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I'm hoping someone could help me create a script that would extract the first two and the last two pages of a document and then save the new four page document with _cov appended.
Step 2 would save what is remaining of the origianl documet with _text appended to the filename.
So from one document I would end up with two files (filename_cov.pdf) and (filename_text.pdf)
I work in a print shop and we receive single files for books. Because the print on different stocks I have been manually separating the covers from the text portion before imposing for print. Thanks in advance to anyone willing to help.
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This can be done with a custom-made script, but you would need to run it from a folder-level script or from an Action.
What version of Acrobat do you have?
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Thanks try677, I am running the latest version of Acrobat DC Pro. We have an adobe creative cloud subscription and I have run all the current updates.
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Seems to me an action would be ideal. Running it would effect the file currently open?
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Yes, although you could also run it on multiple files.
Basically, I would first extract the middle pages (using extractPages), save them as the "_text" file (using saveAs), then delete them from the original file (using deletePages) and save it as the "_cov" file.
If you're interested I could write this script for you for a small fee. You can contact me privately via [try6767 at] to discuss it further.