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Hi, A would like to set this kind of format in number field: 1 221,00 1 546 684,54 154,00 etc.
I know one way:
event.value = util.printf("%,2.2f",event.value).toString().replace(/\./gim," "); BUT if number field is empty, it shows "0,00".
ButI don't want to see "0,00" in empty number fields, just nothing. Could anybody help ? Robert
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I'm just throwing this out there maybe someone else will chime in....
Would it be possible to put in an if statement??
var checkForZeros = this.getField("the field name").value;
if (checkForZeros == "0,00") {
// then hide the field
Just a thought
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This is the code I use when I don't want zero to show for a blank field:
if(event.value == 0 | event.value == '') event.value = '';
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The second part of that condition is not necessary.
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Complete code to add in the Format script
if(event.value == 0 | event.value == '')
event.value = '';
event.value = util.printf("%,2.2f",event.value).toString().replace(/\./gim," ");
Thanks for the previous info....
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The "or" symbol in your if statement is incorrect. The single bar "|" is a bitwise OR, you want a logical OR
if(event.value == 0 || event.value == '')
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Thanks Thom!
I am getting better thanks to your material..........on
It has helped me so much build nice forms.
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You're Welcome! Happy to help