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I would like to have a popup menu display listing various menu options when selecting a comment. I have the popup menu working fine - what I cannot figure out is how to use a Mouse Up or other process to lanuch the popup menu after selecting the existing comment. It would be greatly appreciated if someone could point me in the general direction of how to accomplish this.
Or, alternatively is it possible to add to the existing right-click menu that displays when right-clicking on a comment?
Thanks in advance,
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That is not possible with static annotations (I may be wrong). The "Prepare Form" tool doesn't interact with annotations in this way.
But if you already have a working script for a pop menu, then it may be possible to use be a little creative and place a button with transparent background over or somewhere around the comment so when the user hovers the mouse pointer over it it gives you the popup menu with the options in your script.
See slide below:
The example of the popup menu illustrated above is using the app.popUpMenu() method using one example from the Adobe Acrobat SDK JavaScript for Acrobat® API Reference, "app methods" , page 103
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That will work, but it might prevent you from interacting with the annotation, since overlapping fields and comments behave in unpredictable ways.