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Create pdf from excel

New Here ,
Sep 24, 2018 Sep 24, 2018

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Hi everyone.
Is there any way to create a pdf from a excel with a different format, i mean, create the pdf from 0 but using the cells data.
For example, i have a table (on excel) with students and their exam notes, there is any way to create a pdf with a different format, with a logo image at the top with the table with an ammount of cells inside that depends on several facts that had been introduced on the excel. It CANT be the same  as the excel format.


Acrobat SDK and JavaScript




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Sep 24, 2018 Sep 24, 2018

Acrobat will always create a PDF file that looks like your spreadsheet - just as a real printer would.

I would create a new Excel spreadsheet that takes the data from your sheet, but has the desired format for creating the PDF file, and then create the PDF from that new sheet.


Community Expert ,
Sep 24, 2018 Sep 24, 2018

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Acrobat will always create a PDF file that looks like your spreadsheet - just as a real printer would.

I would create a new Excel spreadsheet that takes the data from your sheet, but has the desired format for creating the PDF file, and then create the PDF from that new sheet.




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New Here ,
Sep 24, 2018 Sep 24, 2018

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Nice idea. I will try it. Thanks




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New Here ,
Sep 28, 2018 Sep 28, 2018

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Sorry for being boring but is there any way to get ranges of each sheet and create one pdf


1/2 of the pdf a table from the 1 sheet

the other half a table from the second sheet...??

The prob is that if i try to put all in the same sheet, one of the table have lower width than the other and it will cut some words...





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Community Expert ,
Sep 28, 2018 Sep 28, 2018

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Not out of the box. If you know how to program in Excel's VBA, you can however create a program that copies the data you want to have in your PDF file to a new worksheet, and then convert just that worksheet to PDF. I have an old blog post that describes how to do the convert to PDF part: Prevent the Save Dialog when Printing to the Adobe PDF Printer




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New Here ,
Sep 28, 2018 Sep 28, 2018

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Im gona describe what i have done:

1) I create macro to just create a table (simple), then the teacher had to fill up the table

2) I create a button with a macro that get some data from the table and create 2 differents parts

     1) A table with the notes of the exams and a total note -> all this to another worksheet

     2) get information about the student and the course, this information had to be on top of the pdf file with a logo. Ive already print both things on pdf but the problem is that when it is a little course = little ammount of exams so the table isnt enough large to place all the information about the student (on top of the table) because there isnt enough cells.

I cant add more cells and if I modify the Cells width, then it modifies all the row so the table it gona be affected.

There isnt any way to solve it?




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