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Hi I'm using Adobe Acrobat Pro DC (Ver 2021.001.20145).
I'm having issues when loading up diagram plans and reports (5MB +) ; the reader either crashes or loads up too slow. When viewing detailed diagram plans; initial viewing (full scale drawing) is ok but when I start to magnify/ zoom in; everything loads up to slow to practically do anything. When it comes to reports it takes about 10 mins plus to load up.
I have been troubleshooting in the community but nothing seems to help. Reinstalling does no help either. I tried other light PDF readers does not have this issue. But I would still want to continue using Adobe Acrobat Pro. Any advice/ help would be much appreciated.
Issue is with regards to Acrobat, not Acrobat Reader. Moving to correct community – MOD
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Hi Leon,
Hope you are doing well and sorry for the trouble. As described the Acrobat DC application either crashes or loads up too slow when viewing detailed diagram plans and it works fine in Adobe Acrobat Reader DC application.
As you have the latest version of the Adobe Acrobat DC Please try to reboot the computer once and see if that helps.
If the file is stored on a shared network/drive, pleasedownload and save the file to your computer first and then try to open it with Adobe Acrobat DC
If it still doesn't work, please go to Edit (Windows), Adobe Acrobat (Mac) > Preferences > Page Display > Under Rendering Uncheck 'Use page Cache' > Click OK
You may also try to turn off the protected mode for testing (Windows Only) Go to Edit > Preferences > Enhanced Security > Uncheck 'Enable Protected mode at start up' Turn off the protected mode and Uncheck 'Enhanced Security' > Click OK and reboot the computer once.
Note: Please turn on the security after testing to avoid any security risks.
If it still doesn't work, please try to create a new test user profile with full admin rights in Windows or enable the root account in Mac and try using the application there and check.
You may also check out the help pages listed below for additional information:
Hope it will help
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Hi Leon,
Hope you are doing well and sorry for the trouble. As described the Acrobat DC application either crashes or loads up too slow when viewing detailed diagram plans and it works fine in Adobe Acrobat Reader DC application.
As you have the latest version of the Adobe Acrobat DC Please try to reboot the computer once and see if that helps.
If the file is stored on a shared network/drive, pleasedownload and save the file to your computer first and then try to open it with Adobe Acrobat DC
If it still doesn't work, please go to Edit (Windows), Adobe Acrobat (Mac) > Preferences > Page Display > Under Rendering Uncheck 'Use page Cache' > Click OK
You may also try to turn off the protected mode for testing (Windows Only) Go to Edit > Preferences > Enhanced Security > Uncheck 'Enable Protected mode at start up' Turn off the protected mode and Uncheck 'Enhanced Security' > Click OK and reboot the computer once.
Note: Please turn on the security after testing to avoid any security risks.
If it still doesn't work, please try to create a new test user profile with full admin rights in Windows or enable the root account in Mac and try using the application there and check.
You may also check out the help pages listed below for additional information:
Hope it will help
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Whoa , the whole turning off the Use Page Cache made my 100+ pages technical drawing pdf's usable again!
Glad i did a little research, i was thinking of abandoning Acrobat Pro DC
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Me too!!!! Thank you so much for this!
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didnt work for my plans only 4mb compressed even...not sure whats goign on
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OMG. Its works. My photo catalogues save. I planed reduce weight this PDFs by conver any single page (54) to JPG full image page.
Thanks mindink.