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Comme indiqué, la touche ne fonctionne plus. Dès que je clique: le programme se coupe directement ou bien freeze et me demande d'adresser un rapport d'erreur (ce que j'ai fait à plusieurs reprises).
J'ai essayé tout le reste: désinstaller/réinstaller, réparer l'installation, mettre à jour: rien ne fonctionne...
Pourriez vous m'aider ?
Merci d'avance
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I have tried this and the other 4 or 5 recommend fixes and NOTHING works. My only workaround has been to use the Web version. I can not use the local Adobe on my PC or it crashes when I click to add signature. We hnow have multiple useres within our orginization that are experienceing the same error.
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Thank you for sharing the screenshot.
In the Appdata, open the Roaming folder instead of the Local folder.
Or you can copy and paste the location "%appdata%\Adobe\Acrobat\DC\Security\" in the run window. Press the Window+R on your keyboard. And then paste the address in the box for "Open". Click on the OK button.
Let us know if you experience any issues.
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Essayez de revenir à l'interface utilisateur classique :
Considérez le « nouvel Acrobat » comme une version bêta, de nombreuses fonctionnalités sont encore manquantes ou à moitié implémentées.
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Cher Monsieur,
Merci d'avoir pris le temps de me répondre.
Je viens de faire ce que vous m'avez conseillé: mais retour à la case plantage et nouvel envoi de rapport d'incident.
Je désespère...
Bien à vous
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I have tried this and the other 4 or 5 recommend fixes and NOTHING works. My only workaround has been to use the Web version. I can not use the local Adobe on my PC or it crashes when I click to add signature. We hnow have multiple useres within our orginization that are experienceing the same error.
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Dear Amanda,
Thank you very much: your solution worked, but it is still a bypass and the program needs to be fixed.
Please receive my sincere consideration
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Dans l'interface "classique" essayez de passer par le menu Signature au lieu d'utiliser l'icône… Sans oublier de croiser les doigts 😉
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Cher Monsieur,
Merci à nouveau pour votre suivi, mais malheureusement ça n'a pas fonctionné...Nouveau rapport d'erreur adressé à Adobe.
Bien à vous
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Thank you for reaching out and reporting this.
The team is aware of the issue and is working on the fix. We will update you once the fix patch is available.
In the meantime, try the workaround mentioned here.
Please go to the location mentioned below and delete the following files:
Let us know if that helps.
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Hello Meenakshi,
Thanks for the update and the follow up of team. Always good to know you are aware of the problem and trying to fix it.
I tried to reach the files you mentioned, but I could not find a security folder.
I join you a printscreen
Yours faithfully
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Thank you for sharing the screenshot.
In the Appdata, open the Roaming folder instead of the Local folder.
Or you can copy and paste the location "%appdata%\Adobe\Acrobat\DC\Security\" in the run window. Press the Window+R on your keyboard. And then paste the address in the box for "Open". Click on the OK button.
Let us know if you experience any issues.
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Hello Meenakshi
Thank you very much: it solved my problem.
Have a nice day and thanks to all the team for the personnalised support.
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Hi All,
The issue has been addressed in the latest update released today. Try updating the application to the latest version available. In Acrobat, go to Help > Check for updates. Check if that resolves the issue.
You may also refer to the information on the latest update on the following help page:
Let us know how it goes.
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j'ai eu le même prpoblème de signature depuis 2 jours, et pourtant mon logiciel est à jour. j'ai donc supprimé comme vous avez dit
et ça a fonctionné. merci