Copy link to clipboard
Hi all,
I have combed a ton of articles on this subject and I am hitting walls with every attempt. I have a simple fillable form I built and want to submit the entire PDF to an email with custom subject line and reflect the attached document name. (Just using the submit form option send a renamed pdf to the email just fine but a generic subject line.)
I am using the following javascript and have tried a few other examples. Nothing comes up in the console with errors but outlook does not open to send the email. If I open in a browser I get a popup that asks if I want to send to the email in question but it opens a new tab in chrome what does nothing. If I open in MS Edge it tabs back to chrome but does not open a tab... WHere am I going wrong?
Any help is appreciated! I have a few forms I am updating to be useful like this so I am motivated to learn this!
var cToAddr = "";
var cSubLine = "Facilities Work Request"+" "+this.getField("Location").valueAsString;
({bUI: true,
cTo: cToAddr,
cSubject: cSubLine})
File I am working with attached.
Copy link to clipboard
It works for me. Do you have this setting:
Copy link to clipboard
Thanks for confirming. I came back from lunch and it's working! I must have incorrectly saved or something on the previous attempts. I was able to add the things I needed and it's working as intended now.
Is there a reason why using this from a browser does not work? Chrome still opens a blank tab and edge opens chrome but does not open a tab... Not a deal breaker but it would be nice if this worked via app AND browser...
var cToAddr = "";
var cSubLine = "Facilities Work Request"+" - "+this.getField("Location").valueAsString;
var cBody = "Work Order attached for"+" - "+this.getField("Location").valueAsString+" From "+this.getField("Submitted By:").valueAsString+"\n"+"Description of issue: "+this.getField("Description").valueAsString;
({bUI: true,
cTo: cToAddr,
cSubject: cSubLine,
cMsg: cBody})
Copy link to clipboard
Non-Adobe pdf viewers are hit and miss with the scripts they support. Most likely a miss with this script.