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How can I create transparent stamp?

New Here ,
Jul 30, 2018 Jul 30, 2018

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come posso rendere lo sfondo del timbro che creo in adobe trasparente, perchè ogni volta che devo timbrare e firmareun documento, il timbro e la firma coprono per intero le scritte sottostanti.

grazie mille




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Oct 15, 2018 Oct 15, 2018

Hi Pmee,

We apologize for the delay in response.

If I understand your query correctly, then you are willing to create a transparent stamp using image? Within the Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader there isn't a preferences setting that can be changed to create a transparent stamp by default. However, you can try changing the opacity of the stamp and see if that helps-

Stamp, click Options->Properties on the Pop-Up Note. In the appearance tab, you'll find the opacity slider.

Also, you can refer to the s



Adobe Employee ,
Oct 15, 2018 Oct 15, 2018

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Hi Pmee,

We apologize for the delay in response.

If I understand your query correctly, then you are willing to create a transparent stamp using image? Within the Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader there isn't a preferences setting that can be changed to create a transparent stamp by default. However, you can try changing the opacity of the stamp and see if that helps-

Stamp, click Options->Properties on the Pop-Up Note. In the appearance tab, you'll find the opacity slider.

Also, you can refer to the similar discussion thread here Make Stamp with Transparent Background  where a workaround is given, In which the image used to create stamp can be transparent using Photoshop and then use it for stamping for PDF.

Hope this helps






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Explorer ,
Jun 12, 2024 Jun 12, 2024

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This page was #1 I found in Google when I searched for "how to make transparent stamp in Adobe Reader", so I will put the instructions here. The main dilemma is that  AR makes the stamp not from an image, which would be natural logical choice, but from another PDF file, and while making transparent image is pretty straightforward, making PDF file with transparent image inside is not.


How to create transparent stamp in Adobe Reader

1. make the image transparent, by using online website https://onlinepngtools.com/create-transparent-png or another
2. put image into Word document and adjust layout to "over text".
3. Save as PDF. Don't worry about the size, AR will crop it to the right size
4. in AR, create stamp from this pdf file - it will be transparent

Note that printing from graphic editor to PDF file won't produce transparent stamp. Only the above process will.




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