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I always rely on the Document Page size in the lower left frame bar of any and all PDF windows. For some reason, today it is gone. I have restarted Acrobat, rebooted my machine. I have even deleted the Acrobat preferences and let it create a new preference file. No matter what, this check box clicked or not clicked, does not yield me what I have relied on for many years.
Thoughts please.
Acrobat DC for Mav. v 2023.006.20320
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Hello All,
The latest Adobe Acrobat version, numbered 23.06.20360, has been released to resolve this issue. To ensure you have the most up-to-date software, please follow these steps:
- Open Adobe Acrobat.
- Go to the "Help" menu.
- Select "Check for Updates."
After updating, be sure to reboot your computer to complete the installation. For more detailed information about this new release, you can visit the following link: Adobe Acrobat Release Notes.
If you have any questions or encounter any issues during the update process, feel free to ask for assistance.
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Hi All
The issue has been addressed with the new version of Acrobat (23.08.20555) and now we have a preference to enable the scroll bar in Mac.
Please find details for the fix here:-
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I really don't think Adobe really gives a crap about us, the end users. How much space did that take up? I've been in Prepress for over 30 years and this "improvement" takes the cake. Maybe ASK your end users what WE want, not what you think is good for us.
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This is horrible. Hovering does not work either!!!
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Hovering should work if you UNCHECK the 'always show' setting. Bizarre.
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Oh, I don't think prepress is even on their radar anymore. The Acobat team, and the product, is focused on "Document Cloud' which is geared toward general office usage, not "Creative Cloud' which is for design and prepress. Since there are way more general office users than prepress users, that is also presumably where the most money is coming from as well, and they are focusing on that.
For years, the Acrobat product has been completely unlike anything else within Creative Cloud:
- it is on a completley different development schedule for major upgrades (not released along with the annual CC upgrades)
- It does not use the CC update porcess at all
- prepress style functions keep fading to the background of accessibility within the app
- less and less automation stuff works within acrobat
I'm very afraid things within our team's prepress workflows will start breaking on an even more frequent basis when it comes to acrobat in the near future, as prepress is less and less of a concern for the development team.
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Thanks that worked but I dont want to have to hover to see the page size. Being in prepress knowing the page size at all times for every file and every page is important.
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I'm betting most of us here are prepress. What a senseless change for something that hurt nobody but offered use to so many.
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With that most recent version, that (hover) is the best we have right now.
I did have one person on our team whose Acrobat seemingly spontaneously downgraded to the previous version (I confirmed the version numbers), so it may be worth quitting/relaunching acrobat or restarting your computer occasionally, and maybe Acrobat will do the same on yours. We have two others that are affected that I am monitoring, and theirs HAS NOT downgraded however. I'm hopeful that maybe Adobe is pulling this latest version to help us in the short term, but I don't have much hope that these things will keep continuing with new versions in the future
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Hey Adobe fix this quickly we need this feature, or at least let us roll back to a previous versions that have it. And generally can you stop messing with your apps all the time, its the same crap with every update.
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Please bring it back and atleast put it into the "Enable Old Acrobat" so we dont have to hover (who thought of this in the first place). The page size in lower left corner has been there I belive since the 90's.
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There is a menu item - View>Disable New Acrobat. Which brings back the older tool bars.
Can confirm that switching 'Always show document page size' OFF, switches ON the bottom left hover page size.
It's only a workaround for now I hope…
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What people on here want is for the page size to be there permanently!
I've tried this but it is still the hover option and NOT the permanent page size.
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I completely agree, if you look back through the thread I posted a complaint last week. What I've suggested is a workaround until this is fixed properly by Adobe.
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Thanks for this - Disable New Acrobat does fix a lot of interface annoyances and put things back where they have lived for so long. Sadly the page size display is still 'hover over' but a lot of the other stuff is instantly more liveable with.
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What is your OS?
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I'm not seeing Disable New Acrobat under View. This is such a frustrating mess. No scroll bars, no page size. Who knew something so simple could be so disruptive.
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Unfortunately, Disable New Acrobat isn't available with my copy (2023.006.20320).
No page size other than hover/popup. No scrollbars sometimes, other times they show but only scroll the visible page, not the whole document. Top of document missing in "Fit whole page" view. Have to reduce page to see whole page. Broke Pitstop selection handles functionality (Enfocus trying to get a fix with Adobe). Adobe has screwed this up, bigtime!
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Thanks! That helped with the interface. Unfortunately it still doesn't show scroll bars or the page size (except upon hover).
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As someone that preflights files all day long; this is extremly counter productive. Hopefully we will have the option to display this as "always show document page size" in the very near future.
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Dear Adobe support, please pay attention, THIS IS IMPORTANT ! Please fix the "always show document page size" !
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My question is - WHY?
I'm sure the secretaries printing church bulletins of the Word documents as "desktop publishing" through PDF don't miss that option. I guess that's the way Adobe is leaning.
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Not only has the update broken perfectly fine features, Acrobat Pro seems to be the only cloud app that updates itself, regardless of auto-update settings. Adding insult to injury, it also, so VERY conveniently, is the only cloud app that doesn't have an "Other versions" option for installation so we could revert to an actually more useful version. It's the forced update and nothing else. Bad practice all the way around, Adobe.
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This is completely unacceptable from Adobe. Please find a way to give us the ''always show page size'' option back!
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This is terrible! Change it back.
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this "upgrade" SERIOUSLY sucks! This has no benefit in my production enviroment either! Did anyone there think to ask anyone who works daily in this software? You just made my job harder. I agree with everyone below...glad to be retiring in a few months!!
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If our only current workaround to this annoying situation is having the setting for 'Always show document page size' unticked/OFF, to allow for hovering page sizes to show, how will we know if they ever fix it? hahaha *frustratedlaughter*
Hoping this is fixed soon.