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Contract reminders not working in SOAP API

New Here ,
Jun 05, 2019 Jun 05, 2019

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We have some weird issues with contract reminders. Right now they are not consistent and working in about 2 out of 10 cases, even when everything else is the same in input parameters.

At this moment we are using legacy SOAP API (version 20): https://api.eu1.echosign.com/services/EchoSignDocumentService20 . When we create and send contract via SOAP API - everything works fine (signing, delivery etc.), except of reminders.

In the AdobeSign portal of the person who send contracts I can see the "bell" near contract date (which means that reminder has been successfully created for the contract). But when I click on that bell it says that "Reminder Not yet scheduled", which is very weird (look at the screenshot below).

Interestingly, in those 2 out of 10 cases when reminders works fine, after clicking on the bell I see the date when the next reminder will be sent, which is works as expected.

Here is example of confusing reminder which is not working:


In the code, during contract creation in DocumentCreationInfo object we are setting reminders to be sent daily, for example:

documentCreationInfo.reminderFrequency = ReminderFrequency.DAILY_UNTIL_SIGNED;

documentCreationInfo.reminderFrequencySpecified = true;

documentCreationInfo.daysUntilSigningDeadline = 6;

documentCreationInfo.daysUntilSigningDeadlineSpecified = true;

Then we are calling "sendDocument" method to send contract to the participants:

new EchoSignDocumentService20.EchoSignDocumentService20().sendDocument(api, senderInfo, documentCreationInfo);

So my questions are:

  1. What does it mean: "Reminder Not yet scheduled"? In which case this status is set to the reminder in AdobeSign portal?
  2. Why this reminders behavior is inconsistent even for the same input parameters?
  3. Is there any fix or workaround for this issue?

I know that SOAP API is a legacy API, we are working on migration to REST API but we need to have fix for a current issue while we are working on migration...

Thank you.






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New Here ,
Dec 02, 2022 Dec 02, 2022

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no responses on this? I am experiencing the same. Moving on to a different thread....





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