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Problems converting Word documents to PDF

New Here ,
Apr 13, 2007 Apr 13, 2007

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I am having trouble converting Word documents to PDF files. Whenever I try to convert the file, I receive the following error message: Missing PDFMaker files. Do you want to run the installer in repair mode? When I run the installer in repair mode, I still receive the same message. I have Adobe Acobat Professional 8 and MS Office 2007 installed on my PC.




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Community Beginner ,
Aug 02, 2011 Aug 02, 2011

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I need to give my customers proper instructions on the correct page layout for a full bleed page, however there is an issue with printing to PDF.  I am currently using Office 07 and Acrobat 9, in Word I set the page size to 9x11.5 and the margins to 0 (I also tried other margin sizes to see if this was the issue) and I created a box with no border and filled with a random color and sized it to fill the entire page.  When I save to PDF the background completly fills the 9x11.5 page area, however when I print to Adobe PDF it creates a .25 white border along all 4 sides removing the bleed area without changing the page size.  I also tried Primo PDF and it created the border as well.  On my end it doesn't matter much because I can save as a PDF, but we have customers that use older versions that can't save as a PDF.  Any ideas on how to correct the issue?




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Aug 02, 2011 Aug 02, 2011

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Do you have a sample file you can post and a list of the exact steps that you have tried to create the PDF. List the steps for the various process you have tried. Also, what version of AA9 are you using? It is currently at AA9.4.5.




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Community Beginner ,
Aug 02, 2011 Aug 02, 2011

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The Link Below will have a link to 3 files, the original .doc file, a pdf file created using the Save As feature and a pdf file created using the Adobe PDF printer.

Click Here to Download

The 1st method, which worked fine, was the Save As, feature which doesn't have any setting I adjusted, I just went to File, Save As... and selected Adobe PDF.

For the 2nd Method I went to file, Print... and at the Print Dialog Box I changed the Printer to Adobe PDF and clicked on the Properties button.  Next I went to the Layout tab and clicked the Advanced button.  Then I went to the Page Size drop down menu and selected PostScript Custom Page Size.  Here I typed in 9 for the width and 11.5 for the height to match my word do and then clicked OK until I got back to the print dialog box and clicked print.  As you can see in the PrintTo.pdf file a white border was added.  I also tried changing it to short edge 1st and I also tried leaving the PostScript size at the default size of 8.5x11 and it produced the same file every time.




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Community Beginner ,
Aug 02, 2011 Aug 02, 2011

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Oh, and I'm currently Acrobat 9.4.4, I am going to update to 9.4.5 now and will attempt to Print to PDF again after...

After updating to 9.4.5 I still had the same problem with Printing to Adobe PDF




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Aug 02, 2011 Aug 02, 2011

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I am not sure what to say about your problem. I ran AA9.4.5 with a test print (set the custom page size in the printer properties to 9X11.5) for the file in WORD 2007. It came out with a full page and no margin. This would suggest that you have a margin setting in WORD, a reduction specified in the printer

I could not find anything in WORD that seemed to make a difference. All the cases I ran were as expected. If there is a failure mode, then most of us would likely want to know the issues.




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New Here ,
Feb 14, 2008 Feb 14, 2008

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I also having trouble converting a legal size Excel file to PDF. It seems the file converts and in Adobe takes the full legal size but the data gets cut off at the size of a regular letter size. I have tried changing the Conversion settings to Legal but that did not work. I also tried changing the PDF Maker in the Printer area to legal size but that did not work either. Can someone please helpe me with this.




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New Here ,
Feb 14, 2008 Feb 14, 2008

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Chris you should open a new thread for your problem. This thread deals with problems faced while converting Word docs to PDF.
By opening a new thread your issue might also get more visible to others.




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New Here ,
Feb 15, 2008 Feb 15, 2008

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greetings, i've quite a few pdf's that were created in word, and am looking to clean up the pdf's meta tags with some sort of utility.
does Acrobat in any version have a utility that will clean up the tags, and possibly even impose some level of security on a batch process level?

thanks much in advance,
- b




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New Here ,
Apr 28, 2008 Apr 28, 2008

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I'm having an issue with one of my users. We are using Windows XP, Office 2003 and when I try to convert a word document to pdf. I see and error come up on the printers stating a printing error. I assuming this is going to the PDF Maker. I applied all updates on Adobe Professional 6.0 but still get this printing error. Any assistance you can provide is greatly appreciated.




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New Here ,
Apr 28, 2008 Apr 28, 2008

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I've been having similar difficulty with apparent compatibility issue between MS Office '07 and Acrobat. Adobe doesn't seem to have a solution. Until they do, MS does have a free "save as pdf" add-in available for download:


Good luck, I hope this helps.




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New Here ,
Aug 06, 2008 Aug 06, 2008

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PDF conversion failed please correct the error and retry

Please can somebody help........????

I have XP Pro SP2 with Acrobat Professional V8 and Microsoft Office 2003. Acrobat has worked fine until recently, but now, when I try to create a PDF from a Word document within Acrobat, it starts to create and at 10%, I get the above fault message. I also occasionally/rarely get a second message reading "Adobe PDF creation cannot continue because Acrobat is not activated.
Click Retry after activating Acrobat to continue printing.
Click Cancel to quit PDF creation"

If I try to create a PDF from within Word, it gets to around 50%, then the progress indicator disappears with Adobe Acrobat opening up in the background, having no document/pdf showing. If I check the save destination, there is no PDF saved there.

If I try to create a PDF from within Excel, pretty much the same happens.

My product is activated and registered. I've trawled the Forums and can see similar issues, but none the exact same.

I have tried printing a file to the PDF Printer in printer options, this fails also. I have repaired the Acrobat installation and numerous re-starts but to no avail!!

If somebody out there could help me I would be very appreciative, this is driving me insane!!!!!!!

Thanks in advance for taking pity on a tortured soul!!!!




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New Here ,
Aug 12, 2008 Aug 12, 2008

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I have exactly the same problem as Dave Grice. XP, MS Word (Office) 2003, Adobe Acrobat 8. It WAS working, then got an online notification of an update, accepted that update. Coincidence, maybe, but since the update, PDF conversion has not worked.




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New Here ,
Sep 04, 2008 Sep 04, 2008

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I am working with Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional and MS Word 2003. I have tables throughout the word document with the same borders, but when I print to pdf, only some of the borders appear on screen. When I print the new pdf however, all of the borders appear properly on paper. Any advice to make them appear on screen for all of the tables all of the time?




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New Here ,
Sep 04, 2008 Sep 04, 2008

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The borders are there and you can see them if you zoom in into the PDF.
Try this in Acrobat goto Edit-> Preferences.In the left hand side panel choose 'Page Display' and under rendering uncheck 'smooth images' and 'smooth line art' option.




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New Here ,
Oct 22, 2008 Oct 22, 2008

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Adobe Acrobat just does not work. I need to be able to convert a Word document and have the hyperlinks work (including the TOC). Use to work fine in Acrobat 6, but it crashed and refuses to re-install. Since I had Acrobat 7, I installed that. Yes, I can create a PDF, but the links don't work unless you use Tagged PDF. On a long document - it hangs at 3% even after 40 minutes.

I am looking for a replacement software package. Adobe - you suck!




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New Here ,
Jan 07, 2009 Jan 07, 2009

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Hi James,

more than one year ago you posted this problem with the solid black, which embedded Excel-Files are printed in after converting it to PDF.

Now we have the same problem, after we updates our MS-Office to 2007. Do you have found the solutionof this problem?




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New Here ,
Jan 07, 2009 Jan 07, 2009

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Unfortunately I am still unable to find a solution the issue that I have succinctly described as follows:

You can include a PRINT field in Word 2007 that will instruct Acrobat to create the named destination when the file is PDF'ed. You can include these PRINT fields for any point in the file where you want a named destination. The PRINT field is in this form:

{PRINT "[ /Dest /MyDest /DEST pdfmark"}

where "MyDest" is the destination name you want.

This code is pdfmark, which is a PostScript-language extension that describes features that are present in PDF, but not in standard PostScript. It is a language that the Acrobat Distiller understands and will correctly render when it creates a PDF file.

To work with PRINT fields in Word, you must have the option "Show field codes instead of their values" selected. (I find it helpful to have field shading turned on, too.) Note that you can insert one PRINT field, then copy/paste it at other destinations and change the destination name accordingly.

This is not achievable utilising Word 2007 (in that the named destination fields are not being transferred to the PDF document) in conjunction with either the Microsoft PDF Maker or any Adobe products. It will create quite a number of issues with other users endeavouring to create on-line help documentation utilising Word as the source document.

I really need some assistance with this matter.





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New Here ,
Jan 07, 2009 Jan 07, 2009

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Hi Suzanne, can send over a simple file depicting the behavior. You can upload it on any file sharing server or you can email it directly to me on mail_kashif@yahoo.co.in
Also please mention that is this file working properly in Word 2003 (if you have it installed). If you don't have Word 2003 then what's the behavior when this Word 2007 file is printed on to Adobe PDF printer.




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New Here ,
Feb 03, 2009 Feb 03, 2009

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I have found the solution to these annoying problems. I am running MS Vista and MS Office 2007. I solved the problem very easily. This is the solution go to control panel, click on user accounts then click on "Turn User Account On Off" then uncheck "Use User Account Control". You must then reboot and your problems are over.




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New Here ,
Feb 16, 2009 Feb 16, 2009

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Hi, EDL try third party solutions: I know that Word have a plug-in for the convertion but i haven't tried it. I'm using Altsoft Xml2PDF Workstation to convert Word to PDF, it works nice (http://alt-soft.com/Downloads.aspx)




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New Here ,
Feb 18, 2009 Feb 18, 2009

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I have a similar problem.... I'm working on an help on line and to do this I need in the final pdf file both bookmarks and named destinations. So in the word document I wrote the PostScript for named destination as PRINT \p Group "[/Dest /name /DEST pdfmark" into the object filed opened by ctrl + F9. For bookmarks I added it from the Word menu. But when I print the document by PDF printer only the named destinations are reported into the pdf file. While if I convert the word into a PDF file by the button on the headline of word only the bookmarks are reported into the pdf file. Is there a way to report into the pdf file togheter the named destinations and the bookmarks?
And is it possible to create a named destination that let to go, into the pdf file, to a relative point of the page and not only to the page in which there is the object related to the named destinations?
Please help me!!!!





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Community Expert ,
Feb 18, 2009 Feb 18, 2009

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If you are missing the PDF option in MS Office 2007, you may
download a plug-in from MS to create a PDF without Acrobat, go
to the MS article search page and do a search, or go to the MS
Office update page and search for the file to download

Search http://search.microsoft.com/search.aspx?mkt=en-US&setlang=en-US

Office http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/downloads/default.aspx




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New Here ,
Feb 18, 2009 Feb 18, 2009

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I'm having a problem when I convert a MicroSoft Word (2007) document to a .pdf. I have Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional installed on my computer.

Under document properties, the converted document description is:
- PDF Version: 1.4 (Acrobat 5.x)

The problem I'm having is that once converted the images are no longer at high resolution. Is there a way to convert a Word document and maintain the image resolution?

Thank you in advance.





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Community Expert ,
Feb 18, 2009 Feb 18, 2009

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Dan... Did you read my message #67 ? (you are 68)

Did you try the Microsoft plugin for Word 7 ?




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New Here ,
Mar 03, 2009 Mar 03, 2009

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When I try convert a word 03 doc to pdf (pro9), there are large pieces of text blanked out. I don't have this problem using standard 7. Does anyone have any advice?




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