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I have a variable called ODoc which is the current pdf and calls a global function which places a label on it based on input into a dialogue (code not shown):
var oDoc =;
However, I would like it to call all the pdf's in the batch so the labels can be applied all at the same time.
I have posted this question before and received an answer about calling all the pdf's at once and then performing the action. I have been researching this to see if there is an "event.all" (or something similar) which I did not see and then tried using a for loop to accomplish this but have not been successful:
var oDoc =;
for (var i=0; i<oDoc; i++)
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Want you place the labels on all open documents?
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All the documents would not be open. They would have been selected as a part of the batch record selection of the action wizard. Only the 1st document would be opened to initiate the action wizard.
Selection of Documents:
Action Wizard Steps:
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In the Action Wizard you can use:
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I tried it but it did not work. It just labels the open document. Any other ideas?
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No, I know nothing about your function.
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I think a simpler way of asking this is how do I collect all docs (e.g., pdf1, pdf2, pdf2, etc.) and save them as global variables? Can you show me a simple example? Right now, the javascript only runs on (or current document).
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We shouldn't need to guess what you are doing to answer your question!
When you do an action, a piece of script is run for each file separately. You want to run a dialog once? Run it the first time and set a global flag (but expect to have to quit Acrobat to clear the global flag).
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By the way, I guess you might be refusing to include your script either because it is sensitive - this is wise - or because it is large - this is good because we won't read a big script.
The solution is to make a very, very short similar script which has the same sort of effect and issues and show us that.
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Per the suggestion, here is a stripped down version of the script where I tried to make it still execute the labeling function even when the dialogue is not evoked again (see blue txt). Why? B/c I don't want the user to have to click the "ok" button for each pdf to apply the label. I just want the user to click "ok" once and then it labels all the pdf's (pdf 1, pdf 2, pdf 3, etc.) which were selected in the action.
//Function DocNumActionDlg
var DoNumActionDlg = app.trustedFunction(function() //Opens dialogue where "ok" button to apply label exists
return app.execDialog(global.DocNumAction);
//Function DoPlaceDocNumbers (labels Label Content, doc num, and pages numbers for each document)
global.DoPlaceDocNumbers = app.trustedFunction(function(oOrigDoc)
.// Setup
var oDoc =; //current pdf document (SCS)
var cRtn = DoNumActionDlg(); //Dialogue with"ok" button to apply labels.
if ("ok" == cRtn) //if user clicks "ok" initiates DoPlaceDocNumbers funtion (above) on current pdf
//Setup Initial Doc Number
//Increment Doc Number if applicable so can get ready for next pdf document as loops again
else if "ok" != cRtn) //Here is where i need help b/c this statement does not work. If code sees no dialogue (which I did on purpose), I still want it to label subsequent pdf's.
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figured this out. I have to call the action on the hidden files and then it bypasses the dialogue:
if (this.hidden)
global.DocNumAction.strInitDocNum = global.DocNumAction.nCurrentDocNum.toString();
// Setup
{var oDoc =; //current pdf document (SCS)
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In one action you can collect the docs in a global array. In a other action you can use this array.