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Combine files not working

New Here ,
Apr 11, 2017 Apr 11, 2017

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Morning, I'm trying to combine PDF's so I can batch print, however it just keeps coming up with "only 12 files can be combined, please de-select" but it does this whether I've got 1 file higlighted or 10 files highlighted, anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

[Moved from the Lounge (which is where you can "connect with your peers" from across all of Adobe's products for conversations that don't directly relate to help and support) to a product-specific support forum - moderator]

[I assume you are using Adobe's online service to combine files - only this service has a limit on how many files you can combine, Acrobat (the desktop application) does not have such a limit. The area your question was moved to is about the desktop application, and not the service. I will move it again to "Document Cloud PDF services" - Mod]






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , May 12, 2017 May 12, 2017

Hi carriemelling1984,

Sorry for the delay in response.

I hope you already have figured out the answer to your question.

If not, I check your records and I found you have subscribed to Adobe PDFPack which is an online service. As you already have mentioned in your response this service has the limit, assuming you have already searched about it.

Also, there is a possibility the file you are trying to combine is secured. To check launch Reader/Acrobat, open the file, go to File>Properties> Security




Adobe Employee ,
May 12, 2017 May 12, 2017

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Hi carriemelling1984,

Sorry for the delay in response.

I hope you already have figured out the answer to your question.

If not, I check your records and I found you have subscribed to Adobe PDFPack which is an online service. As you already have mentioned in your response this service has the limit, assuming you have already searched about it.

Also, there is a possibility the file you are trying to combine is secured. To check launch Reader/Acrobat, open the file, go to File>Properties> Security tab.

For reference: How to Use Adobe PDF Pack

Use Combine Files to convert up to ten files to a single PDF. Combine Files supports multiple file types, in addition to PDF files. When you use Combine Files, Adobe PDF Pack stores just the combined PDF file, not the files from which it was created.

If you already have found an answer to this problem. Please help future visitors with your solution to this problem.

Will be waiting for your response.

-Tariq Dar.





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Community Beginner ,
Mar 16, 2023 Mar 16, 2023

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I am having problems combining files with Acrobat DC on my Mac. I will put the configuration below. I have not been able to combine files for a couple of months now. I cannot combine files of any kind. PDF, JPG, etc, it does not matter what I try to combine, nothing works anymore. I have combined files for 10 years. IThe status bar stops moving almost immediately. I have waited as long as an hour to get it to combine. Nothing. I have 4TB free on my built in hard drive. Storage is not an issue. So, This is a first. Sorry to report I can't fix this. I have removed the Acrobat DC app using creative cloud, and reinstalled it. Restarted the machine a million times. Looked for hidden acrobat assets in my system. None of the old tricks work. Any ideas what I can do?Screenshot 2023-03-16 at 2.32.28 PM.jpg


My Mac:

MacBook Pro

16-inch, 2019

2.4 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9

AMD Radeon Pro 5500M 8 GB

Intel UHD Graphics 630 1536 MB

64 GB 2667 MHz DDR4

13.2.1 (22D68)


Many thanks, 






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Adobe Employee ,
Mar 19, 2023 Mar 19, 2023

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Hi JeffreyTayler,


Thank you for reaching out, and sorry about the trouble caused. 


Did you check if you can combine files online?

Open the link https://acrobat.adobe.com/ and sign in using the Adobe ID. 

Go to Edit Tab > Combine files. Check if that works.


Would you mind sharing the Acrobat and OS versions on your machine?

Do you get the same error window every time? If yes, please try the following:

- Remove the application and run the cleaner tool (https://www.adobe.com/devnet-docs/acrobatetk/tools/Labs/cleaner.html).

- Reboot the machine.

- Reinstall Acrobat from the following help page: https://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/kb/acrobat-dc-downloads.html.


If that does not help, try creating a new user profile on your machine.

Install Acrobat and check if that works fine there.


Let us know how it goes.








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