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Open forms loose all data and corrupt if it's on another location and either PC sleep. eg overnight

New Here ,
Dec 01, 2022 Dec 01, 2022

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I have had an issue for several years.

Adobe doesn't appear to casche the info of an open form so if you have been filling one opened from a location other than the local PC and leave it open long enough for either the network to have an issue and recover, or one of the machines to sleep... the form looses data from all but the one the cursor is currently in, the form goes blank.. saving the form gives an error and cannot be saved even locally, the original form is untouched in it's previously saved state.

(Which brings up a related issue, if the form is open, it is noted as "in Use" by the parent location, yet when you open the form you get no warning until you try and save it, that the form is already in use).

So far I have been unable to find any trace of the field data typed in the unsaved session and seems to be a huge annoyance that a file still open on the local machine can loose all unsaved typed data due to (I'm not too sure of the event but believe it's either the local machine sleeping as the remote I am using runs 24/7, or some network event that cuts the "File already in use" tie between host and local machine).

(And don't get me started on the total black fields issue that just 'happens' intermittently on my 2 page forms that scrolling down/up seems enough to bring back the form and data (no actual datta is harmed in that so I'm guessing it will be a "Video driver" issue.


Basically I have to make sure I save any form I have open at the end of the day. Sometimes I can copy the text from the field I was in, but there are multiiple fields and even the background form image itself disappears, and none of the field locations appear to have any "Copy" able date to copy to a new form or at least a text file to recover some typed info (Which in my case can be live new customer info, and if I loose their contact info... If I open a blank copy of the form that is stored locally, the PC can go to sleep etc, without loosing any data/integrety and the next day I can finish the form, save it to the remote machine and all is fine... But if I did the same with a blank form on the remote machine... data lost if it was left open overnight).


I'm running an up to date Win 10 PC with it's latest vid drivers and Adobe reader 2022.003.20282 (64bit)

(Thanks Adobe for letting me easily copy the Copywrite disclaimer but not the version number!)


How many years has Adobe been updating this software? there seems to be some issues that have been around for years yet my machine updates it soooo often (Adding that damn  Icon I DON'T WANT to my otherwise well set out desktop that users appear to have been asking for over a decade for Adobe to stop doing).


Oh and the form is my own, very simple, made with Adobe Writer (unfortunately I have that on an old Win7 machine as I lost the CS3 disks in a flood). And yes it seems to happen with other producers forms.

Crash or freeze , General troubleshooting , PDF forms






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Community Expert ,
Dec 01, 2022 Dec 01, 2022

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What is your question ?





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New Here ,
Dec 18, 2022 Dec 18, 2022

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Really. you need that in question form...



Ok.. All the above... Does Adobe have a solution to fix the issues described.


I want to be able to leave a form open that is on another computer without it corrupting.


I just thought I would give every piece of information as I used to when problem solving with EDS.

Sorry to sound blunt. I'm also ex Helpdesk and IT support and don't want to "Shoot the messenger" but I have described at least one issue I have found... It;s not really a question. Its a issue that I have, that I have seen others mention... that seems not to have been addressed.


I'm happy to find a workaround like using Word documents etc.. But would rather help Adobe by mentioning my findings...


Sorry u caught me on a bad day.... 4 months of rain and several straws breaking the camels back.





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Community Expert ,
Dec 18, 2022 Dec 18, 2022

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Everything you describe is normal behavior, I don't see what the problem is.
The data of an unregistered document is necessarily lost in case of a network cut or a shutdown.

You can possibly force Acrobat to make regular backups:







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New Here ,
Jan 04, 2023 Jan 04, 2023

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So once the document is corrupted. Does it save the corrupted document (rendering that useless).

I remember following all the instruction on this about a year ago and not being to actually find any 'Saved' files so gave up. Makes all those years I spent in IT seem like a waste of time when something seemingly so simple appears to be a waste of time. 


A simple casche locally would be a simple solution (that I never expect to see).


Thanx anyhooz





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