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I been trying use Adobe Acrobat SDK to extract text for many days ...
it is OK for me to get the whole text of the page , But those text basically is not ordered.
Normally content comes like top content , footer content , Main content
We don't get those text like we see those words orderly.
Another reason why I am asking is , we have used another 3rd party tools like PDFbox
With their tools , giving the specific area , it return text successfully . And unfortunately , this tools doesn't read pdf successfully.
And , adobe acrobat SDK read all pdf files well .
Now this is what I plainly to do
Giving a specific area , and return the text . Just Like we read pdf files , we select it and copy it.
Firtst . Is it possible to do that ?
Second . I used pdfDoc.CreateTextSelect(pageNumber, pdfRect);
This function return text which is not I want when those texts are in form or image .
I was giving the smaller pdfRect to CreateTextSelect function , but it finally return its own BoundingRect like the bigger one.
And Also , function return texts like : DQM0 L VDDQDQ8VSSVDDDQ7VSSQ M VSSQDQ10DQ9DQ6DQ5VDDQ N VSSQDQ12DQ14DQ1DQ3VDDQ P ...
Correct me if I am wrong , Is it possible to do that ? or Am I using the wrong method?
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Try JavaScript GetPageNthWord and GetPageNthWordQuads, though “order” is a slippery and uncertain concept for PDF text.
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Hi , thank you for replying .
this is what I get contexts by using AcroPDTextSelect
this , is by using GetPageNthWord and GetPageNthWordQuads
I still don't get those content in from split .
and even I get this contents , I can't get where these word were suppose to be.
so this is why I am wondering if there is a function , or a way to get contents in a specific area
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No but you can check the quads to exclude text outside the area.
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Thanks for replying .
Yes , now I get the 8 point of the rectangle information.
And I use an Array to store the information and adjust these points. Thank you so much .
How do I use these adjusted points to send back to the function , and get the text that I want?
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You cannot send the points to the function. Instead you will see all words but you can ignore the words which are outside your target area.
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now I have already process Image to get the circle sharp , where text is in it.
In the picture up there , like I want to get VDDQ
and I use rectangle to select the range , before the function goes , I set it all up.
But it return string like "VDDQDQ8VSSVDDDQ7VSSQ" , I don't get to know the text in advance
This is why Im asking if there is another way to get context in specific area .
Thank you still !
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You must do what I said: get each word and check its quad. why Does this not work?
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ok , maybe it wasn't clear.
this is the pdf file.
And of course I did some implements by GetPageNthWord and GetPageNthWordQuads with it
totally , It return (numWords 😃 24 on that page by GetPageNthWord .
I expected these word return like 1 2 3 ... 7 8 9
A DQ26 DQ24 ....
but the face isn't like that , as the output shows , it return VDDQDQ31DQ28DQ27DQ23DQ24DQ16… which is not proper for me.
I found that those coordinate combine as a rectangle which seems relative to the content.
And TextStripper in apache PDFBox tool is able to extract the contexts in circle shape with proper range.
I wanna know what is wrong with it , why can't I implement 3rd party tools' function with Acrobat SDK?
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The reason you have limited functionality is you are using the limited functionality APIs…
If you want more power and capabilities, use the Plugin APIs instead of the IAC APIs.
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On the third page the function getPageNumWords returns the value 129
So there are 129 words on this page.
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I get the same thing number of words as Bernd and the pin names in the ovals extract individually.
What version of Acrobat are you using?
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Really? After license , I have installed Adobe Acrobat Pro DC.
And I add Adobe + Adobe Acrobat 10.0 Type Library to references in my project
Here is my code and suppose I have input the right pageNumber
It return 24 words only .
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Execute this.getPageNumWords(2); in the Acrobat console and you will get 129.
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sorry guys , I really didn't get the same words like you guys did.
I did my project with C#
I'm really new to this area , I know there are many layers in pdf.
Am I really on the wrong direction just like lrosenthsaid?
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The PDF link is not public. So I have no idea what you expect to see.
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sorry , one more try?
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1. We cannot tell from fragments of code, what do you set pageNumber to?
2. Please run the one line in the console suggested above, what do you get?