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problems when converting word to pdf, the numbering in table of contents changes

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Sep 09, 2021 Sep 09, 2021

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Hi. I just finished my phd after working on it 5 year, and now, the big moment came, to save it as PDF file. Surpirse. Everything alright in the word file, all the numbers, table of contents, etc., but when I try to save it as pdf, the pdf file doubles few numbers in the table of contents. If i go back to the word file, to check the table of contents, the numbers appear doubled there as well. I pres the small arrow for "back" and everything is back to normal. I go to files > save as > pdf .... etc, the table of contents appears again with doubled number. I repeated this process over and over, i tried on a diffrent laptop, and the same. I had difficulties in creating the table of contents from the begginig, but now, this is really weird and annoying. I have few days left and i must print my PHD paperwork .. I mention, is not the first paperwork of this kind i make, and is the first time having this kind of issues. I think is Office 16

Create PDFs , Edit and convert PDFs




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Community Expert ,
Sep 09, 2021 Sep 09, 2021

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Do you have Adobe Acrobat Standard or Adobe Acrobat Pro on your computer (I'm not talking about Adobe Reader, that cannot generate a PDF)


EXACTLY how are you creating the PDF?


Are you doing "Save as PDF" or "Save as Adobe PDF" and/or are you using the Acrobat Option in the Ribbon?








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New Here ,
Sep 10, 2021 Sep 10, 2021

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Save as pdf.. the same I'm doing it for years. And never had problems before. Is the only way i know to do it and the only option i have there. The weird thing is i sent my phd to someone else, via email, in word format, and he had the same problem on his device. I can't tell exactly which Actobat i have on my laptop, I have to check. But, i found a solution! I deleted the numbers which kept doubling, and replaced them with numbers from the symbols label - insert - symbols - and found the numbers there as symbols. The problem was solved easily this time because i only had few numbers to replace. I don't want to imagine if it was about entire tables and informations. Anyway, what do you think, what's the problem? I think is something wrong with the Word, anyways it has a looot of bugs compared with the older versions.. 

Thank you! 




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Sep 10, 2021 Sep 10, 2021

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Hi Paula,


OK, I'm glad you found a resolution to your problem but please be aware that "Save as PDF…" has nothing to do with Adobe Acrobat. That is your OS generating the PDF and its quality can vary all over the place depending on the complexity of the original content. 


If you have Acrobat Standard or Acrobat Pro, you will also see "Save As Adobe PDF…" as an option or in Microsoft products you'll see an "Acrobat" tab in the Ribbon. 


Good luck in the future, have a great weekend.




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New Here ,
Sep 11, 2021 Sep 11, 2021

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I see! Thank you very much! I don't know alot about these part, but i'm happy i can handle them at least a little bit. I think I only have some version of Acrobat Reader DC. I have this issues with the office pack, and I'm sure the problem is over there, since i changed my laptop last year. But everything is ok! Appreciate your intention to help! Have a great weekend!




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Sep 11, 2021 Sep 11, 2021

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@Fluffy564Paula5CBC wrote:

"I deleted the numbers which kept doubling, and replaced them with numbers from the symbols label - insert - symbols - and found the numbers there as symbols."


It sounds like you might have been typing the TOC and not generating it from paragraph styles applied to headings in your document?


As Gary said, you created a Microsoft PDF, not an Adobe PDF. You need to use PDFMaker to create an Adobe PDF from Word. You would then have an Acrobat tab in Word and could use the controls found there.


"Anyway, what do you think, what's the problem? I think is something wrong with the Word, anyways it has a looot of bugs compared with the older versions." 


I have not seen those bugs in Word. What I have seen is that offices won't send their employees to training for Word and a lot of folks stumble through and do the best they can — without understanding how to use the application properly.






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