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Cannot undo in Adobe Sign and several other issues

Community Beginner ,
Sep 20, 2023 Sep 20, 2023

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I posted a response to somebody else's similar issues, but I would like to list the issues that are making it VERY time consuming for me to even use this Adove Sign software. I have Acrobat DC Pro with Adobe Sign, and it's up to date. Running it on updated version of Windows, have my Adobe account signed in as I should, etc. Here are my issues:

1. When preparing a document for e-signatures, there is no way to "undo" anything. For example, if I delete a field and then I want to quickly undo that so it comes back, it won't do it. In my case, it happens a lot whereby Adobe automatically creates the yellow e-sign fields for fields that already existed and were filled by me in the original PDF before I went to set it up for e-signing. I should not have to flatten a fillable form and save it as a new version prior to doing an e-signature requests just so it'll stop doing this.

2. If a form field was pre-filled as in the example above, it would be nice if I could right click on it, and tell it to delete the e-sgn field, but not the pre-loaded content in that field that came over from the original PDF. Or better yet, have a global option for that so I know what it's going to do before I start setting up e-sign docs. In my case, then templates feature can help with this, but really only about 10% of the time, because I am often creating different contracts that just won't work well by creating them from a template.

3. There isn't a way to go back to the initial "add signors" screen and change recipients, etc.

4. It would be nice if the fields were able to be selected together, and thus bulk edited, so that I can reformat the height or width and font size of all selected fields at once. Or so that I can change a group of fields to be assigned to a different type of field, or change them all at once to be for a different signor.

5. Similar to above, it would be nice if the fields automatically defaulted to be the same text/font size as the adjacent text in the document.

6. It would also be nice if Adobe would allow me to make edits of the PDF text

7. When I hit the "SEND" button that the end, it would be nice if a popup came up as a "warning" to let me review (and change if needed) the exact recipients and parameters I had set right before sending.


Maybe I am just not seeing how to do these things, but if they are indeed not possible, in this day and age, I am shocked that this software isn't better at doing what I pay for it to do. Hope Adobe is listening. Can anybody help with this?

Adobe Sign forms , Manage documents , Send documents






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