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My workplace heavily relies on a plug-in that only works with a 32-bit installation of Acrobat DC.
We have a new workstation that runs 64-bit, and the installation is defaulting to the 64-bit version instead of giving an option on whether to install 32-bit or 64-bit. I can't find any options for this, or any information on this elsewhere.
How can I choose 32-bit when installing Acrobat DC in 2022?
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Assuming you are on Windows, this behavior changed shortly after my post of March 2022. The CC app now installs the 64-bit version by default.
You can grab the 32-bit version here:
You will need to sign out of and back into the CC app for it to recognize the Acrobat program. Be sure to archive the installer; who knows how long it will be available.
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I am not familiar with a way to do that, but I would talk to the makers of the 3rd party plug-in to see if they know how to get their plug-in working in your environment.
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How are you installing the software?
If you are using the Acrobat installer directly, there should be different installers for each version. For example, you have to download the 64-bit version--it's not an option during install.
If you are using the Creative Cloud installer or the Technical Communications Suite installer, they default to the 32-bit version.
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It looks like Acrobat Pro via Creative Cloud is now installing 64-bit as default. Has this changed recently? Also it is uninstalling a previous install of Reader, is this expected?
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I believe that is only on Mac.
On Windows, the 32-bit is the default as far as I can see. I uninstalled the 64 bit version and used the Creative Cloud app to install Acrobat again. The 32 bit version installed by default.
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The Mac version does no longer come in a 32bit version. Newer maOS versions don't even support 32bit applications anymore. So if this really is on a Mac, your plugin provider needs to offer a new version - otherwise you will no longer be able to use the plugin. The only way around this is to run an older version on macOS in a virtual machine with an old version of Acrobat and the 32bit plugin.
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We used Creative Cloud today to install AcrobatDC and it installed the 64 bit version. We then had issues converting a .dwg file to a PDF. We uninstalled the 64 bit Acrobat but do not see any option to install the 32 bit from the creative cloud suite. Please help.
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We used the Creative Cloud install method yesterday and the 64 bit version was installed by default. We uninstalled it and then tried again hoping it would have an option but it did not and installed 64 bit again. Is there a way to have the 32 bit version installed?
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Anyone can point me to the steps to install the 32 bit version? creative cloud installs 64 bit by default.
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Hello same here creative cloud installs 64-bit by default. I need the 32-bit install.
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Assuming you are on Windows, this behavior changed shortly after my post of March 2022. The CC app now installs the 64-bit version by default.
You can grab the 32-bit version here:
You will need to sign out of and back into the CC app for it to recognize the Acrobat program. Be sure to archive the installer; who knows how long it will be available.
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Thank you David!
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Hi... I had problems for 2 weeks with Adobe Acrobat Pro 64bits. Now I followed your link to install Adobe 32bits. Everything is working good now and I don't need to install ACC. So happy... Tks a lot...
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Thank you David - it works now.
However in this case I do not see the app installed in the Creative Clode Desktop, which means it will not check the updates anymore right?
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Replaying this just for clearence - after restarting the PC it appeared in the Creative Clode Desktop as well.
Thanks again.
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I didn't have to restart my computer, but sign out of the CC app. Either way, I assume the CC app is scanning installed apps.
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This behaviour is also now happening in my Enteprise Enviroment in Norway. Before the supper Adobe Acrobat DC would default to 32-bit. Wich was fine as our users often want a quick method to read PDF's without signing in.
We also have Apps and pluggins needing 32-bit.
Now suddenly upgrading og installing Adobe Acroabt DC via CC uninstalls! Adobe Arobat Reader 32-bit from our systems with no warning or prompt.
This thing is now stopping us from roling out Creative Cloud to 1500 machines .. (we are in the process of moving for managed packages for all Adobe Apps to Creative Cloud and user installed apps.)
We need a registry or config setting to stop this behaviour!
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For other people running into this same issue needing 32-bit deployed to allow for plugins, log in to your, and go to Packages. Create a self service package, and choose 32-bit Acrobat. It will prepare it and then you can download it and deploy with your method of choice.
I imagine this won't help everyone since there are a bunch of different ways to be licensed, but we just use Creative Cloud, named licenses for our users. Small business.
Info here: