When using AdobeSign directly, there appears to be a setting which influences whether or not the audit report is returned to me as a separate pdf or as part of the agreement. Is this correct? What is the default value for new accounts?
If this is correct, and I enable this setting, will the audit report automatically merge with the signed document or do I have to explicitly call to have it returned in PDF when using your API?
If I do not enable this setting, can I still call to get the audit report with the API?
Is there a separate end user setting that can override and account level setting? If so, how does the API react to this?
Is there a valid use case, and/or why does AdobeSign allow for the audit report to be a separate document?
Under the circumstance where I, as a company, may have elected to not include the signing certificate, and I purge my AdobeSign database after 6 months, how long does AdobeSign retain the agreement ID information?