Bulk Sign with two Signers (Signer1 and Signer2)?
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Hello, is there a way to use Adobe Sign bulk sign feature with two signers (not "myself")? For example:
Signer 1 ---> 50 employees that will each get their unique agreement
Signer 2 ---> company CEO who will sign their part of the agreement once each Signer 1 (employee) signs
Currently, I know we can make Signer 2 "myself" (as in the Adobe Sign account user), but since I am not the CEO, how can I make Signer 2 be another email address?
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Hi @akhan19401,
Hope you are doing well, and thank you for writing in!
The feature you are referring to here is Mega Sign, a part of Adobe Sign.
You may take reference from the given link to learn more (screenshots attached for reference too): https://acrobatusers.com/resource-hub-assets/pdf/recipes/UseCaseRecipe-EN-EDU-Collect-Signatures-In-...
Hope this helps.
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Did you ever find out how to do this? I have the same problem. Thank you!
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You can use Giga Sign if it is an enterprise Subscription.