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Is there a way to show all typed text typed into a scrolling text field when you print a fillable PDF form even if all of the text is not visible on screen (because it extends the text box)?
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The basic code is something like this:
this.getField("FieldName").textSize = 0;
You can add it under the document's WillPrint event, and then change it back in the DidPrint event.
Regarding my second suggestion: It doesn't have to be a separate file. It can be done using hidden pages that are spawned especially for this purpose and deleted after the file is printed. I've developed similar scripts for some clients in the past so if you're interested in hiring someone to develop it for you, you can contact me via try6767 at to discuss it further.
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You can set the font size to Auto before printing it, or copy it to another location (where there's more place). Either solution will require using a script, though.
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Do you know the script for "font size Auto?"
My boss is concerned that the type may print incredibly small if it is set to Auto though. This is an employee evaluation form and she says supervisors often have a lot to say
But I'll try it and run it past her.
Is your 2nd suggestion to simply include a 2nd document? If so, she's against that.
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The basic code is something like this:
this.getField("FieldName").textSize = 0;
You can add it under the document's WillPrint event, and then change it back in the DidPrint event.
Regarding my second suggestion: It doesn't have to be a separate file. It can be done using hidden pages that are spawned especially for this purpose and deleted after the file is printed. I've developed similar scripts for some clients in the past so if you're interested in hiring someone to develop it for you, you can contact me via try6767 at to discuss it further.
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Thank you for sharing the code.
The other option sounds intriguing, but I work for a state agency funded by tax payer dollars. I'll run the idea past my supervisor, but I doubt they will be able to outsource this.
Thanks for your help!
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Where do I put that code? I filled out a form pdf from the state of Wisconsin and when it chops off the text. I have Acrobat DCI am pulling my hair out.
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Where do I put that code? I filled out a form pdf from the state of Wisconsin and when printed it chops off the text. I have Acrobat DCI am pulling my hair out.
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If you want it changed just before the document is printed then under Tools - JavaScript - Set Document Actions - Will Print.
And then under the Did Print event add another code to change it back to its original font size, whatever that may be.
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For some reason "auto" is not an option for font size in my drop down menu (undre Appearance). Do you know how to work around that so I can create a text box that will capture all text when printing (avoiding scrolling).
Thank you kindly,
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Use the code that's marked as the correct answer for this question.
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What is the code for the Did Print field? Thanks
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Hi there I have multiple feilds that scroll in our document, when I put the willprint event code in I don't know how to make it apply to all 16 feilds. How do I make the code applicable to all of the scrolling feilds?
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Duplicate that line of code, once for each field. It's also possible to do it using an array.
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Thank you! I feel silly, I was leaving out the semi colon between or trying to add them all in a string with commas between in the same line of code duh! Very new to this and appreicate your support on these threads. I'm learning a lot.