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I am not sure if this is doable or not, thinking about this the wrong way or i am just completely missing something. I normally like to try to figure out where i went wrong but this has gotten me stuck.
I am trying to take the standard trim bookmark name function and make is user changeable to select what part of the bookmark is being changed via a popup question. I set up folder level. When i try to run in Adobe Pro 9.0 i receive "An internal error occurred" message. In console i receive "redeclaration of const TrimBookmark2:Console:Exec". Any help would be appreciated
function TrimBookmark()
var Title = new String(; = cResponse;
// = Title.substr(0, NumChars);
// = Title.substr(-NumChars,NumChars);
// = Title.slice(NumChars,Title.length);
// = Title.slice(0,-NumChars);
if (bkm.children != null)
for (var i = 0; i < bkm.children.length; i++)
TrimBookmark(NumChars, bkm.children, nLevel + 1);
function TrimQuestion()
var cResponse = app.response({
cQuestion: "Enter A to set bookmark to the FIRST number of characters" + "\n" + "\n" +
"Enter B to set bookmark to the LAST number of characters" + "\n" + "\n" +
"Enter C to trim the BEGINING of the bookmark" + "\n" + "\n" +
"Enter D to trim the END of the bookmark",
cTitle: "Select Option",
cLabel: "Select Option:"
if (cResp == "A") {
event.value = Title.substr(0, NumChars);
else if (cResp == "B") {
event.value = Title.substr(-NumChars,NumChars);
else if (cResp == "C") {
event.value = Title.slice(NumChars,Title.length);
else if (cResp == "D") {
event.value = Title.slice(0,-NumChars);
var root = this.bookmarkRoot;
var NumCharsToTrimTo = 2;
TrimBookmark(NumCharsToTrimTo, root, 0);
cName: "TrimBookmark",
cUser: "Trim Bookmark",
cParent: "View",
cExec: "TrimQuestion();",
cEnable: "event.rc = ( != null);"
Thanks guys. It was the variable. I was trying to carry the variable from one function across to the other and I could not understand how not to do that. I ended up just writing 4 separate functions and made one function select the correct function i needed.
Thanks your help
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You have two functions with the same name. That's not allowed.
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if it is a double function then why does this work. Wouldn't that be the same thing?
function TrimBookmarkTitle(NumChars, Bm, nLevel)
var nLevelMax = 2;
if (nLevel > nLevelMax)
var Title = new String(; = Title.substr(0, NumChars);
if (Bm.children != null)
for (var i = 0; i < Bm.children.length; i++)
TrimBookmarkTitle(NumChars, Bm.children, nLevel + 1);
function FinishTrim()
var cResponse = app.response({
cQuestion: "Enter the number of characters to trim",
cTitle: "Trim",
cLabel: "Trim:"
if (cResponse == null) {event.value = "";}
var root = this.bookmarkRoot;
var NumCharsToTrimTo = cResponse;
TrimBookmarkTitle(NumCharsToTrimTo, root, 0);
// add the menu item
cName: "TrimBookmarkTitle",
cUser: "Trim Bookmark",
cParent: "View",
cExec: "FinishTrim();",
cEnable: "event.rc = ( != null);"
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The code you have posted (in the first post) is missing some information.
First, there is no "TrimBookmark2" in your code. Unless you removed a space in the error message and the "2" is the line number. Complaining about the "TrimBookmark" function would indicate there is probably application level code (i.e. a JavaScript file) that already defines this function, For example, where did the code in you 2nd post come from? is that code in a JS file that Acrobat is loading?
To test for this, simply type "TrimBookmark" into the console window immediately after starting and press Ctrl-Enter to run it. If it returns anything but "undefined" then it's already defined.
Next, None of the arguments used in the "TrimBookmark" function are listed in the function declaration. Bernd points this out in his post.
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Sorry, I thought you called both functions the same in the original code. I see now that's not the case, they are just very similar.
There are plenty of other errors in it, as was pointed out, though.
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At this line:
event.value = Title.substr(0, NumChars);
What value will you set? What is Title? What is NumChars?
What is the standard trim bookmark name function?
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Thanks guys. It was the variable. I was trying to carry the variable from one function across to the other and I could not understand how not to do that. I ended up just writing 4 separate functions and made one function select the correct function i needed.
Thanks your help