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I am using an Action Wizard in Adobe Acrobat Pro DC to automatically label a batch of pdf's. It has various steps: JavaScript (Initial Error Trapping) > Remove Hidden Information > Reduce File Size > Save to "Prepped" Folder > Add Header & Footer > JaveScript (Adding incremental labels to all documents in "Prepped" Folder so if there are 4 documents, it will label them in sequence as EX01, EX02, EX03, and EX04).
1) I need to bring up an error message for the user when a signed pdf is detected in the batch b/c once we upgraded to Adobe Acrobat Pro DC, such files are skipped and therefore, not processed. I researched this and found it is b/c a signature in the pdf makes it so "Changing the Document" is not allowed.
Note: In my example, Document 3 is the signed pdf and all the processing steps above are skipped and the file is not saved in the "Prepped" folder.
I tried the following to alert the user of a signed pdf but it did not work.
if (securityhandler == null) {app.alert( + " is signed and cannot be labeled. It will be skipped.");}
2) As an added bonus, it would be great if you could give me an idea on how I can up the numbering by one once a signed pdf is detected (Can I just add "+1" to the iteration of "global.iteration++"?). Right now, the signed document is skipped and the next document gets assigned its number such that the numbering is off.
Note: In my example, Document 3 is the signed pdf and all the processing steps above are skipped and the file is not saved in the "Prepped" folder. Document 4 instead is labeled as EX03 instead of EX04.
Thanks so much!
Try it with this code:
var isSigned = false;
for (var i=0; i<this.numFields; i++) {
var fname = this.getNthFieldName(i);
var f = this.getField(fname);
if (f==null) continue;
if (f.type=="signature" && f.value!="") {isSigned = true; break;}
if (isSigned) app.alert("This document is signed.");
The securityHandler property is for document encryption, not for signatures.
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It's important to spell things correctly when writing a script. Try this:
if (this.securityHandler == null) {app.alert(this.documentFileName + " is signed and cannot be labeled. It will be skipped.");}
else global.iteration++;
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It is putting up this error for all documents, even the unsigned ones:
How do I specifically make it recognize the one that has a signature? Also, the iteration did not work. It still labeled Document 4 as EX03 instead of EX04.
Thanks in advance.
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As added info, when I try to manually label Document 3 (signed) , it states:
"You do not have sufficient permissions to perform this task"
I really need a way to identify such documents, alert the user, and skip these.
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Then we need more information about how exactly the file was signed. If you could share a sample file, even better.
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Try it with this code:
var isSigned = false;
for (var i=0; i<this.numFields; i++) {
var fname = this.getNthFieldName(i);
var f = this.getField(fname);
if (f==null) continue;
if (f.type=="signature" && f.value!="") {isSigned = true; break;}
if (isSigned) app.alert("This document is signed.");
The securityHandler property is for document encryption, not for signatures.
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That worked beautifully! TY so much!! However, the label (annotation) applied to Document 4 was Exhibit 3 instead of Exhibit 4. How can I step up the iteration by 1?
I adjusted the code as follows but it did not step up the iteration by 1 when there is a signed document:
var isSigned = false;
for (var i=0; i<this.numFields; i++) {
var fname = this.getNthFieldName(i);
var f = this.getField(fname);
if (f==null) continue;
if (f.type=="signature" && f.value!="") {isSigned = true; break;}
if (isSigned) app.alert("This document is signed.")
var isSigned = false;
for (var i=0; i<this.numFields; i++) {
var fname = this.getNthFieldName(i);
var f = this.getField(fname);
if (f==null) continue;
if (f.type=="signature" && f.value!="") {isSigned = true; break;}
if (isSigned) app.alert("This document is signed.")
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You want to increment the value of the variable if the file is signed, or not?
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Yes, I want to increment the value of the variable regardless of whether a document is signed or not. This way, the next document (document 4) will have the correct iteration of EX04. Otherwise, it gets assigned EX03 and the numbering is off.
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Then your last code should work, although you should also check if the variable is already set, like this:
if (global.iteration==null) global.iteration = 1;
else global.iteration++;
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I have two Javascripts in this action wizard sequence:
-The 1st Javascript (step 1) is being used for error catching. This is where I inlcuded your code to alert user that Document 3 is signed and will not be labeled.
-The 2nd Javascript (step 8) is at the end and that is where the actual labeling is happening. The global iteration is happening there but I thought I could call it up in the 1st Javascript (step 1). Is that not the case?
I tried the following in the 1st Javascript (step 1) and it did not step up the iteration:
var isSigned = false;
for (var i=0; i<this.numFields; i++) {
var fname = this.getNthFieldName(i);
var f = this.getField(fname);
if (f==null) continue;
if (f.type=="signature" && f.value!="") {isSigned = true; break;}
if (isSigned) app.alert("This document is signed.")
if (global.iteration==null) global.iteration = 1;
else global.iteration++;
Should I be placing your code in the 2nd Javascript where the labeling is happening?
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It shouldn't really matter if you do it in the first script or the last one, if it's not dependent on anything.
Maybe post your second code, so we can see what's going on there...
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Here is the partial code for Step 8 (Javascript). The original code is in ilatics. My comments/questions are in bold.
// place labels
global.DoPlaceDocNumbers = app.trustedFunction(function(oOrigDoc) {
// test whether the file is signed; if it is not, it can be labeled. Otherwise it is skipped.
if (oOrigDoc.securityHandler == null) <--I need this to test if document is signed or not. If it is not, then all steps in italics below should continue. I realize it is pointing to encryption and I am trying to integrate your code instead by adding:
var isSigned = false;
for (var i=0; i<this.numFields; i++) {
var fname = this.getNthFieldName(i);
var f = this.getField(fname);
if (f==null) continue;
if (f.type=="signature" && f.value!="") {isSigned = true; break;}
but no luck so far due to syntax errors.
{var oTrgDoc = oOrigDoc,
cBkCol = ["T"];
/* set background color */
switch (global.DocNumAction.strBackgroundCol.toString()) {
case "Transparent":
cBkCol = ["T"];
case "Yellow":
cBkCol = ["RGB", 1, 1, 0];
case "Green":
cBkCol = ["RGB", 0, 1, 0];
case "Blue":
cBkCol = ["RGB", 0, 0, 1];
case "Grey":
cBkCol = ["RGB", .7, .7, .7];
case "White":
cBkCol = ["RGB", 1, 1, 1]
/* set page range selection */
switch (global.DocNumAction.strPgRangeSel) {
case "rAll":
nPgTrgStart = nPgStart = 0,
nPgEnd = oOrigDoc.numPages - 1;
case "rCur":
nPgTrgStart = nPgEnd = nPgStart = oOrigDoc.hidden ? 0 : oOrigDoc.pageNum;
case "rFro":
nPgTrgStart = nPgStart = Number(global.DocNumAction.strStrtPg) - 1, nPgTrgStart > oOrigDoc.numPages - 1 &&
(nPgTrgStart = oOrigDoc.numPages - 1),
nPgEnd = Number(global.DocNumAction.strEndPg) - 1,
nPgEnd > oOrigDoc.numPages - 1 &&
(nPgEnd = oOrigDoc.numPages - 1)
/* process the selected page range */
for (var nNumPages = nPgEnd - nPgStart + 1,
nCurPgNum = nPgStart,
nPg = 0; nNumPages > nPg; nPg++, nCurPgNum++, nPgTrgStart++) {
var strExample = global.DocNumAction.strLabelPrefix;
global.DocNumAction.bIncludeDocNum &&
(strExample += " "),
strExample += global.DocNumAction.nCurrentDocNum, global.DocNumAction.bIncludePageNum &&
strExample += eval("'" + global.DocNumAction.strPageNumPrefix + "'") + ("" + (nCurPgNum + 1)), global.DocNumAction.bPageNumPostfix &&
(strExample += " of " + oOrigDoc.numPages)
var rcPage = oOrigDoc.getPageBox("Crop", nCurPgNum),
mxToDefaultCoords = (new Matrix2D).fromRotated(oOrigDoc, nCurPgNum),
nPgRot = oOrigDoc.getPageRotation(nCurPgNum),
rcRot = [],
nMargX = 72 * +global.DocNumAction.nMarginX;
/* set margins for whichever text area is being processed */
switch (global.DocNumAction.strHorzPos) {
case "PosL":
strAlign = "left",
rcRot[0] = nMargX,
rcRot[2] = nMargX + nLabWidth;
case "PosC":
strAlign = "center",
rcRot[0] = rcPage[2] / 2 - nLabWidth / 2,
rcRot[2] = rcPage[2] / 2 + nLabWidth / 2;
case "PosR":
strAlign = "right",
rcRot[0] = rcPage[2] - nMargX - nLabWidth,
rcRot[2] = rcPage[2] - nMargX
var nMargY = 72 * Number(global.DocNumAction.nMarginY),
nLines = 1,
oMtch = strExample.match(/(\n)/g);
oMtch && (nLines += oMtch.length);
var bxHght = nLines * (nLabLineHeight + 1);
/* calculate additional margin / placement information */
switch (global.DocNumAction.strVertPos) {
case "PosT":
rcRot[1] = rcPage[1] - nMargY - bxHght,
rcRot[3] = rcPage[1] - nMargY;
case "PosB":
rcRot[1] = nMargY,
rcRot[3] = nMargY + bxHght
/* same thing for annotation */
var rectAnnot = mxToDefaultCoords.transform(rcRot),
annot = oTrgDoc.getAnnot(nPgTrgStart, "DocNumberLabel");
annot && annot.destroy(),
strExample = strExample.replace(/\r\n/g, "\r"),
type: "FreeText",
page: nPgTrgStart,
rect: rectAnnot,
rotate: nPgRot,
width: 0,
fillColor: cBkCol,
readOnly: "Lckd" == global.DocNumAction.strBoxStateSel,
richContents: [{
textColor: ["RGB", 0, 0, 0],
textSize: nLabLineHeight,
alignment: strAlign,
text: strExample
name: "DocNumberLabel"
/* if flattening pages */
if (oTrgDoc.flattenPages(),
global.DocNumAction.bSaveWPostFx) {
var cSavePath = oOrigDoc.path.replace(/\/[^\/]+$/, "/"); // may need adjustment to remove residual escaping inserted during translation / transition from older format
// KTA added this to replace "prepped" with "labeled" if using a standard tree
cSavePath = setOutputFolder(cSavePath);
var cSavePrefix = "00000" + global.DocNumAction.nCurrentDocNum.toString();
cSavePrefix = cSavePrefix.slice(-5);
cSavePath += "Exh" + cSavePrefix + "_";
// app.alert("Number of pages is " + nNumPages);
cSavePath += oOrigDoc.documentFileName.replace(/\.pdf/, ""),
"DnPr" == global.DocNumAction.strTotalPgNumInName &&
(cSavePath += " - ", cSavePath += nNumPages,
1 == nNumPages && (cSavePath += " page"),
1 != nNumPages && (cSavePath += " pages")
"None" == global.DocNumAction.strTotalPgNumInName,
cSavePath += ".pdf",
cSavePath = cSavePath.replace(/\,/g, ""),
} // end of test for whether the document has a signature
else { // document is signed and should be skipped
app.alert( + " is signed and cannot be labeled. It will be skipped.");<--This is where I would like to insert your code in part that alerts user to signed documents. I want it to bump up the iteration. No luck so far.: if (isSigned) app.alert("This document is signed."); globaliteration++
} // end of DoPlaceDocNumbers
) // end of label placer function declaration
} // end IF global.DocNumAction is undefined
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Below is clean version of code in part, without my comments (I removed comments). It was originally written to catch encryption but I am trying to integrate your code.
// place labels
global.DoPlaceDocNumbers = app.trustedFunction(function(oOrigDoc) {
// test whether the file is encrypted; if it is not, it can be labeled. Otherwise it is skipped.
if (oOrigDoc.securityHandler == null) {
var oTrgDoc = oOrigDoc,
cBkCol = ["T"];
/* set background color */
switch (global.DocNumAction.strBackgroundCol.toString()) {
case "Transparent":
cBkCol = ["T"];
case "Yellow":
cBkCol = ["RGB", 1, 1, 0];
case "Green":
cBkCol = ["RGB", 0, 1, 0];
case "Blue":
cBkCol = ["RGB", 0, 0, 1];
case "Grey":
cBkCol = ["RGB", .7, .7, .7];
case "White":
cBkCol = ["RGB", 1, 1, 1]
/* set page range selection */
switch (global.DocNumAction.strPgRangeSel) {
case "rAll":
nPgTrgStart = nPgStart = 0,
nPgEnd = oOrigDoc.numPages - 1;
case "rCur":
nPgTrgStart = nPgEnd = nPgStart = oOrigDoc.hidden ? 0 : oOrigDoc.pageNum;
case "rFro":
nPgTrgStart = nPgStart = Number(global.DocNumAction.strStrtPg) - 1, nPgTrgStart > oOrigDoc.numPages - 1 &&
(nPgTrgStart = oOrigDoc.numPages - 1),
nPgEnd = Number(global.DocNumAction.strEndPg) - 1,
nPgEnd > oOrigDoc.numPages - 1 &&
(nPgEnd = oOrigDoc.numPages - 1)
/* process the selected page range */
for (var nNumPages = nPgEnd - nPgStart + 1,
nCurPgNum = nPgStart,
nPg = 0; nNumPages > nPg; nPg++, nCurPgNum++, nPgTrgStart++) {
var strExample = global.DocNumAction.strLabelPrefix;
global.DocNumAction.bIncludeDocNum &&
(strExample += " "),
strExample += global.DocNumAction.nCurrentDocNum, global.DocNumAction.bIncludePageNum &&
strExample += eval("'" + global.DocNumAction.strPageNumPrefix + "'") + ("" + (nCurPgNum + 1)), global.DocNumAction.bPageNumPostfix &&
(strExample += " of " + oOrigDoc.numPages)
var rcPage = oOrigDoc.getPageBox("Crop", nCurPgNum),
mxToDefaultCoords = (new Matrix2D).fromRotated(oOrigDoc, nCurPgNum),
nPgRot = oOrigDoc.getPageRotation(nCurPgNum),
rcRot = [],
nMargX = 72 * +global.DocNumAction.nMarginX;
/* set margins for whichever text area is being processed */
switch (global.DocNumAction.strHorzPos) {
case "PosL":
strAlign = "left",
rcRot[0] = nMargX,
rcRot[2] = nMargX + nLabWidth;
case "PosC":
strAlign = "center",
rcRot[0] = rcPage[2] / 2 - nLabWidth / 2,
rcRot[2] = rcPage[2] / 2 + nLabWidth / 2;
case "PosR":
strAlign = "right",
rcRot[0] = rcPage[2] - nMargX - nLabWidth,
rcRot[2] = rcPage[2] - nMargX
var nMargY = 72 * Number(global.DocNumAction.nMarginY),
nLines = 1,
oMtch = strExample.match(/(\n)/g);
oMtch && (nLines += oMtch.length);
var bxHght = nLines * (nLabLineHeight + 1);
/* calculate additional margin / placement information */
switch (global.DocNumAction.strVertPos) {
case "PosT":
rcRot[1] = rcPage[1] - nMargY - bxHght,
rcRot[3] = rcPage[1] - nMargY;
case "PosB":
rcRot[1] = nMargY,
rcRot[3] = nMargY + bxHght
/* same thing for annotation */
var rectAnnot = mxToDefaultCoords.transform(rcRot),
annot = oTrgDoc.getAnnot(nPgTrgStart, "DocNumberLabel");
annot && annot.destroy(),
strExample = strExample.replace(/\r\n/g, "\r"),
type: "FreeText",
page: nPgTrgStart,
rect: rectAnnot,
rotate: nPgRot,
width: 0,
fillColor: cBkCol,
readOnly: "Lckd" == global.DocNumAction.strBoxStateSel,
richContents: [{
textColor: ["RGB", 0, 0, 0],
textSize: nLabLineHeight,
alignment: strAlign,
text: strExample
name: "DocNumberLabel"
/* if flattening pages */
if (oTrgDoc.flattenPages(),
global.DocNumAction.bSaveWPostFx) {
var cSavePath = oOrigDoc.path.replace(/\/[^\/]+$/, "/"); // may need adjustment to remove residual escaping inserted during translation / transition from older format
cSavePath = setOutputFolder(cSavePath);
var cSavePrefix = "00000" + global.DocNumAction.nCurrentDocNum.toString();
cSavePrefix = cSavePrefix.slice(-5);
cSavePath += "Exh" + cSavePrefix + "_";
// app.alert("Number of pages is " + nNumPages);
cSavePath += oOrigDoc.documentFileName.replace(/\.pdf/, ""),
"DnPr" == global.DocNumAction.strTotalPgNumInName &&
(cSavePath += " - ", cSavePath += nNumPages,
1 == nNumPages && (cSavePath += " page"),
1 != nNumPages && (cSavePath += " pages")
"None" == global.DocNumAction.strTotalPgNumInName,
cSavePath += ".pdf",
cSavePath = cSavePath.replace(/\,/g, ""),
} // end of test for whether the document has a security handler (i.e. is encrypted)
else { // document is encrypted and should be skipped
app.alert( + " is encrypted and cannot be labeled. It will be skipped.");
} // end of DoPlaceDocNumbers
) // end of label placer function declaration
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I figured out the iteration issue and am now able to increment by one when a signed document is detected. You can disregard my ask. TY so much for the original logic to detect signed documents. That was a tremendous help!
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You don't need JavaScript, you should start the Preflight process by using this check profile:
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Hmmm, I don't know how to deploy this in my action wizard. Can you advise? I am using an Action Wizard in Adobe Acrobat Pro DC to automatically label a batch of pdf's. It has various steps:
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This is not possible. A script can't stop other (non-JS based) operations in your Action from taking place. The only thing it can do is stop the batch process entirely.
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Ok, that makes sense. I will abandon this as a solution and focus on the answer above this post (plz see above).
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Here is the partial code for Step 8 (Javascript). The original code is in ilatics. My comments/questions are in bold.
// place labels
global.DoPlaceDocNumbers = app.trustedFunction(function(oOrigDoc) {
// test whether the file is signed; if it is not, it can be labeled. Otherwise it is skipped.
if (oOrigDoc.securityHandler == null) <--I need this to test if document is signed or not. If it is not, then all steps in italics below should continue. I realize it is pointing to encryption and I am trying to integrate your code instead by adding:
var isSigned = false;
for (var i=0; i<this.numFields; i++) {
var fname = this.getNthFieldName(i);
var f = this.getField(fname);
if (f==null) continue;
if (f.type=="signature" && f.value!="") {isSigned = true; break;}
but no luck so far due to syntax errors.
{var oTrgDoc = oOrigDoc,
cBkCol = ["T"];
/* set background color */
switch (global.DocNumAction.strBackgroundCol.toString()) {
case "Transparent":
cBkCol = ["T"];
case "Yellow":
cBkCol = ["RGB", 1, 1, 0];
case "Green":
cBkCol = ["RGB", 0, 1, 0];
case "Blue":
cBkCol = ["RGB", 0, 0, 1];
case "Grey":
cBkCol = ["RGB", .7, .7, .7];
case "White":
cBkCol = ["RGB", 1, 1, 1]
/* set page range selection */
switch (global.DocNumAction.strPgRangeSel) {
case "rAll":
nPgTrgStart = nPgStart = 0,
nPgEnd = oOrigDoc.numPages - 1;
case "rCur":
nPgTrgStart = nPgEnd = nPgStart = oOrigDoc.hidden ? 0 : oOrigDoc.pageNum;
case "rFro":
nPgTrgStart = nPgStart = Number(global.DocNumAction.strStrtPg) - 1, nPgTrgStart > oOrigDoc.numPages - 1 &&
(nPgTrgStart = oOrigDoc.numPages - 1),
nPgEnd = Number(global.DocNumAction.strEndPg) - 1,
nPgEnd > oOrigDoc.numPages - 1 &&
(nPgEnd = oOrigDoc.numPages - 1)
/* process the selected page range */
for (var nNumPages = nPgEnd - nPgStart + 1,
nCurPgNum = nPgStart,
nPg = 0; nNumPages > nPg; nPg++, nCurPgNum++, nPgTrgStart++) {
var strExample = global.DocNumAction.strLabelPrefix;
global.DocNumAction.bIncludeDocNum &&
(strExample += " "),
strExample += global.DocNumAction.nCurrentDocNum, global.DocNumAction.bIncludePageNum &&
strExample += eval("'" + global.DocNumAction.strPageNumPrefix + "'") + ("" + (nCurPgNum + 1)), global.DocNumAction.bPageNumPostfix &&
(strExample += " of " + oOrigDoc.numPages)
var rcPage = oOrigDoc.getPageBox("Crop", nCurPgNum),
mxToDefaultCoords = (new Matrix2D).fromRotated(oOrigDoc, nCurPgNum),
nPgRot = oOrigDoc.getPageRotation(nCurPgNum),
rcRot = [],
nMargX = 72 * +global.DocNumAction.nMarginX;
/* set margins for whichever text area is being processed */
switch (global.DocNumAction.strHorzPos) {
case "PosL":
strAlign = "left",
rcRot[0] = nMargX,
rcRot[2] = nMargX + nLabWidth;
case "PosC":
strAlign = "center",
rcRot[0] = rcPage[2] / 2 - nLabWidth / 2,
rcRot[2] = rcPage[2] / 2 + nLabWidth / 2;
case "PosR":
strAlign = "right",
rcRot[0] = rcPage[2] - nMargX - nLabWidth,
rcRot[2] = rcPage[2] - nMargX
var nMargY = 72 * Number(global.DocNumAction.nMarginY),
nLines = 1,
oMtch = strExample.match(/(\n)/g);
oMtch && (nLines += oMtch.length);
var bxHght = nLines * (nLabLineHeight + 1);
/* calculate additional margin / placement information */
switch (global.DocNumAction.strVertPos) {
case "PosT":
rcRot[1] = rcPage[1] - nMargY - bxHght,
rcRot[3] = rcPage[1] - nMargY;
case "PosB":
rcRot[1] = nMargY,
rcRot[3] = nMargY + bxHght
/* same thing for annotation */
var rectAnnot = mxToDefaultCoords.transform(rcRot),
annot = oTrgDoc.getAnnot(nPgTrgStart, "DocNumberLabel");
annot && annot.destroy(),
strExample = strExample.replace(/\r\n/g, "\r"),
type: "FreeText",
page: nPgTrgStart,
rect: rectAnnot,
rotate: nPgRot,
width: 0,
fillColor: cBkCol,
readOnly: "Lckd" == global.DocNumAction.strBoxStateSel,
richContents: [{
textColor: ["RGB", 0, 0, 0],
textSize: nLabLineHeight,
alignment: strAlign,
text: strExample
name: "DocNumberLabel"
/* if flattening pages */
if (oTrgDoc.flattenPages(),
global.DocNumAction.bSaveWPostFx) {
var cSavePath = oOrigDoc.path.replace(/\/[^\/]+$/, "/"); // may need adjustment to remove residual escaping inserted during translation / transition from older format
// KTA added this to replace "prepped" with "labeled" if using a standard tree
cSavePath = setOutputFolder(cSavePath);
var cSavePrefix = "00000" + global.DocNumAction.nCurrentDocNum.toString();
cSavePrefix = cSavePrefix.slice(-5);
cSavePath += "Exh" + cSavePrefix + "_";
// app.alert("Number of pages is " + nNumPages);
cSavePath += oOrigDoc.documentFileName.replace(/\.pdf/, ""),
"DnPr" == global.DocNumAction.strTotalPgNumInName &&
(cSavePath += " - ", cSavePath += nNumPages,
1 == nNumPages && (cSavePath += " page"),
1 != nNumPages && (cSavePath += " pages")
"None" == global.DocNumAction.strTotalPgNumInName,
cSavePath += ".pdf",
cSavePath = cSavePath.replace(/\,/g, ""),
} // end of test for whether the document has a signature
else { // document is signed and should be skipped
app.alert( + " is signed and cannot be labeled. It will be skipped.");<--This is where I would like to insert your code in part that alerts user to signed documents. I want it to bump up the iteration. No luck so far.: if (isSigned) app.alert("This document is signed."); globaliteration++
} // end of DoPlaceDocNumbers
) // end of label placer function declaration
} // end IF global.DocNumAction is undefined
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Below is clean version of code in part, without my comments (I removed comments). It was originally written to catch encryption but I am trying to integrate your code.
// place labels
global.DoPlaceDocNumbers = app.trustedFunction(function(oOrigDoc) {
// test whether the file is encrypted; if it is not, it can be labeled. Otherwise it is skipped.
if (oOrigDoc.securityHandler == null) {
var oTrgDoc = oOrigDoc,
cBkCol = ["T"];
/* set background color */
switch (global.DocNumAction.strBackgroundCol.toString()) {
case "Transparent":
cBkCol = ["T"];
case "Yellow":
cBkCol = ["RGB", 1, 1, 0];
case "Green":
cBkCol = ["RGB", 0, 1, 0];
case "Blue":
cBkCol = ["RGB", 0, 0, 1];
case "Grey":
cBkCol = ["RGB", .7, .7, .7];
case "White":
cBkCol = ["RGB", 1, 1, 1]
/* set page range selection */
switch (global.DocNumAction.strPgRangeSel) {
case "rAll":
nPgTrgStart = nPgStart = 0,
nPgEnd = oOrigDoc.numPages - 1;
case "rCur":
nPgTrgStart = nPgEnd = nPgStart = oOrigDoc.hidden ? 0 : oOrigDoc.pageNum;
case "rFro":
nPgTrgStart = nPgStart = Number(global.DocNumAction.strStrtPg) - 1, nPgTrgStart > oOrigDoc.numPages - 1 &&
(nPgTrgStart = oOrigDoc.numPages - 1),
nPgEnd = Number(global.DocNumAction.strEndPg) - 1,
nPgEnd > oOrigDoc.numPages - 1 &&
(nPgEnd = oOrigDoc.numPages - 1)
/* process the selected page range */
for (var nNumPages = nPgEnd - nPgStart + 1,
nCurPgNum = nPgStart,
nPg = 0; nNumPages > nPg; nPg++, nCurPgNum++, nPgTrgStart++) {
var strExample = global.DocNumAction.strLabelPrefix;
global.DocNumAction.bIncludeDocNum &&
(strExample += " "),
strExample += global.DocNumAction.nCurrentDocNum, global.DocNumAction.bIncludePageNum &&
strExample += eval("'" + global.DocNumAction.strPageNumPrefix + "'") + ("" + (nCurPgNum + 1)), global.DocNumAction.bPageNumPostfix &&
(strExample += " of " + oOrigDoc.numPages)
var rcPage = oOrigDoc.getPageBox("Crop", nCurPgNum),
mxToDefaultCoords = (new Matrix2D).fromRotated(oOrigDoc, nCurPgNum),
nPgRot = oOrigDoc.getPageRotation(nCurPgNum),
rcRot = [],
nMargX = 72 * +global.DocNumAction.nMarginX;
/* set margins for whichever text area is being processed */
switch (global.DocNumAction.strHorzPos) {
case "PosL":
strAlign = "left",
rcRot[0] = nMargX,
rcRot[2] = nMargX + nLabWidth;
case "PosC":
strAlign = "center",
rcRot[0] = rcPage[2] / 2 - nLabWidth / 2,
rcRot[2] = rcPage[2] / 2 + nLabWidth / 2;
case "PosR":
strAlign = "right",
rcRot[0] = rcPage[2] - nMargX - nLabWidth,
rcRot[2] = rcPage[2] - nMargX
var nMargY = 72 * Number(global.DocNumAction.nMarginY),
nLines = 1,
oMtch = strExample.match(/(\n)/g);
oMtch && (nLines += oMtch.length);
var bxHght = nLines * (nLabLineHeight + 1);
/* calculate additional margin / placement information */
switch (global.DocNumAction.strVertPos) {
case "PosT":
rcRot[1] = rcPage[1] - nMargY - bxHght,
rcRot[3] = rcPage[1] - nMargY;
case "PosB":
rcRot[1] = nMargY,
rcRot[3] = nMargY + bxHght
/* same thing for annotation */
var rectAnnot = mxToDefaultCoords.transform(rcRot),
annot = oTrgDoc.getAnnot(nPgTrgStart, "DocNumberLabel");
annot && annot.destroy(),
strExample = strExample.replace(/\r\n/g, "\r"),
type: "FreeText",
page: nPgTrgStart,
rect: rectAnnot,
rotate: nPgRot,
width: 0,
fillColor: cBkCol,
readOnly: "Lckd" == global.DocNumAction.strBoxStateSel,
richContents: [{
textColor: ["RGB", 0, 0, 0],
textSize: nLabLineHeight,
alignment: strAlign,
text: strExample
name: "DocNumberLabel"
/* if flattening pages */
if (oTrgDoc.flattenPages(),
global.DocNumAction.bSaveWPostFx) {
var cSavePath = oOrigDoc.path.replace(/\/[^\/]+$/, "/"); // may need adjustment to remove residual escaping inserted during translation / transition from older format
cSavePath = setOutputFolder(cSavePath);
var cSavePrefix = "00000" + global.DocNumAction.nCurrentDocNum.toString();
cSavePrefix = cSavePrefix.slice(-5);
cSavePath += "Exh" + cSavePrefix + "_";
// app.alert("Number of pages is " + nNumPages);
cSavePath += oOrigDoc.documentFileName.replace(/\.pdf/, ""),
"DnPr" == global.DocNumAction.strTotalPgNumInName &&
(cSavePath += " - ", cSavePath += nNumPages,
1 == nNumPages && (cSavePath += " page"),
1 != nNumPages && (cSavePath += " pages")
"None" == global.DocNumAction.strTotalPgNumInName,
cSavePath += ".pdf",
cSavePath = cSavePath.replace(/\,/g, ""),
} // end of test for whether the document has a security handler (i.e. is encrypted)
else { // document is encrypted and should be skipped
app.alert( + " is encrypted and cannot be labeled. It will be skipped.");
} // end of DoPlaceDocNumbers
) // end of label placer function declaration
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It doesn't look like you're using the global.iteration variable for anything in your code. You're just incrementing its value by one...
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I accidentally pasted response to try67 for first thread here. Disregard.
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I figured out the iteration issue and am now able to increment by one when a signed document is detected. You can disregard my ask. TY so much for the logic to detect signed documents. That was a tremendous help!