Creating Custom Connector for Adobe Sign
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Hi Everyone,
I have to capture the decline comment by the agreement participant and save in SharePoint. The standard build in Adobe Sign connector is not providing this data. I contacted support and below the response.
I setup Application using Accopunt Admin and able to make oAuth2.0 call Browser and Postman and able to get what I want but I have to use that In Power Automate.
I update the connector and then while testing through swager editor.
I am getting below error. I am able to do what I am trying throug custom connector and it working as expected and I am getting data what I want. Any Idea what I am doing wrong. I am using Adobe Sign Enterprinse with accout admin access. Appreciate , if get an youtube video or document or Article to achive this. or How can I direct call Https call in Power Automate using only Application Id inseated of oAuth2.0.
1. using browser to get Authroization Code
2. using step 1 codge getting Json Access token
3. using the step 2 access token calling the API
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I am able to get data directly calling API end points in Postman but getting error when try same with custom connector.
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can you use a http action in Power Automate? I've not really tried creating custom connectors in PA and tend to just use http action to make direct api calls.
easiest way to do this is to issue an integration key in your Sign account. You need to be a group admin or account admin to do this.
If you are then login Sign webportal and go to your personal preferences>access tokens
click the plus icon to create an integration key.
Once you have this you can use the integration key as the bearer token and this key does not expire. Example of a Post request:
in the above example i was sotring the integration key in a previous compose step (Bear 3AAAAA...)
Events is a get call so there's no body to worry about,