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create pdf from file without uploading to cloud first

Community Beginner ,
Jul 25, 2016 Jul 25, 2016

Sometime last week (after an update to acrobat pro dc) when i attempt to create a pdf by using [File-->Create--> From File] acrobat now wants to first upload the file to the cloud before it will make the pdf,. I really don't need to involve the cloud in this at all, i can't seem to find a way to do this without the file first uploading to the cloud. Does anyone know how i can prevent this?

Acrobat SDK and JavaScript , Windows
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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Feb 22, 2018 Feb 22, 2018

This can readily be accomplished. In Acrobat DC, use File=>Create=>PDF from File and you will get the following dialog to specify the file you want to create PDF from:


By selecting or deselecting the Use Adobe Create PDF cloud service, you directly specify whether the PDF is created on your host system or whether the cloud service is used.

I tried this both ways and this does indeed work.

          - Dov

Adobe Employee ,
Jul 26, 2016 Jul 26, 2016

Hi cGriffith ,

Could you please tell what application you are using to create pdf -Acrobat DC/Reader DC ?

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Community Beginner ,
Jul 27, 2016 Jul 27, 2016

Acrobat DC.

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Adobe Employee ,
Jul 27, 2016 Jul 27, 2016

Could you please post a screenshot of the screen when it is asking you to upload the file to the cloud?

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Community Beginner ,
Jul 27, 2016 Jul 27, 2016

Acrobat doesn't ask me to upload the file to the cloud - it just starts uploading the file to the cloud after select the file I want to create a pdf from. - regardless of file type that I choose.


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Adobe Employee ,
Jul 27, 2016 Jul 27, 2016

Could you please share your contact information with us using private message?

To send a private message, left-click on person's name and then click Message.

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New Here ,
Feb 11, 2018 Feb 11, 2018

Same thing here.  This is the worst... Who has time to wait to upload the files... Enough with this Cloud.. Every program wants me to put things in the cloud..  I just want to do my work efficiently like I use to.

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Feb 11, 2018 Feb 11, 2018

Subscribe or buy the stand alone version of Acrobat DC program and you can create as many PDFs as you like without ever uploading anything to the net.

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Feb 11, 2018 Feb 11, 2018

No, this is absolutely wrong!

If you have Acrobat DC and you also have the application associated with the file you are trying to create PDF from, you create the PDF file from within that application.

In the case of Microsoft Word, you open the document in Microsoft Word and then go to the ACROBAT tab and then select Create PDF. (You may also optionally select the options for the PDF creation by selecting and setting options via the Preferences selection. The PDF file is created on your system (no stink'in cloud upload) with the resultant PDF file being opened on your system in Acrobat DC upon completion.

Similar instructions apply to Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook as well as Adobe applications such as InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, and FrameMaker that have explicit save/export PDF options.

It is only when you try to do the creation from within Acrobat itself that it tries using the cloud service. Obviously, if you don't have the applications associated with those file types installed on your system, Acrobat does need to send your file to a server where such applications are installed!

Clear as mud? 

          - Dov

- Dov Isaacs, former Adobe Principal Scientist (April 30, 1990 - May 30, 2021)
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Feb 12, 2018 Feb 12, 2018

Hmm, is this new? Needs to be an option with a warning message, so that one doesn't accidentally breach company policies by choosing a file for which Acrobat cannot find the app, sending files to the cloud in some companies could get a person  sacked for gross misconduct!

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Explorer ,
Feb 20, 2018 Feb 20, 2018

Not true at all, automatic cloud upload here too. No settings in Word 2016, just "cloud upload".

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Explorer ,
Feb 21, 2018 Feb 21, 2018

Do I really have to use the standalone Acrobat DC? What if mine is part of the Creative Cloud, does this mean that from now on PDFs are only converted in the cloud. My Sytem is Mac OSX, Mircrosoft Word 2016 and Acrobat DC as part of the Creative Cloud. So I need to buy Acrobat DC standalone additionally to use the offline conversion feature, correct?

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Feb 21, 2018 Feb 21, 2018

Acrobat DC licensed as part of the Adobe Creative Cloud has all the same features and options as Acrobat DC licensed separately as the Adobe Document Cloud.

          - Dov

- Dov Isaacs, former Adobe Principal Scientist (April 30, 1990 - May 30, 2021)
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Explorer ,
Feb 21, 2018 Feb 21, 2018

Ok, so how do I sign out of my Acrobat DC which is part of Creative Cloud? Without signing mysel out of Creative Cloud so I cannot use the programs anymore.

Or differently: how do I prevent Cloud upload for PDF conversion?

It works on standalone Acrobat DC, I have seen it same OSX, same Microsoft Word, but standalone Acrobat DC.

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Feb 21, 2018 Feb 21, 2018

You cannot sign out and still use any of these programs. And simply being signed on is not what is causing the upload for conversion. It is a settable option in PDFMaker for Office for Mac.

Since I am nowhere near my Mac right now, I cannot point you to how you turn off the option until I am back in my office next week. In the meantime, I will make the appropriate “powers that be” aware of the sensitivity to this issue.

          - Dov

- Dov Isaacs, former Adobe Principal Scientist (April 30, 1990 - May 30, 2021)
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Feb 21, 2018 Feb 21, 2018

The "classic" (permanent license) version doesn't include access to any online services, so this wouldn't happen I guess. It would be ironic if European companies had to abandon subscription and move to permanent licenses in order to follow data protection law...

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Explorer ,
Feb 21, 2018 Feb 21, 2018

Thank you. I'm not sure if it's against data protection law – it depends on where the cloud is located, on how the deletion policies are (at least on how they communicate they are) etc. – it might even be legal with the EU Datenschutz-Grundverordnung starting from May 2018...

But that is not the point: since the standalone Acrobat DC can do this, all you should be able to do is switch to offline mode in the Creative Cloud version, am I not correct?

Thank you also Dov for you quick answers and help, this is very nice support! Maybe you know someone who has a Mac at Adobe who can find this still this week. In the meantime I'm preparing a document for my company's upcoming IT-security newsletter to address this issue – we have many CC subscribers – along with your info on how to turn off cloud conversion on Macs. I keep you updated should I find out myself on how to do this.

Please don't delete this thread, it might help other users paying for Adobe CC

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Feb 21, 2018 Feb 21, 2018

I'll do what I can to get you the information this week and we certainly will not delete the thread (it takes an awful lot of issues for us to actually delete a thread).

          - Dov

- Dov Isaacs, former Adobe Principal Scientist (April 30, 1990 - May 30, 2021)
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Feb 21, 2018 Feb 21, 2018

OK. Here is some information:

Controlling whether or not the cloud conversion with Office for Macintosh is done is via an option in PDFMaker.

Start Microsoft Word for Macintosh 2016. Click on the Acrobat tab. Then select Preferences. In the resultant dialog, select the option Prompt for using Adobe Create PDF cloud service. (Yes, I know that this is not intuitive!!!!) Press OK.


Then invoke Create PDF from the Acrobat tab. Select Remember my choice and press NO.


What will then appear is a file dialog that lets you specify the location in which the local PDF creation places the new PDF file. You will not again be prompted as to whether to create PDF via the cloud service unless you go into the preferences again and again set the Prompt for using Adobe Create PDF cloud service. (Again, yes I know that this is not intuitive!!!!!)

As I mentioned in my previous post, I will pass along the feedback from this thread to the powers that be within Adobe in terms of both locking out the ability to access the cloud service as well as to provide information with regards to which servers actually do the conversions dependent upon the geography.

          - Dov

- Dov Isaacs, former Adobe Principal Scientist (April 30, 1990 - May 30, 2021)
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Explorer ,
Feb 22, 2018 Feb 22, 2018

Thanks, yes having preferences inside a dialog box is confusing, as well as the wording. But this works when I start with MS Word.

But unfortunately this is not my workflow of creating PDFs. When I open Acrobat DC and go to File>Create>PDF From File and choose the Word document, it's uploaded to the cloud!

How do I prevent this? I.e.: how do I make Acrobat DC act like Acrobat DC standalone, where is this setting?

I can't think of how many Word files with sensitive data have been uploaded to the cloud accidentally with this in my company...

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Feb 22, 2018 Feb 22, 2018

This can readily be accomplished. In Acrobat DC, use File=>Create=>PDF from File and you will get the following dialog to specify the file you want to create PDF from:


By selecting or deselecting the Use Adobe Create PDF cloud service, you directly specify whether the PDF is created on your host system or whether the cloud service is used.

I tried this both ways and this does indeed work.

          - Dov

- Dov Isaacs, former Adobe Principal Scientist (April 30, 1990 - May 30, 2021)
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Explorer ,
Feb 22, 2018 Feb 22, 2018

Perfect, exactly what I was looking for! I hadn't seen this before, my bad. Thank you so much for your time and your help, Dov!

All the best!

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Guide ,
Feb 22, 2018 Feb 22, 2018

Can someone please edit the "correct" answer to this thread, someone searching for an answer would see incorrect information and move on, without reading the correct answer at the end of the thread.

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Community Expert ,
Feb 22, 2018 Feb 22, 2018


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Explorer ,
Aug 21, 2018 Aug 21, 2018

This option ("Use Adobe create PDF cloud service") doesn't seem to be available on my PC version (with Adobe CC full subscription - student license).

Presumably if the option is on the mac version it should be somewhere on PC too?

In my case I have an AI file that I want to view, but for some reason (maybe internet connection issues) AI is being buggy today and not starting up. I thought Acrobat would be a good way to quick view my file without rebooting etc. I only mention this because, the obvious workaround of using AI to convert the file is no help in my case.


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