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Adobe Support Needs Massive Improvements (HELP!!!)

New Here ,
Apr 05, 2021 Apr 05, 2021

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I've been spending countless hours working with adobe support to fix issues that they created. My organization has an Adobe Sign for Teams plan that is costing us a lot of money to utalize. We recently transfered to a new plan for a more reasonable price that would better suit our companies needs (users and licenses). After transfering to this new plan/account, countless errors began popping up. 

  • Each time I create a new user, they are unable to seemlessly active their account without any errors/support having to come in and fix a "shard issue" or something related to that
  • Once support fixes the user account, they are now unable to view shared templates that other users in the organization are able to view.
  • Now I am being told, by some support person, that those users are "on an old server and their accounts need to be archived by support and then moved over to the new server where the other accounts exists." Not only is this exremtly frusturating, but I can't authroize this process. I have to bug my co-workers during their busy schedules to send an email to Sugandha at Adobe Support to fix the issue. Don't you think the owner of the account/IT Manager would be able to solve this without having to bug every user in my organization.
  • After spending hours working with support, the picture below depicts exactly what customer service looks like with Adobe. I look at this like "My shift is up, so this is no longer my problem. Good luck with your problems because I got nothing."


support problems.PNG







We spent a lot of money setting up Adobe Sign to work properly for our business. Everything will have minor errors, but this has been causing massive issues since the day we created the plan. I am over having to spend hours working on a short term solution that never solves the issue. PLEASE CAN SOMEONE ASSIST. A real person with actual Adobe Sign knowledge.

Adobe Sign forms , Configure accounts , How to sign , Login issues , Manage documents , Product information , User interface issues






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