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I have Acrobat Pro DC running on a Mac (OS 10.13.2) and printing on a Konica Minolta Bizhub 227
I want to print multi-page pdfs into a booklet using A3 paper, 4 x A4 pages per sheet.
I cannot find a way of:
a) getting them to print 100% ( I get 2 pages which take up just over 1/4 of an A3 page)
b) avoiding one side of the print being upside down
I can't see any instructions or forum answers that deal with this.
Any help would be appreciated.
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Unfortunately, Acrobat does not provide a general page imposition feature to do what you want. There are some third party Acrobat plug-ins such as from Quite Software that can do this for you. The built-in n-up and booklet printing features simply don't have the level of control that you need.
- Dov
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Unfortunately, Acrobat does not provide a general page imposition feature to do what you want. There are some third party Acrobat plug-ins such as from Quite Software that can do this for you. The built-in n-up and booklet printing features simply don't have the level of control that you need.
- Dov
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Thanks for clearing that up. This seems odd for such a highly developed application. I would have thought that to print A3 booklets would be a basic feature. I’ll have s look at the plug-in you have suggested.
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If you have Indesign at your disposal, you can do a manual imposition and creating a new document fitting your needs. It's cumbersome but it works great for someone who has not specific imposition software at his disposal..
The booklet printing function in Acrobat works, but has some design flaws. The biggest is, that it does not allow for a 100% print. For printing an A4 document as booklet on A3, it works fine if you do not mind the slight scaling.
(Screen shots are for Windows 7 OS)
...and the printer properties:
May be "Landscape" works with the "Autorotate". I did not try that one.
The Printer Properties are for a Canon printer, but they differ rarely in principle from what you get in different printers. But as I said, there is no way to switch of the "fit to page" leaving borders even where there shouldn't or needn't be.
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Thank you.
I subscribe to Creative Cloud so I will get Indesign and see if this might help me.
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You need to know that you can place PDF files as any other « image » into your Indesign document. There is even a script placing a multipage document into Indesign.
Doing a manual imposition is not that easy. When I need doing that, I build a model to visualize where to put the pages.
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I've tried everything in InDesign and Acrobat to get my booklet to print correctly, to no avail. After reeding Dov's post I got Quite Software's inposition plug-in. This allowed me to set up the pdf as spreads instead of pages. The spreads still collated in the wrong order. After many tries I suffled the spreads in the thumbnail wine in Acrobat so that they printed in the correct order. That was not intuitive. Inside spreads appeared to be outside and sequences set in what looked almost random. Now it prints correctly and folds correctly and reads correctly buy will not collate the separate booklets. If I pring four they are all folded and stapled as one. This seems to have no fix. The dialog for printing when set up as spreads in pdf is the first option,
size, not booklet, so the printer is not being told that there are groups of pages that are collated. Any ideas?