income tax withheld or the individual is claiming an exemption from the income tax withholding.
Others, not the IRS, use this form for gathering personal information and my accept other types of signatures but if they are required to have a signed form per the IRS administrative rules, it must be in pen and ink.
Very few of the IRS allow for digital signatures. The IRS has established a system unique to the IRS for gathering signatures electronically and it is only used by the IRS. It can contain certain information that is or should be known only to the individual and the IRS.
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It's sad that the IRS chose to create all their online forms with LiveCycle. I'm sure they did this because Adobe convinced them that XFA forms were the future. Well that dream died and this issue with not being able to sign the form is a direct result of that bad decision. In fact it gets worse. Those XFA forms are unusable in most PDF viewers, making our public government forms useless, unless you have an Adobe product on your system. If the IRS forms were regular AcroForms, then they would be much more usable and you could apply either a signature stamp or a digital certificate using several different PDF tools, including the free Reader.
Right now your best option is to flatten out the form after it is filled, by printing it to PDF. I've also had success flattening XFA forms by printing to postscript and then loading it back into Acrobat. Unfortunately this is not an option if you don't have Acrobat Pro.
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Sadly I'm having no luck saving by printing to PDF. I'm on a new Mac. Was able to do this on my old Mac. On the new one, with the new Adobe Reader installed, I'm getting an error message that I cannot print/save to PDF and it recommends file > save. However choosing that route will only save the blank doc. Really aggravating for something so basic.
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Now that I think about could save out your PDF, then open it in photoshop and add whatever text and then resave as a photoshop PDF. That might work. Given you run into this on another document and not the stinkin IRS.
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Acrobat doesn't seem to have the features I remember it having before.
Sometimes it just easier to print it out in real life.
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Another workaround I foudn was to export the PDF to a JPEG then insert it into a Microsoft Word file and insert a text box with a date then make another PDF of that file.
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As mentioned by other ACP's in this thread, the isue is not with Adobe Acrobat Pro or lack of a feature.
The IRS need to update that form.
After all that money that they collect from law-abiding citizens ( those who really choose to obediently pay their taxes every year and on everything they purchase), I don't understand how or why can't they hire a computer savvy person to fix that signature field with the old LiveCycle designer product that they purchased years ago.
Better yet, just simply recreate that PDF document from scratch using Acrobat Pro DC.
As far as I can see , they are also not following a good hygiene in protecting consumer information nor abiding to appropriate electronic records compliance standards; they continue to distribute to the public such an outdated, counter-productive and hackable PDF.
Don't forget that YOU, the tax-payer (or consumer ) have rights.
As such, YOU need to bring that up to them.
These public Internet forum IS NOT the IRS, and they're obviously can't listen to your moaning and complaining from here.
It wouldn't surprise me if they haven't been audited in more than a decade for software licensing... someone from the BSA please??? Anyone ???
... yeah, I didn't think so; they're probably friends with them too.
Since it is not really that hard to recreate that PDF from scratch, and from reading all of the perceived attitudes of frustrated PDF users in these forums, do you really think that it matters to the IRS if tax-payers refry (or flatten that crap of a PDF) in order to be able to edit text fields with ANY capable PDF editor?
How can the IRS protect your consumer information if they don't get proactive and fix a form that everyone seems to be hacking just to add a stupid signature in the first place?
See this other discussion:
The same argument remains... Like it or not, the IRS need to get on the ball and fix that form... period!
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There is a very simple workaround for W9. Just fill everything and print it as PDF. Then open that new pdf and voila, Sign myself option is now available.
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See this other thread:
Would you mind posting your solution in that other discussion?
Many may benefit, thanks for sharing that solution!