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Im having trouble attaching a PDF file to my Yahoo email.
Im using a Lenovo PC, Windows 7.
When I attach the file, it won't attach. The attachment appears with a red exclamation mark on it, as shown in the screenshot below.
The attachment is not too big to attach. I can send it via the MyMail app with my yahoo email.
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I would say to check first if you are missing any recent updates to Mozilla Firefox. Worst case scenario, uninstall and reinstall Firefox (or manually reset that web browser).
You may also want to try with your other web browser Goodgle Chrome; just for troubleshooting purposes.
If it works with Google Chrome, we can narrow down the problem with Mozilla Firefox.
But your screenshot is cut off and I can't tell if you're using any add-ons or privacy extension that may be blocking it.
As I don't see that your issue doesn't pertain to Adobe Acrobat Pro or Adobe Reader, have you contacted Yahoo! support and see if they aware of this behavior?
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So, is this happening with every and any PDF that you try to attach or just that one particular PDF?
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Just this particular PDF to my knowledge.
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If you are accessing this Yahoo! mail service via web browsers that are on old and unsupported versions of Microsoft Windows, see if switching back to Classic Yahoo mail do the trick.
Meanwhile, can you share a copy of that file with no sensitive data on it; I can take a look at it and verify if it is an actual problem with that PDF.
What software produces your PDFs? Do you have Adobe Acrobat Pro or Adobe Reader?
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I have the same issue with a digitally signed pdf, Yahoo mail doesn't let me send it, it shows a red question mark, any other pdf is ok, that one not. I needed to send it through g-mail, or scan it to pdf and send it. it worked that way.
There must be something in some pdf files that Yahoo mail see as a threat and block them.
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I have the same issue. Yahoo mail is not allowing me to attach PDFs. A red exclamation point appears....every time. Word docs attach. Photos attach occasionally, but typically get the exclamation mark too.
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It's the PDF Plug in...Chrome Extension that interferes. I had the same issue forever and it drove me nuts. People all over various forums would say 'its AV" or Reboot...all kinds of stuff. Had nothing to do with it.
you can modify the chrome extension, or even go into the advanced site settings of chrome and then go to privacy and security---site settings---pdf---and toggle it to say default behaviour "download PDFs'.
there is something about yahoo when attachming a pdf that it thinks it needs to open it...Hence the error message about not saving as a draft.
Once I did that, all worked like a charm.
If that doesnt help you, disable your PDF extension
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This worked perfectly (setting to download PDFs) for me. Thank you!
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Unfortunately this fix worked until recently. Now, even with the toggle on to say download pdfs, it's just not playing ball. Any other suggestions?
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I've now found out that if you go to Privacy and Security in chrome settings, go to Permissions, then for Automatic Downloads, click ASK. This should then make things ok
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@cherie_5765 thank you for updating !