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Feature request - Ability for a signer to upload "wet signature" doc instead of eSignature

New Here ,
Feb 21, 2025 Feb 21, 2025

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Not sure how to ask for the request  (in my opinion this should be native functionality already in place).


Scenario: Multiple signers (lets say there's 4 required).  Set up to sign in order.  First three sign electronically (esignature).  The last signer (number 4) says that their organization only allows Docusign.  Or that they need to sign with a wet signature when everyone else has already signed with esignature.  What do you do to complete the transaction?

Right now you have to cancel the transaction and start all over again and make it a "wet signature option" on the send page (and force everyone to do it again...AND do multiple steps to get it done).  When you cofigure the send page this way if forces ALL signers to do wet signature.  Nuts.

There is no way to (after stepping through all options with support) to allow someone to opt out of esignature and instead "print, wet sign, then upload" to finalize their signature, unless the transaction was started as a manual (not esignature) transaction.

If Adobe is watching this, my case ID is E-001547962.

Adobe previously provided me with a support doc located here.  (https://helpx.adobe.com/in/sign/using/sending/send-for-written-sig.html).  When you go into it it APPEARS that you should be able to do this through the configuration settings on the account....but when you step through the transactions through a live example, it became obvious that the functionality didn't exist.  


Now, I'll admit that this doesn't happen that often....but I suspect that it will increase with what used to be the "battle of the forms" now becoming "the battle of the esignature platforms".  Everyone's trying to automate things and it's great!  As long as it's on a single platform....but everyone's using different ones.  How do you keep people working on important things when the people signing "upstream" have to do things multiple times because the pinhead on the last signer decides to dig in on using a different platform, or insisting on wet signatures period.  All configurations elude to this being capable, but it just isn't the case.

xxoo - Ken

Adobe Sign forms , Configure accounts , How to sign , Product information






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Adobe Employee ,
Feb 24, 2025 Feb 24, 2025

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Hi Ken39057221mkyj,


Thank you for reaching out.


In such a scenario, you can add the signature fields for all the recipients. Add the private message for the user who needs to add the wet signature. Once they open the file, the recipients can download it using the download icon. 

Check the screenshot below: 



For more information, refer to the following help document: https://adobe.ly/4kee7Pr


Let us know if you have any questions.








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