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Convert letter input to numerical value for calculation

New Here ,
Mar 29, 2018 Mar 29, 2018

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Hello all,

I have started some online basic javascript classes to try to lessen the amount of simply questions I have but in the meantime, my fields guys had one request that I have been working on for a couple days now with no success. On our timesheet with days of the week where users input the hours they worked for the day. I currently am running a document level script and it is working great except some users would like to enter an "X" instead of a zero for the days they dont work. I believe there is a way to pull the value of the field and use an if/then statement but everything I have tried to date is not working or gives a NaN result. Because of it being a weekly calculation, there are multiple variables I am using so I wasnt sure if I was to run an if/then statement for each day or one time toward the end of the script. Below is my script and what I have tried to date. I know some scripts are still pulling the value as a number with the "+" but remember I was just trying to get the first one working.

function calcreg_total(){

// Get the field name array of the field that triggered this script

var fna = event.target.name.split(".");

// Get the row, which is the third element of the array

var row = fna[1]

// Get first field value,

var v1 = getField("mon1_str."+row).value;

if (v1 == X) event.value = 0,

else event.value = "";

// Get second field value,

var v2 = +getField("mon2_str."+row).value;

// Get third field value,

var v3 = +getField("tue1_str."+row).value;

// Get forth field value,

var v4 = +getField("tue2_str."+row).value;

// Get fifth field value,

var v5 = +getField("wed1_str."+row).value;

// Get sixth field value,

var v6 = +getField("wed2_str."+row).value;

// Get seventh field value,

var v7 = +getField("thur1_str."+row).value;

// Get eigth field value,

var v8 = +getField("thur2_str."+row).value;

// Get ninth field value,

var v9 = +getField("fri1_str."+row).value;

// Get tenth field value,

var v10 = +getField("fri2_str."+row).value;

// Calculate and set this field's value to the result

event.value = v1 + v2 + v3 + v4 + v5 + v6 + v7 + v8 + v9 + v10;


Also, I ran the console window using this script and got a 0 value when X was entered onto the sheet and a "false" value when any numerical value was entered. Thats as close as I got. Console script I was using was the following: if(getField("mon1_str.0").value == "X") {event.value = 0;} else {event.value == "";}

Thanks in advance,


Acrobat SDK and JavaScript






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Engaged , May 10, 2018 May 10, 2018

I have this crazy solution for you

In a custom keystroke event, have an "X" value entered by a user changed for 0 (this will render calculation easier)

if (event.willCommit == true){

if (event.value == "X") event.value = 0


then, in a custom format event, have the value you just changed to 0 appear as the original X:

if (event.value == 0) event.value = "X"

and just to make things even better, have your kestroke event test against a regular expression that permits only numbers and "X".  No risk of erro




Engaged ,
May 10, 2018 May 10, 2018

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I have this crazy solution for you

In a custom keystroke event, have an "X" value entered by a user changed for 0 (this will render calculation easier)

if (event.willCommit == true){

if (event.value == "X") event.value = 0


then, in a custom format event, have the value you just changed to 0 appear as the original X:

if (event.value == 0) event.value = "X"

and just to make things even better, have your kestroke event test against a regular expression that permits only numbers and "X".  No risk of error after that.





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New Here ,
May 11, 2018 May 11, 2018

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Thanks. I am trying it out now and will let you know how it works. One question --- because I am still learning. How do I test against the expression to only permit numerical entry or the letter "X".

Thanks again,






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Engaged ,
May 14, 2018 May 14, 2018

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We build our regular expression by putting the things we want between those ->  /  /

it will be:


^$ means it will accept an empty sting a.k.a erase

means it will accept an upperCase X

\d means it will accept any digits

you separate each part by this -> |     (equivalent of a boolean OR)

the i flag at the end means it is case-insensitive      (it will accept also the lowerCase x)

We switch the value back to UpperCase at the end

Custom keystroke in the format tab:

var re = /^$||\d/i;

if (!event.willCommit){

if(re.test(event.change) == false){

event.rc = false;



event.change = event.change.toUpperCase();



You can find lots of tool and examples for regular expressions on the web.  Once you get used to RE, you feel like you want to validate everything.





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New Here ,
May 15, 2018 May 15, 2018

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Thanks so much for all the help. I have modified the code to allow only numerical inputs because it just makes things simpler on the guys in the field doing the input.

Appreciate the explanation as well above which only helps with my education in regards to javascript. I am taking some online classes on javascript but they are not specific to acrobat (still learning the basics just not specifics).

Again, thanks,






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