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unable to attach PDF to email (Outlook for Mac 2011)

New Here ,
Dec 13, 2010 Dec 13, 2010

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We are pushing out software upgrades for CS5 and MS Office 2011 for Mac. We've discoverd that we can't use the Attach to email feature in Acrobat. The spinning rainbow wheel pops up for about a minute, and then Acrobat is non-responsive and we have to force quit. We can still drag and drop an attachment so we have a viable workaround but obviously we'd like to be able to use the automated feature.

All software is up-to-date.

In the preferences panel of Outlook, we have selected Outlook to be the default mail application.

As a sidenote, this feature doesn't work with Acobat X beta either. However, in the beta version of Acrobat X, if we declare Apple's mail application to be the default, it works fine. Unfortunately we use the Office suite as part of our enterprise system, so that's what we need to work with.

Has anyone else experienced this? I've logged a ticket with Adobe but I haven't heard back from them yet.

Thanks for any advise.




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Dec 15, 2010 Dec 15, 2010

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I'm having the same problem. HOWEVER, for the first time I got a selection box askin

g me to locate Entourage in the list of applications. Haven't seen that one before. So I

selected Outlook 2011 instead. Didn't work! Can't find a preference setting to specify which mail client to use - you?





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Jun 06, 2011 Jun 06, 2011

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I am having this issue as well.  Has there been a resolve yet?  Please someone help, my boss is ge

tting mean, cuz she can’t hit the send as email button and make it work anymore.  We have Outlook for

Mac 2011 and  Acrobat X Pro.





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Community Expert ,
Jun 07, 2011 Jun 07, 2011

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I believe the only email client supported by Acrobat is the Mail application.




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Jun 13, 2011 Jun 13, 2011

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I figured out how to make it work. I am using Adobe Acrobat X Pro (mac)

and MS Outlook for Mac 2011.

For those who are interested, this is what I did:

1. Create a folder on desktop to save your pdf¹s files you want to email

to. Mine is named, "PDF to Email"

2. Open Automator, create a "Folder Action"

3. At the top, "Choose Folder", choose your newly created folder on the


4. Choose the "Rename Finder Items" action from the action list. I chose,

"Don¹t Add" on the add a Copy Finder Items Action menu.

5. On the "Add Date or Time to Finder Item Names" I chose, "Name Single

Item" from the first drop down menu.

6. Click on "Options" at the bottom of that window to select the "Show

this action when the workflow runs" so you can rename your file

something other than the Acrobat default.

7. Choose the "Create New Outlook Mail Message" from the action list and

add it below the "Name Single Item in Finder Item Names"

8. Choose "File>Save As" and give your file a name. Mine is, "PDF to


9. Close Automator

10. Open Acrobat X Pro.

11. Go to "File>Action Wizard>Create New Action"

12. Here you choose, "Save to>A Folder on my computer"

13. Choose the folder on the desktop that we saved earlier

14. Save the file, with the action name you will remember.

Now when you are in Acrobat X Pro and you want to send that .pdf file via

Outlook for Mac 2011, follow the steps below.

With the file you want to email open, go to "File>Action Wizard>(Action

you created) Mine is "PDF to Email". It will take a few seconds, but you

will get an "Action Completed". You will get a pop up that allows you to

name/rename the file. Then it should open your Outlook with your .pdf

attached and ready for sending.

You might need to tweak the actions to suit your needs, but this should

work for you.




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New Here ,
Jun 17, 2011 Jun 17, 2011

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Waiting for this to work too.




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Community Expert ,
Jun 18, 2011 Jun 18, 2011

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Have you installed the latest version of Acrobat reader?





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New Here ,
Jun 18, 2011 Jun 18, 2011

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I have not.  Usually don't if the 'full' product is installed.  Will the installing Acrobat Reader for Mac 10 side-by-side with teh full Acrobat Pro install resolve this issue?





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Community Expert ,
Jun 18, 2011 Jun 18, 2011

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most other apps rely on reader NOT acrobat pro... always update reader no matter what Acrobat Pro version you have... do that let us know before we speculate...





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New Here ,
Dec 05, 2011 Dec 05, 2011

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it works. wow. thank you  bhamar . it was great to solve this problem, and in addition i learn how to create a a folder action, im a new mac user & for me is like start from 0 again.




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Dec 05, 2011 Dec 05, 2011

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Glad it worked for you! I know how frustrating it is to try to get a

computer to do something that you know it should do!

From: tl6545 <forums@adobe.com>

Reply-To: <jive-1308547278-mo69-2-2f4tp@mail.forums.adobe.com>

Date: Mon, 05 Dec 2011 15:21:56 -0700

To: Bonnie Hamar <bonnie@kasaan.org>

Subject: unable to attach PDF to email (Outlook for Mac


Re: unable to attach PDF to email (Outlook for Mac 2011)

created by tl6545 <http://forums.adobe.com/people/tl6545> in Acrobat

Macintosh - View the full discussion


it works. wow. thank you bhamar . it was great to solve this problem, and

in addition i learn how to create a a folder action, im a new mac user & for

me is like start from 0 again.

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thread, please visit the message page at

. In the Actions box on the

right, click the Stop Email Notifications link. Start a new discussion in

Acrobat Macintosh by email


m> or at Adobe Forums


Type=14&container=3399> For more information about maintaining your forum

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Dec 05, 2011 Dec 05, 2011

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It's supposed to work now? I've made sure I'm on latest (check for update) and it says I am. Still get an error. It does bring Outlook to the forground, but same error when I hide Outlook - An error occurred while trying to create a mail document.





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New Here ,
Dec 05, 2011 Dec 05, 2011

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Take the bhama way

figured out how to make it work. I am using Adobe Acrobat X Pro (mac)

and MS Outlook for Mac 2011.

For those who are interested, this is what I did:

1. Create a folder on desktop to save your pdf¹s files you want to email

to. Mine is named, "PDF to Email"

2. Open Automator, create a "Folder Action"

3. At the top, "Choose Folder", choose your newly created folder on the


4. Choose the "Rename Finder Items" action from the action list. I chose,

"Don¹t Add" on the add a Copy Finder Items Action menu.

5. On the "Add Date or Time to Finder Item Names" I chose, "Name Single

Item" from the first drop down menu.

6. Click on "Options" at the bottom of that window to select the "Show

this action when the workflow runs" so you can rename your file

something other than the Acrobat default.

7. Choose the "Create New Outlook Mail Message" from the action list and

add it below the "Name Single Item in Finder Item Names"

8. Choose "File>Save As" and give your file a name. Mine is, "PDF to


9. Close Automator

10. Open Acrobat X Pro.

11. Go to "File>Action Wizard>Create New Action"

12. Here you choose, "Save to>A Folder on my computer"

13. Choose the folder on the desktop that we saved earlier

14. Save the file, with the action name you will remember.

Now when you are in Acrobat X Pro and you want to send that .pdf file via

Outlook for Mac 2011, follow the steps below.

With the file you want to email open, go to "File>Action Wizard>(Action

you created) Mine is "PDF to Email". It will take a few seconds, but you

will get an "Action Completed". You will get a pop up that allows you to

name/rename the file. Then it should open your Outlook with your .pdf

attached and ready for sending.

You might need to tweak the actions to suit your needs, but this should

work for you.

De: DaveGrif <forums@adobe.com>

Responder a: <jive-1934460677-u84e-2-2f4w1@mail.forums.adobe.com>

Fecha: Mon, 05 Dec 2011 15:56:02 -0700

Para: Eugenio Soberon <eugenio.soberon@gposob.com>

Asunto: unable to attach PDF to email (Outlook for Mac


Re: unable to attach PDF to email (Outlook for Mac 2011)

created by DaveGrif <http://forums.adobe.com/people/DaveGrif> in Acrobat

Macintosh - View the full discussion


It's supposed to work now? I've made sure I'm on latest (check for update)

and it says I am. Still get an error. It does bring Outlook to the

forground, but same error when I hide Outlook - An error occurred while

trying to create a mail document. Suggestions?

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directly to the person who posted the message. To post a reply, either reply

to this email or visit the message page:

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thread, please visit the message page at

. In the Actions box on the

right, click the Stop Email Notifications link. Start a new discussion in

Acrobat Macintosh by email


m> or at Adobe Forums


Type=14&container=3399> For more information about maintaining your forum

email notifications please go to





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Mentor ,
Dec 05, 2011 Dec 05, 2011

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Wonder if it would work with SeaMonkey or ThunderBird the same way. Since we Mac using Mozilla Product using users have been screaming for support from Adobe since OSX came out.  I've put in a request for support for Mozilla Products every year since I switched from OS 9 to OSX (OSX.2.8) roughly 10 years. So far the request have went in one ear and ot the other. Odd they knock out about 40% of the market.




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New Here ,
Jun 10, 2011 Jun 10, 2011

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Same problem for me. Acrobat Pro 9 installed that came with Creative Suite 5. IS recently rolled out a new email server and we updated to Outlook for Mac 2011. I don't get a beach ball, rather eventually get the message "An error occured while trying to create a mail document. Acrobat is unable to complete your request."




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New Here ,
Jul 19, 2011 Jul 19, 2011

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Just to give everyone an update, it's still not working.

I'm running Outlook 2011 version 14.1.2 (110505) and Acrobat X Pro 10.1.0

This is also on Lion 10.7.0 (GM)

I get the error message: An error occurred while trying to create a mail document. Acrobat is unable to complete your request.

It works fine with Mail.app (5.0)




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New Here ,
Aug 30, 2011 Aug 30, 2011

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A new version, X,  of Acrobat Pro and an email connection of Outlook 2011 is STILL not woking. I installed the latest Acrobat Pro thinking that at last this bug would be fixed.  I cannot beleive that Adobe is unable to fix this. It must be deliberate.

Has anyone heard anything from Adobe?




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New Here ,
Aug 30, 2011 Aug 30, 2011

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Haven't heard a thing. Just have given up. I comment enable a file and then compose my own email to attach it to. Was a lot handier before, but seems to be no interest in fixing it.




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New Here ,
Nov 30, 2011 Nov 30, 2011

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Just wanted to keep this thread alive. It sure would be nice if this issue was fixed!!




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Dec 04, 2011 Dec 04, 2011

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We are working on this issue and this support will be available in the coming release.






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New Here ,
Dec 05, 2011 Dec 05, 2011

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Adobe, please make a liar out of me.

I'm glad to hear Adobe is working on this and I await the the fix.  I have doubts that it will come.  It has been a year since this problem was pointed out.

Abhilasha, this continues to be a source of irritation for many thousands of users.  We will be very disappointed if this is not resolved soon.  Please point that out to your supervisors.

I must  note that you gave a similar response a year ago (below) related to earlier versions of these products and Adobe failed to follow through.

21. 06 Dec 2010 12:00 AM (in response to Mr.Peabody)

Re: Attach to email not working

This is a known issue and will be fixed in the next release. A workaround can be that you make Mail.app your default email client and then use attach to email. Another workaround can be if you have Outlook 2008 on your machine and that is made the default email client. Thanks.




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Mentor ,
Dec 05, 2011 Dec 05, 2011

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And while at it add in support for Mozilla Products (FireFox, Thunderbird and SeaMonkey) your alienating about 20-40% of the Internet Market.




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