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Nowa wersja 32-bitowa ma błąd który uniemozliwia recenzentowi pracę na tekstem.
Zaznaczanie tekstu działa inaczej niż w poprzednich wersjach.
Poprzednio można było kursorem myszy zaznaczać przez podświetlanie fragmenty tekstu.
W nowej wersji podświetlanie polega na mazaniu żóltej linii na tekście. Do tego można sie przyzwyczaić, ale ta funkcja działa tylko na pierwszej stronie dokumentu. Na kolejnych stronach nie działa.
The new 32-bit version has a bug that prevents the reviewer from working with text.
Selecting text works differently than in previous versions.
Previously, you could use your mouse cursor to select text fragments by highlighting them.
In the new version, highlighting involves drawing a yellow thick line on the text. This may take some getting used to, but this feature only works on the first page of the document. It doesn't work on subsequent pages.
I use Windows 8.1
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Hope you are doing well and thanks for reaching out.
I tried reproducing the issue at my end and tried to highlight different portions of text on different pages of the document and its working fine. Please share a small video recording of the workflow/steps you are doing for more clarity?
Would you mind sharing the version of the Acrobat you are using? To check the version go to Help > About Acrobat and make sure you have the recent version 23.08.20470 go to Help > Check for updates and reboot the computer once and check if that works.
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The problem was in unusual pdf file. On the first page it was normal text whit marking. Other pages was two layer pages. Top layer was empty and transparent so there were no possibilities to mark text because there were not text on that layer. Bottom layer was image of text. So, for the human reader everything looked ok, but with no way of marking text.
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Thanks for sharing your findings. To know more about layers in Acrobat please go through the help page and check if that works.