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I run Adobe Acrobat (as administrator) from my Desktop.
Acrobat displays a list of recent files.
I open one of the files in the list.
When the file opens, I get a pop-up "See new Acrobat features".
I open my Preferences> General> 'Messages from/to Adobe' and uncheck 'Show me messages when I launch Adobe Acrobat'.
I click 'OK'.
This closes the 'Preferences' page.
I close the file I opened earlier.
I close Adobe Acrobat.
I run Adobe Acrobat (as administrator) from my Desktop.
Acrobat displays a list of recent files.
I open the file I used above and the pop-up re-appears.
I open my Preferences> General> 'Messages from/to Adobe' and
the 'Show me messages when I launch Adobe Acrobat' is checked (even though I unchecked it as above).
My Questions!
WHY is the 'Show me messages when I launch Adobe Acrobat' being re-checked between opening, closing and re-opening the file?
Additionally, my mouse wheel is tempoarily disabled.
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Hi icanopit,
Thank you for reaching out.
If you have disabled the option, it should be like that after relaunching the application. As the settings reset, try reinstalling the application using the following steps:
-Remove the application and run the cleaner tool (
-Reboot the machine
-Install Adobe Acrobat from the following page:
Check if that makes any changes.
Regarding your other issue, please confirm if this happens only when using Acrobat.
Check if reinstalling the application helps.
Let us know how it goes.
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Can't download. Getting a 404 error.
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I eventually got a successful download.
In the Preferences>General the window does not open 'full screen'.
I had to move the window up to the top of my screen where I could uncheck 'Show me messages...'.
My mouse wheel was disabled, so I had to use the 'slider' control on the right side to gain access to the 'Accept' button.
I re-started and the pop-ups did not re-appear, and the Preferences>General>Show me messages... was still unchecked.
BUT my mouse wheel was still disabled...
So, half a solution.
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I tried the uninstall and the clean and the reinstall and STILL I cannot get the checkbox to remain UNCHECKED. WTH? Very annoying.
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I am also having this problem and can't get the dont show messages checkbox to stay unchecked. How can I solve this as having to click off popups all day long.
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I get the pop up anytime I open anyting with an adobe print plugin. So like everything! Browsers, Office programs, Design Programs, It is beyond frustrating!
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Update: Found the culprit; not adobe. Sorry.
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Copied what was the culprit???
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I had issues with blue popups for every sort of acrobat feature getting in the way- signatures, sharing, comments -- slowed me down, so I went back to the 2020 "Classic" Acrobat Pro based on a suggestion from another forum user and I couldn't be happier.
I did this only after going through all support steps and sharing technical data with Adobe.
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tech support is useless. i still get this problem even after reverting to the previous version.
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Adobe doesn't want to make your life easier. I have gone through all the registry settings that control this and turned off all the popups and I am still getting them. They happen about 3-4 seconds after a PDF is opened, so if I am scrolling or printing a document, it interrupts whatever task I am in the middle of. Do this 10-20 times a day, and it becomes a major PITA.
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Seriously. I mean Adobe shut up, get out of the way and let me use the software we are paying for. Stop trying to be helpful. It is not helpful it is annoying. If you want me to recommend your product, make it easy to turn these annoying tips off.
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I've just gone 'back' to the free Reader 2020 via - - thanks so much for this comment!!
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Despite a day or two of using Reader 2020 & all my efforts at preventing auto updates, Adobe still did it. So I've uninstalled for the last time & switched to Foxit. You are your own worst enemy Adobe. I hope you have some means of tracking these forums & learning from it. Jumping on the AI band wagon & trying to foist unwarranted, unnecessary and impossible to opt out of intrusion on users is utterly unacceptable and deplorable.
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Adobe is all about sharing. They want you to share. 🙄
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Try to revert to the Classic UI:
Consider the "new Acrobat" as a beta version, many features are still missing or half-implemented.
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I get these popups all the time with classic UI.
It seems like Acrobat tends to forget its settings.
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I pay for this (Acrobat Pro with Creative Cloud). I do not want pop ups interfering with my work flow. Put an option on the Help Menu for a path to details on new options & (internal Adobe advertising) . . . I am working on a newsletter, I don't want pop ups for tax filing . . . really? Put that crap in the reader version if you must, after all it's free, but "WE" are trying to work here!
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I couldn't agree more. This is beyond annoying. MAKE IT STOP!
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If a PDF is protected it opens in the new version, which is not on my computer and when I click to disable new version and click restart, nothing happens. It stays on the newer version, I can't get the popup to stop popping up and all the suggestions don't work because this version is not on my computer. Even though the PDF is saved on my computer. It only opens on protected PDF's. How do I get it to stop opening in the new version when it's not on my computer and won't let me disable it. If i go under perferences it says to remove protection, and when I do I can go to the old version which is on my computer.
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Its offensive that we have to deal with this. How is Adobe this bad at user experience design? Every time I open their app i have a two minute disruption to my day and i have to close three separat pop ups to just get to my task at hand. I no longer have cable because I cant handle the disruption of an ad. Don't interfere with my headspace Adobe. You DON'T have my permission to push me ads. I CAN do this without you.
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They are only incentivized to offer a minimally viable product, anything else would be a waste of resources. It feel really horrible to daily run into the enshitification of everything. It trully feels like so many of these providers aim for the absolute minimum point of workability. But don't worry. Some other startup will start up, draw in obscene investment, provide a wonderful product to get the public fully onboard, once userbase is locked in go private, maximize profits above all else until it all withers into useless unpleasant garbage and then the cycle can begin again.
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Yeah this is some absolute BS.
Every single time I open Adobe now, for the last week or two, I get a pop-up. Usually a second or two into using the app.
I've turned off the 'Show me messages' option, but to no avail. And FYI this is on multiple computers affecting multiple users, both business and individual, so it's not a localised issue.
Absolutely spammy rubbish. 100% just pushed me to using FoxIt instead.