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Hi everyone, I need a JS to show 2 text fields when someaone sign a signature field.
So, in Signature properties I have choosed to Show the text field that I want, and after that I run a JS to send email, but What happen is that the text field appears not inthe file that I am sending but in the "original". Basically wht I want is: when "X" person signed, the document is send to "y" person with the text field visible, anyone can help me?
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they use adobe acrobat reader 2017. I only use JS to send email because I need to creat standard email recipients and standard text, this way, users only have to sign and the form is directly attached to an email with recipients on it and text in email body.
Yes, the signatures are based on certificate but what I need is the email address from the next approver. I have created a form with several edit field and several signatures field, so I need the same document approved (sign) by diferent persons, with JS I can built this "workflow". the last signer sign the document I need to appears something like "APPROVAL" text field, and I need that when the last approver sign the document that appears, do you think that I have to use the "this.getField"?
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++EDITED REPLY -- forgot to add script and slides
If it was up to me I would employ Adobe Sign in this workflow.
But yes, it is possible to use a script with the getField() method and hide or unhide it based on the signing action.
I would use an image field object or a text field with the word approved in a different color, bigger font size and font type. I would also make the field properties to readonly and hidden. This will allow that when the user signs the signature field, the hidden "APPROVED" field becomes visible, and when the digital signature is cleared it hides again.
Here's an example:
In the Digital Signature Properties of the signature field, I went to the "Signed" tab and ticked the radio button "This script executes when signature field is signed:" and used the line of code shown below and in the next slide:
this.getField("Text13").display = display.visible;
See slide:
"Text13" in this example is the hidden text field with the "APPROVED" word in it.
if (this.getField("Approver").value =="") = display.hidden;
Last, if I understood correctly, you also want to hardcode the email address in your script for the last approver and all other signatories?
Can you share what code are you using to send the email to all of this recipeints?
Maybe I can help with that too.
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Here's one interesting solution to handle the email portion in a dynamic fashion, from ACP Thom Parker:
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Are you able to confirm with the receiving user what are they using to open and view the emailed PDF with?
Also, I personally prefer to execute a javascript as an action when the document is signed (not as a mouse-up event) to handle the emailing part altogether with the hiding or unhiding of the other field objects.
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If this is a certificate based digital signature, you may be able to extract the email address embedded in the digital certificate and use it to automate the email portion.
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they use adobe acrobat reader 2017. I only use JS to send email because I need to creat standard email recipients and standard text, this way, users only have to sign and the form is directly attached to an email with recipients on it and text in email body.
Yes, the signatures are based on certificate but what I need is the email address from the next approver. I have created a form with several edit field and several signatures field, so I need the same document approved (sign) by diferent persons, with JS I can built this "workflow". the last signer sign the document I need to appears something like "APPROVAL" text field, and I need that when the last approver sign the document that appears, do you think that I have to use the "this.getField"?
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++EDITED REPLY -- forgot to add script and slides
If it was up to me I would employ Adobe Sign in this workflow.
But yes, it is possible to use a script with the getField() method and hide or unhide it based on the signing action.
I would use an image field object or a text field with the word approved in a different color, bigger font size and font type. I would also make the field properties to readonly and hidden. This will allow that when the user signs the signature field, the hidden "APPROVED" field becomes visible, and when the digital signature is cleared it hides again.
Here's an example:
In the Digital Signature Properties of the signature field, I went to the "Signed" tab and ticked the radio button "This script executes when signature field is signed:" and used the line of code shown below and in the next slide:
this.getField("Text13").display = display.visible;
See slide:
"Text13" in this example is the hidden text field with the "APPROVED" word in it.
if (this.getField("Approver").value =="") = display.hidden;
Last, if I understood correctly, you also want to hardcode the email address in your script for the last approver and all other signatories?
Can you share what code are you using to send the email to all of this recipeints?
Maybe I can help with that too.
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Here's one interesting solution to handle the email portion in a dynamic fashion, from ACP Thom Parker:
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this is possible to have access to the script in the PDF Example that you have send? it seems very interesting and I need to know much more about PDF scripts, I want to thank you for all your answers and explanations, very nice!
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You're welcome.
And yes that script can be combined with the email script and do much more. You can run both scripts directly from the signature field or as a mouse-up event.
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Hi, tx a lot for your help, much more simple to run a script in siganture field, sorry I´m not an expert but I like a lote working on those soluctions and discover such more possibilities in Adobe PRO. Regarding Adobe Sign: This is the better way to creat approval workflows but only someone with adobe license can creat those approval workflows, we can save template (with every approval fields already created) but the problem is that this template cannot be used outside the software, we worked with more than 600 employees and need a solution to have a document that everyone can filled and some of them sign, the code that I use in signature field is:
tbUI: false,
cTo: " ",
cSubject: "Pedido de Investimento APROVADO",
cMsg: "Caro Armindo,\n\nem anexo envio o Pedido de investimento APROVADO.\n\npor favor validar.\n\nObrigado." });
it´s a simple one of course, there is another way to get a "automatic" approval workflow?