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Issues in editing pdf's in "Hindi"

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Aug 04, 2024 Aug 04, 2024

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Hey there!

Well I have been trying to edit a pdf written in "Hindi" language although I have been facing a lot of issues during the editing process. Whenever I add some text in Hindi using the "Mangal" font, I am able to write the text at first without any problem. Although, upon saving the the document and reopening it I am not able to edit it as the text gets "mushed" and "unintelligible".

Here is an example of what exactly the problem is: 


Before Saving (on writing for the first time):

"लोरेम इप्सम डोलोर सिट अमेट, कंसेक्टेचर एडिपिसिंग एलीट, सेड डू ईयसमॉड टेम्पोर इंसिडिडंट यूट लेबोर एट डोलोर मैग्ना अलिका।"


After Saving (and opening the document again):

"लोरेम इप्सम डोलोर 􀀁सट अमेट, कंसेक्टेचर ए􀀃ड􀀄प􀀁संग एल􀀂ट, सेड डू ईयसमॉड टेम्पोर इं􀀁स􀀃डडंट यूट लेबोर एट डोलोर मैग्ना अ􀀁लका।"


Extra Info:
1.) I have the font enabled to be "embedded" and when upon checking the Fonts in the file, I get the following:

Nowa38986102ctws_0-1722784233150.png2.) Also, on an unrelated note whenever I set the font to be "Mangal", I get the following error message alongside the text box (although other Hindi fonts like "Devanagari" just don't work)



Thank you for viewing my query and I hope someone can help me out with this issue! (or at the very least suggest any alternative editor/tool)


Create PDFs , Edit and convert PDFs , General troubleshooting , How to , PDF






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Community Expert ,
Aug 05, 2024 Aug 05, 2024

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@LowNowa Once you are done editing the file and there are no more changes to the file, have you thought of changing the text to outlines. It would mean the text will no longer be editable but at least the text will no longer be garbled up.
*Just make sure you keep one file with original text just in case you need to make some changes? 

Or when re-saving the file, make sure you set the PDF 'Embed all fonts'...





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New Here ,
Aug 10, 2024 Aug 10, 2024

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Hey! It is me @LowNowa replying from an alternate account. @creative explorer I had tried the above mentioned solutions already. It is not that the text is garbled up when I reopen the document upon saving and closing it, it is that when I click on the text box and try to edit it, it gets garbled up. Also, I have already enabled the setting to embed the fonts (as I have provided the screenshot in my query) .





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